Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 634: : The wind is gone

The sharp claws pierced the young maid's chest without hesitation, and the roots of all five nails passed through, and the speed was almost beyond description. The three women were dumbfounded, and the maid who was attacked by him was also dumbfounded. When she looked down blankly, she froze, and then her fear poured down like a pouring rain, instantly soaking her whole body.

She didn’t know that she was afraid of death, because she had never seen anyone at stake, and now she clearly felt the coldness of the body, the stinging pain, and the powerless fast rush, a wonderful figure fell down, "I’m going to kill You~!" As a twin sister, the sudden attack on her sister made her crazy instantly. She cut the knife forward without any illusions. This is a very direct action. To escape, the short knife immediately cut the blood line on his chest, killing the wolf's face is too pale, and using the shuttle machine to fight without magic, the aftereffects were stagnated for two seconds.

So he did not avoid this knife. The knife was very deep. The blood at that moment would kill the wolf dyed red, but his eyes did not flinch. He flinched three more steps. He actually took out four fantasies, sister, she saw She couldn't tell that it was a real person. When the knife was cut in her hand, she was like her sister. She had tasted this instant cold and exhausted feeling, and the fear spread. It turned out that death is really that simple. "The wind is running away, and the power of thought is locked up!" The ferocity of killing the wolf is far from being recognized by the female teacher. She didn't think she had lost the lives of two people around her, because she had a trace of kindness. This was the first time she was angry, and her powerful thoughts were released from the mind of her female mentor. Suddenly it turned into a blue air current. The air current was like a "rushing" sound like water, forming a huge cage in a short time. The cage went from top to bottom, and the injured prey was too gobbled up. inside. There is no special change in front of the trapped wolf, just a glance at the cage made of blue air. After a few slight noises, the wolf's figure suddenly turned black in the cage. The green cage began to emit a cool light, like a unique lamp. Whenever the corpse of a wolf is killed, the cage will suddenly light up. After you come and go almost four times, kill the wolf and sit on the ground.

Compared with the thinking ability of a great spiritual teacher, killing a wolf does not have much thinking ability. After four rounds of confrontation, he exhausted all his brain power. At this time, although he still had a lot of fighting power, he lost too much mental power. His whole spirit was in the worst state, as if he hadn’t slept for several days, but the consequences of overwork appeared on him, killing too many wolves, panting for a long time, because more and more The more blood drained from his chest, it would soon appear. He will die because he can't breathe.

The female teacher looked pale as she watched the wolf trapped in the cage being killed. The power cage is not only a restraint, but also an attack. The person trapped in the cage, whether it is an ordinary person or a soldier, as long as there is no way to get out of the cage within a short period of time, it will be swallowed by its powerful thinking ability. Only two things can cause this result. One is to be a fool, the other is to die directly. The power of thinking is different. It is more difficult to practice, and recovery is slow, so teachers generally have their own degrees, which is the range she can bear. ..


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