Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 681: : Go back to search for mountains

Lu Yang looked straight and knew about the political turmoil in Thailand before, but he believed that the turmoil had not yet reached this level. Brother Hao continued: "This Silabe is hard-hearted and has a complicated identity. Other Vietnamese and Lao warlords have also given him some face," he said. "So, in just three years, he has developed." It is the Golden Triangle. This time Lu Yang walked to him and begged him. "Lu Yang thought for a while, then frowned and said: "Is this organization that started growing poppies and selling drugs here, so it caused this? Brother Hao smoked a big cigar and smiled: "Smart, so this time I beg for mercy. "Because the organization's international reputation is large enough, and its methods are dark enough. Although Lu Yang has just developed, Shiraz is no longer dissatisfied and dare not directly insist. If there are other new organizations, I am afraid it will be in the West. But as the saying goes, strong dragons do not Snake, these three masters need to be reconciled with Lu Yang for these matters, whether they are countries. Recently, Guangming’s son and Scar’er flew like fire and medicine in Chiang Mai, leaving no face to Sila. Lu Yang He is an older brother, he has to think about them, so this time he went to see Sila and begged for mercy." Lu Yang noticed that Brother Hao thought he was the brother of several others, but in fact the four bosses were not superior, which also exposed The ambition of a big brother. Lu Yang even began to doubt whether Brother Hao would beg for mercy this time. Of course, Lu Yang didn't make an appointment directly. He just said to Brother Hao: "If it is so dangerous, let Lu Yang protect it." Brother Hao said, "Yes, if you don't tell others, Lu Yang will leave at noon tomorrow." Yang nodded: "Thank you, Brother Hao." Brother Hao nodded, pointing to the blond girl next to him and said, "This should be you. Lu Yang also enjoyed it not long ago. You might be bored as a big man in the mountains. Now, do you want to use it?” It can be seen that Wang Zheng and Gu Feng only have signs of life, and this sign of life may eventually be humans, or just beasts in the mountains.

Lu Yang briefly pointed out that this point represents Wang Zheng and Gu Feng. They said yesterday that they were going to the mountain. just now…"

We all opened our eyes suddenly and looked at Lu Yang, saying that these are impossible things!

But Lu Yang smiled painfully and nodded!

"They are here, Lu Yang can be sure! Now that the people in the country are looking for mountains, Lu Yang people are all worried!"

"So, Quan, what do you mean?" Du Long couldn't help asking!

"Go back to search for mountains!"

? We are all watching Lu Yang, he has not appeared for many years. Is it really for Wang Zheng and Gu Feng this time?

Lu Yang nodded, but still said that it is impossible not to deal with this problem. Sun Wenbo's punishment was sufficient. After Sun Wenbo was released, he was monitored by Sa and Du Long. Bailang, you help Lu Yang protect Shu Yeqing. Lu Yang didn't want her to be hurt at any time! "

"But, Brother Quan, do you want to be alone?"

Lu Yang believed that if Lu Yang were alone, they would worry about it. Lu Yang thought about it again. He wanted to take it with him, but someone must take care of him. Zhou Chu is undoubtedly the best candidate.

But suddenly a man flashed through my mind!

Snow Fox!

Maybe Lu Yang should call him Park Mutian!

"No, Lu Yang will take the lead and protect Shu Yeqing 24 hours before Lu Yang, the dark zone! Don't let her know that Lu Yang over there will tell her that Lu Yang is going to travel for about half a month!" ..


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