Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 630: : A good knife

Lu Yang smiled, but saw the man with those three eyes walked out.

"Please bless!" The three-eyed man opened his mouth, but his motivation was at the level of nine-manifold metaphysics. Of course, Lu Yanggang and Guo Zhi had fought, but his own strength far exceeded this level. Therefore, he can easily return to the perfect state of nine-manifold metaphysical gods, only to absorb a certain amount of divine power. It also walked very fast in the face of this three-eyed man, but this time the control blade of the law is no longer the sword of law, but the law of war!

The three-eyed man had a halo around him, and his front was much sharper than the arrow rain he had dealt with before. At the same time, he held a hand in his hand, looking very despicable. He opened his mouth and said, "The God of Starlight, I use Hubble's Law." But the law of power is also understood, so be careful. "

Lu Yang suddenly had a good impression, but he smiled and said, "Even if you kill me, you have to stop!"

With that said, Lu Yang would kill people directly, but the purple and golden Hubble array attacks were knocked down one by one by the body next to Lu Yang. Then, Lu Yang had already killed the three people with eyes in front of him. Down!

"Strong!" The clash between gold and iron sounded, Lu Yang only felt a little numb in the tiger's mouth. In the case of suppressing power, Lu Yang did not have the advantage of being extinguished by the disillusionment of 100,000 people, and the three-eyed man still has the power brought about by the understanding of the law of power. Although he did not use the law of power, there was a certain transformation, so only the power of the gods had physical power. At this time, there must be more three-eyed people than Lu Yang. But at this time, the three-eyed man took another three steps, his eyes were full of fear. At this moment, Lu Yang's sword exploded at the end of the majestic, making his heart almost lost. Now, a good knife!

"Do it again!" Lu Yang smiled. Under the fierce dance of the burning sword, the method of the Lan Chen sword has been revealed. Seeing such a subtle knife and the shock of the three-eyed man, the two swords and the two Hubble swords collided with hundreds of thousands of bullets, and finally the three-eyed man and the Hubble were blown away, covered in blood. At this time he finally gave in, but he also admitted.

Lu Yang's theory is to fight consciousness, or this blue dust knife technique, too strong!

At this time, the Protoss of went to battle, and Lu Yang happily faced the battle. The Protoss's divine power had an advantage, and it was very cheap in the same level of confrontation, but Lu Yang was still madly dancing with swords, and the opponent would be defeated.

At this time, a sudden mental state suddenly burst out in Lu Yang's heart, and then a strange power appeared directly, as if a mysterious spell appeared on Lu Yang, and the gods saw it. All stunned. Seeing the momentum that Lu Yang released at this time, the power of this "majestic law" was startled by the gods. After four such battles, the star-burning **** realized a kind of legal power. Although there is a strong foundation itself, this understanding speed is too amazing.

"Worthy to be the God of the Inflammation Star!" The three-eyed man who had been defeated exclaimed at this time, and the huge pressure released by Lu Yang made him even more afraid. Before that, Lu Yang crushed people in an unstoppable way. At present, he has realized the "majestic law." I just don't know how Lu Yang's opponent will deal with it in the future. ..


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