Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 620: : A moment of silence

In this case, there are thousands of people at the same time, which is an unimaginable burden.

No matter how heavy the burden is, we can’t just sit back and watch. Lu Yang knows that he has always been like this. He smiled bitterly. Now he is a general and his temperament is difficult to change. As long as the situation really requires, he will definitely be with these civilians retreat.

It is because of persistence that I become who I am now.

The snake seemed to be thinking about what the old guy was doing, what to do, whether to take a bite. Faced with the huge threat, Zhen Yuanzhai finally couldn't bear it. He quickly took out a hand and took out the gourd on his waist. After pouring a bite, he slammed into the front and shot the snake directly into the food.

"Impossible! Ah!" This fierce action finally made Zhen Yuanzhai unbearable again, screaming and falling. So before the girl below completely broke out, the newcomer joined again.


Three men, one young, one young, and one young man, facing five beautiful women with infinite Lu Yangtian in different styles. This is a very enviable scene, but the sweat on the heads of the three people keeps dropping and the body is unable to Described as trembling.

"Then, hahaha, these two guys heard that my old man’s grilled snake meat is delicious, so I pester me... the process of catching snakes accidentally fell here, hey, you know this Some parts of the facility are not made of materials. It’s so good, so this accident will happen, yes, it’s an accident, right?"

"Haha, haha, Master Zhenyuanzhai is right, we are not going to peep." Robert wiped the sweat interface.

"Yes, the owner and his old man entered the ventilation ducts just to catch the snakes. He didn't investigate them in advance, nor did he find that the ducts lead to the hot springs in advance. They didn't wait any longer!" The face became increasingly ugly. If it weren't for this occasion, it is estimated that the old drunk would definitely fix his apprentice.

Still relying on the left side of Beijing and calmly said: "Who are these three performers? But it seems that there is more than one person!" (The man is a Japanese conversation) When the voice just fell, she stood up and took action.

"Hey! Let's applaud!" I didn't know that the fire dancer had a folding fan in his hand.

Liana also stood up from Lu Yang's arms, not concealing her wildness, but she was holding two small daggers in her hand. In this case, it is difficult to imagine where the dagger is hidden in advance.

"Teacher, fist worship, you are... an illegitimate child!" Athena panicked, wrapped in a towel, sipping and jumping to the top of the three, "Flashing crystal wave!"

"For a moment of silence!"

"Super will kill bees!"

"V-shaped gold saw!"

For a period of time, four powerful "super super kills" were issued at the same time, and various hits, screams, and even jets sounded. No one could have imagined that there would be such a human tragedy in the hot springs! This situation lasted for a few seconds... and then the three people were still standing in the water, and they had to say that their fighting ability was worth mentioning. However, the horror of these three people cannot be concealed. They look dark and messy. They just looked at their appearance and estimated that even the closest people could not recognize them.

The movement of the four women ended, and Lu Yang, who had never shot, lowered his head. No one can see his face. He wrapped a bath towel in silence, and said in one sentence: "It was actually a man who peeked!"..


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