Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 669: : Chills

The music stopped immediately, the thunderous drums rang out, and the "brushes" of the Watergate bloomed from ten thousand golden lights. When many people sighed, several blue shadows appeared on the Watergate.

"Thank you all, Jed Kirin for coming here to watch the ceremony." A middle-aged man in his 40s split from several blue shadows, and the water stream in the air splashed to pieces like fireworks. In mid-air, he formed the heavenly revelation of the heavenly way, which is really dazzling. Ma Sanqing couldn't help but glanced at the corner of his mouth and said sourly: "Sao Bao."

"If Dr. Yu heard it, if he didn't press you on the bed a hundred times, it wouldn't be enough to calm her anger." Lu Yang smiled and said, "Ma San immediately got excited and was injured in a coma. Not afraid. Later, I learned from Lu Yang that he saw the jade with his own eyes as a golden needle, and didn't scare him on the spot." Since then, after Dr. Yu was brought up for treatment, Ma San involuntarily gave a shot. Chills.

"This should be the sovereign state of the Taoist Heavenly Sect. He is indeed proud." Lu Yang murmured softly. Jed Qilin is a scrawny person, but his cheeks are very charming, especially when his eyes look It was like an ancient well, but at first glance, he was shocked by his own thoughts. Few people can look into his eyes for more than two seconds. A harmonious voice in the square, of course, only a dozen people have the right to answer. When they were compared with the thousands of people who fought here, their identities immediately became apparent. Although Yu Qilin's glitz is not small, this person doesn't talk much. After a few opening remarks, he bowed to the Watergate Incident with several other masters at the gate.

This action was very strange to Lu Yang, because all the masters, including Mo Tianqi, were in awe of their faces. By definition, the supreme status of the Tiandao sect is the sovereign state, and the same is true of Jade Kylin. Lu Yang suddenly moved in his heart, and the flint between the lightning quickly froze the sight of the past. It is hard to say that they invited Yutiandao.

It is futile to be a person who doesn't understand the Tao of Yutian. As a new generation of spiritual hegemonists, the road to jade heaven is definitely a legend. He ended the religious hegemony in the spiritual world for five thousand years. This created a prosperous period of spiritual practice, and now it is a time of contention among a hundred schools of thought. In the era of longevity leaders, the Buddhist gate of the spiritual world can almost be calculated with one hand.

But Yutiandao's reputation actually stems from his almost perverted power. Zhou knew that once the people in the practice circle broke the boundaries, that is, crossed the Galaxy Kingdom and wrestled with the saints, these practitioners were called gods. Throughout the ages, few fighting gods can stay in people's sight for a long time. Once the mirror is broken, these people will either disappear or fall accidentally, and because the gate of ascension is blocked, Jade Heaven Tao is the only one who still lives in the spiritual world after crossing the border. Lu Yang guessed in his mind that there was no major movement in the Watergate incident, so he waited for about a minute. The water gate disappeared before everyone's eyes, and the rushing water and splashing water disappeared. In the center of the sky, the cloud swayed back and forth under the golden light, a gust of wind blew by, and more than ten thousand people gave out "Oh God" light at the same time. ..


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