Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 689: :big liar

Now he tied Lu Yang to a chair. It was Lu Yang who could not beat him, not Lu Yang!

Sure enough, he was immediately punched in the stomach, and Lu Yang seemed very satisfied. He continued to punch. too small! "

"Go on, too slow"

"Li Mu, you are so old!"

Until Lu Yang's body had no normal color, could Lu Yang's mouth make another voice, and Li Mu could only stop.

"King Quan, say it, you continue to say it! Lu Yang can tell you what you are talking about!"

Li Mu, who had a swollen face and squinted eyes, hadn't seen each other in a few years, but his temper had not changed!

Lu Yang smiled coldly!

When did Li Mu want to say when he was stopped by someone outside, he said something in his ear. Li Mu looked average and left immediately!

I don't care about Lu Yang!

He even forgot, because he was busy playing Lu Yang and forgot to lock Lu Yang!

It turned out that Lu Yang and Xuehu planned to escape first, and then Lu Yang left. But now Lu Yang doesn't think so. Lu Yang wants Li Mu to send Lu Yang out himself.

Isn't this the place where the drug dealers live?

Lu Yang will help them find it, but it must be conditional!

Lu Yang needs a list, an undercover list!

Lu Yang didn't want Lu Yang, but he was really afraid that Wang Zheng would betray again.

Even at the price of betraying Lu Yang, Gu Feng, she is not a lunatic!

Regarding these points, Lu Yang has not yet understood, but there will always be a chance to understand!

Lu Yang hurriedly sent a message to Xuehu with his watch, asking him to run and let him go back to Thailand first.

The news will come back soon!

The Lu Yangs of Thailand have arranged for Saha and Du Long to take over the power group. Their abilities are now obvious to everyone. Sun Wenbo, who was supposed to be released, is still inside, so Lu Yang doesn't care about this at all!

As for Zhou Chu, his detailed Lu Yang knew very well that he couldn't be an undercover agent. If he were an undercover agent, he wouldn't be like that.

So now the only thing that is certain is that Wang Zheng and Gu Feng are all sold out. The only reason must be Gufeng. But now Gu Feng still wants to squat inside and wait for Interpol's people to come. As for Wang Zheng, in Li Mu's view, they are not good people, so just hand them over to Interpol.

As for Lu Yang, it would not be so stupid to give Lu Yang to them. After all, who is their former undercover agent, their invitation will only work when Lu Yang is in Thailand, that is!

Lu Yang smiled, but Lu Yang did not do so.

"Enough, Li Mu, you don't want to take Li Qian seriously. Lu Yang liked you, but then? How many years has it been? Lu Yang is not so obsessed with it. It is over. Anyone you need to arrest You can start the arrest warrant."

Li Mu Leng looked at Lu Yang, he never thought that Lu Yang would give up Li Qian and not speak!

Lu Yang looked at Li Mu and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

"Come on, these things have nothing to do with you. Lu Yang is too much. You don't want to get involved in this matter, Lu Yang will do the next thing."

Lu Yang nodded, not wanting to intervene!

Lu Yang walked alone on the street. This time Shu Yeqing was kept in the villa for safety. This day when Lu Yang went out by himself, Lu Yang walked on the street. There are really many unpleasant experiences in this city. . Lu Yang kept staring at you!

Suddenly Lu Yang saw a familiar figure, no, it was two people. Lu Yang ran quickly, roaring: "Zuo Yu's pupil, Xuehu!"

The two looked at Lu Yang together, but Zuo Yu's pupils didn't plan to see more. Just after leaving, Xuehu just looked at Lu Yang in one eye, and then left!

Lu Yang ran and stood in front of them again: "What's wrong with you?" Pretending not to know Lu Yang? what?"

The left-hander lifted his lips and asked with a smile, "Should Lu Yang know you?"

"King Quan, Lu Yang’s Zuo Yu elementary school student has nothing to regret in this world. The only regret is to know you!" Lu Yang was stunned, and then heard Zuo Yu’s students continue to say: "King Quan, Lu Yang’s left-handed is here. There is nothing to regret in the world." Lu Yang really knows you! "


"Why? King Quan, please don't be so hypocritical. You think you watch Song Zhe in private. Lu Yang doesn't know? Did Song Zhe tell you that he will not compete with you for the power of the Indochina Peninsula? In addition, Song Zhe has already He got what he wanted, how could he still fight for it? But you. Oh!

Zuo Yuyong didn't intend to continue, turned and left. Lu Yang has heard of this. Obviously, Lu Yang and Song Zhe spent too little time together. How did he know?

This made Lu Yang feel terrible. Lu Yang walked over and looked at the rainy student on the left, and asked, "How did you know?"

"If someone doesn't know, you already know this proverb, unless you don't?"

Lu Yang looked at Zuo Yu's pupils and suddenly didn't know what to say!

Zuo Yu's pupils turned around with a smile, and then became indifferent for a second, Lu Yang stretched out his hand and pulled Xuehu aside: "Xuehu, you too..."

"The moment you doubted Lu Yang, Lu Yang was no longer a powerful gang!"

Xuehu broke free of Lu Yang's hand, and followed the rain pupil on the left. Lu Yang watched them all leave in front of Lu Yang, suddenly became angry and sad!

Lu Yang didn't know how Lu Yang returned to the villa. Shu Yeqing saw that Lu Yang was unhappy and hurried forward to help Lu Yang get his coat!

"Why have you spent so long? Are you okay?"

Lu Yang shook his head and pulled Shu Yeqing in his arms. Only at this moment could Lu Yang feel real!

Lu Yang really didn't know how to recover those brothers. It was hard to coax women, but what about men?


Ye Yiner is now in Song Zhe's hands. Of course Xuehu and Zuo Yuyong are going to come back, but definitely not now, I'm afraid Song Zhe will secretly bring people back!

Shu Yeqing put her hand on Lu Yang's back, patted and said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang shook his head, didn't know what to say, and didn't want Shu Yeqing to know that Lu Yang was such a failure!

"Zhou Chu, Sun Wenbo, what are you doing alone?"

When Shu Yeqing saw Lu Yang, he didn't want to say, and didn't plan to say anything, so it was just that good!

"They have taken care of them and said they have been burning!"

Lu Yang nodded, sighed, walked into the bedroom and lay on the big bed!

"Don't you eat dinner?"

Lu Yang shook his head. How do you feel about eating at this time?

Shu Yeqing had to sigh before leaving!

Lu Yang was in the bedroom alone. Lu Yang didn't know what to do with these things, but Lu Yang knew it was not as simple as Lu Yang thought!

Lu Yang sat up, took out the next pen and paper and wrote on it, then looked at the text on it, a drop!

Lu Yang took out his mobile phone and left a message to Xuehu and Zuo Yu’s pupils separately: "Lu Yang didn’t misunderstand what you meant. Lu Yang now knows that Lu Yang shouldn’t doubt you. Can you understand Lu Yang?" Lu Yang wants to help you Get Ye Glaze back together. Lu Yang cannot go to the Indochina Peninsula, but Lu Yang cannot live without Lu Yang’s brother. Give Lu Yang a chance! "

After Lu Yang put his mobile phone directly on the bedside table to send a text message, Lu Yang closed his eyes, then opened his eyes, looked at the phone, did not respond, and felt a deep guilt!

Lu Yang can give up Li Qian, why are they bad?

Lu Yang didn't know why Lu Yang directly suspected them?

Lu Yang should ask directly, but obviously it wasn't Lu Yang who did it! After sending the text message, Lu Yang put his mobile phone aside, lying flat on the bed, crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head, Lu Yang sighed!

Lu Yang really didn't know what to do. This is the first time Lu Yang has fallen into such a terrible situation!

Lu Yang looked at the ceiling may appear before the memory, Lu Yang really hated himself for the first time!

Shu Yeqing came in carrying a bowl of egg noodles, watching Lu Yang couldn't sleep, but walked straight to the bed, sighed, and Lu Yang would pull up directly: "What are you?"

Lu Yang shook his head. Lu Yang knew that these things had nothing to do with Shu Yeqing, so Lu Yang didn't want her to know, after all, these things would only be very messy, there would be no other things!

Lu Yang looked at Shu Yeqing, smiled and said, "Nothing!"

Shu Yeqing naturally didn't believe it. From the beginning, Lu Yang smiled and walked into the house. Shu Yeqing lay on Lu Yang's chest and said reluctantly: "If it's because of Lu Yang, Lu Yang will go back." I don't want to embarrass you, okay? "

Lu Yang didn't expect Shuer Ye Qing to say this, Lu Yang Shu Yeqing pulled up, looked at her eyes and sighed helplessly!

"Don't think about it, Lu Yang didn't mean that, okay?" You are fine, Lu Yang is the only one! "

"No, Quan, don't you want to say that? Lu Yang really doesn't want to cause you trouble. Lu Yang hasn't seen Xuehu this time!"

Can even Shu Yeqing see the disadvantages of these things?

Lu Yang had no choice but to hug her, kiss her forehead, and say, "You are crazy, Lu Yang didn't mean that, okay?" Lu Yangs are fine! "

Sap Green nodded vigorously and pulled Lu Yang's waist tighter. When she just said, Lu Yang could feel how sad she was!

Lu Yang didn’t want to make her sad, because Lu Yang seemed to really understand what it feels like to be a person, Lu Yang would worry, Lu Yang would be sad, Lu Yang would be afraid, and these were all shown in front of Shu Yeqing of!

Lu Yang didn't want her to be Lu Yang's weakness, but in fact she was Lu Yang's weakness. In fact, some of them actually walked away from their ribs. Would you say that Lu Yang would not be hurt?

Of course, this is a painful, **** lesson, but how is it possible?

Lu Yang didn't know these things would become like this!

Lu Yang looked at Shu Yeqing's body, and subconsciously hugged her tighter. Shu Yeqing buried her deeply in Lu Yang's chest, and then smiled and said, "Well, Lu Yangs have had enough crookedness. , I'm going to post it off here! "Hurry up, because Lu Yang hit you two eggs! "

Lu Yang smiled and helped people get up, then used the egg on the side to eat well!

Lu Yang had to say that this taste is suitable for Lu Yang!

Lu Yang smiled and looked at Shu Yeqing: "The craftsmanship is not bad!"

Shu Yeqing frowned and said, "So salty!"

"No, it tastes good!"

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Shu Yeqing was very happy. He watched Lu Yang eat with the corner of his mouth. How could Lu Yang want her to watch Lu Yang eat like this?

Just a pinch on her lips!

Shu Yeqing still opened her mouth to bite, and Lu Yang smiled and said to her: "Well, after Lu Yang, do you want to go for a walk?"


Of course Shu Yeqing would not refute Lu Yang's meaning, so he went straight on, looked at her and smiled and said, "Okay, don't move, there will be a lifetime in the future!"

In her life, the three words directly hit Shu Yeqing’s heart. Lu Yang looked at her, and she looked at Lu Yang. At this moment, Lu Yang seemed to have forgotten the things around Xuehu. After all, it was not a good thing. , So Lu Yang enjoy this moment!

But soon, the arrival of Zhou Chu and Sun Wenbo broke the silence and beauty!

Zhou Chu hurried over and saw that Lu Yang and Shu Yeqing were facing a little embarrassment together. Lu Yang didn't want Shu Yeqing to hold her hand in embarrassment and say, "What do you want to say!" What is the trip? feel? "

Zhou Chu curled his lips and said, "Song Zhe, they are going home!"


Lu Yang couldn't believe it, looking at Zhou Chu, because Ye Yanzi's body was not very good. If it weren't for a month, he wouldn't be able to. Song Zhe should be very clear that mental injuries can directly lead to physical health.

According to Song Zhe's love for Ye Guangyao's children, there is no other meaning. I am afraid that these things are all because of Zuo Yu's primary school students. Their pressure cannot bear the resulting anger of Song Zhe!

Never let Song Zhe leave with Ye Yan's child, otherwise, Ye Yan's child and Zuo Yu's pupils might not be visible after all.

Lu Yang thought that Lu Yang quickly sent a text message to Zuo Yu's student: "Song Zhe wants to bring Ye Yan's child home!" Stop! "

After that, Lu Yang looked at Zhou Chu and said: "Now you go to arrange a car to the hospital. You have to hold Song Zhe, Wenbo, you take care of Ye Qing in the villa, and Lu Yang will handle these things. By the way, remember to give White Wolf leave a message." Let him take the big man to the hospital, but this is not an empty town! "

Sun Wenbo nodded. Zhou Chu had already gone out directly under Lu Yang's order to make arrangements. It was time to desperately!

Lu Yang only hopes that Lu Yang can help them once, even for their own atonement!

Lu Yang turned to look at Sap Green, touched her head and said, "You are at home, Lu Yang is okay!"

Shu Yeqing nodded, and then watched Lu Yang leave. Lu Yang looked at Sap's green eyes. Lu Yang couldn't bear it, but there was no way. This world is like this!

Lu Yang looked at her and then left her sight!

Lu Yang rushed all the way to the hospital. At the door, Xuehu and Zuo Yu's pupils were always there. Lu Yang immediately stepped forward!

"What's going on now!"

Zuo Yu's pupils looked at Lu Yang, and then left silently. Lu Yang looked at Xuehu. Xuehu sighed and said, "One step!"

Take a step?

Lu Yang was empty when he saw the hospital. Lu Yang looked up and saw that it was already dark. Lu Yang didn't like this feeling and was very depressed!

Lu Yang looked at Lu Yang's students and said, "Do you know that they are in that country?" Exact location? "

"Do you think Song Zhe is as stupid as you?" Zuo Yuyong asked with a smile on his mouth. Oh!

Lu Yang knew that Zuo Yu's pupils were still on his angry head, so Lu Yang didn't care about these little things being with him, because now the most important thing is Ye Yan's child!

A group of shouts came from behind Lu Yang, the white wolf followed Lu Yang, and then walked to Lu Yang: "Brother Quan!"


Lu Yang didn't say anything else, just let people go. Zuo Yu's pupils walked directly in front of Lu Yang, picked up the corner of Lu Yang's clothes and stared at Lu Yang angrily: "Do you think it is here to fight?" do not know. What are you doing here? See Lu Yang's joke? Of course you doubt Lu Yangs? "

Lu Yang did not refute this sentence, because Lu Yang really didn't know what to do. Lu Yang looked at him and sighed, "Lu Yang didn't mean that!"

"Lv Yang, whether you have this meaning or not, Lu Yang is now telling you, Wang Quan, if Lu Yang can't find Ye Yan's child, or if it happens to Ye Yan's son, Lu Yang will let Shu Yeqing bury him with Lu Yang! "of course! "

Lu Yang opened his eyes and looked at Zuo Yu's pupils: "Don't make trouble so unreasonably. These things have nothing to do with Shu Yeqing. You have nothing to do with Lu Yang!"

"Oh, don't worry, Lu Yang will not forget you. If there is something glazed on the leaves of the son, what would Lu Yang let these people use to bury it?"

Zuo Yu'er said directly to the left, Xuehu followed him, patted Lu Yang on the shoulder before walking, and said, "He is too much, you don't care!"

Lu Yang nodded, watching Xuehu and Zuo Yu's pupils leave together!

When White Wolf left, Lu Yang gave an order. This time Lu Yangs failed. Zhou Chu and Lu Yang were together and didn't quite understand what Zuo Yu pupil had just said, so he didn't know what was going on!

When Lu Yang wanted to ask, Lu Yang was scolded and refused to tell her. Lu Yang just looked at him and said, "It's nothing, just a little misunderstanding, don't think too much!"

Zhou Chu looked at Lu Yang and nodded. He really wanted to know what happened, but he knew it was not a good time.

After Zuo Yutong and Xuehu left, Zuo Yutong kept swiping some codes with her mobile phone, and suddenly saw one!

"Lv Yang, go to the island!"


Xuehu looked at Zuo Yu's pupil questioningly, saying that he didn't quite understand what the island is, and what does this place mean?

"The children are polished, they want to go to the island, Lu Yang must go!"

Xuehu didn't say anything and just picked up his mobile phone to make a call. There are a number of private jets that are rarely used in emergency situations. He has been in contact with him. But now because of Ye Yan's child and rationality, many things are done for Xuehu!

There is no doubt, except for trust or trust!

Naturally, Xuehu will not let him down, and will arrange everything, pull Zuo Yu pupils and two people directly rob a motorcycle on the street to the position of a private jet!

It took half an hour to get to the location of the private jet, and two people ran straight to the scene. Xuehu and Zuo Yu’s pupils were directly boiled with a ladder, minus the time of the plane gliding!

Until the top, the two directly carried their helmets with everything!



The route on the plane immediately diverted to a small island. The left-hander was sitting nervously on the plane. Snow Fox is naturally very nervous. Suddenly, Xuehu took out a cell phone, sent a text message to Lu Yang, and then turned off the plane, but his left pupil was afraid to turn off the plane. He is afraid, afraid that the child with Ye Glaze will find him!

When Lu Yang received the text message, Lu Yang directly told Zhou Chu to go to the island!

Zhou Chu knew it was not too late, so Lu Yang went straight to do it. Lu Yang only hopes that everything can be completed in time, Lu Yang only hopes that everything can come! Song Zhe used a private jet to move Ye Yuzi's sleep directly on the plane. Of course, he couldn't ignore Song Zhe's direct sleep potion into a nutrient solution. Ye Yan's child would not sleep so dead!

Ye Yan'er woke up, frowning because of the turbulence of the plane, she was not familiar with her things, and she felt the fluctuations, and she immediately understood where she was going!

"Where are you?"

Looking at Song Zhe, who was sitting next to her guarding her, it was difficult to say this!

This is the first time Song Zhe heard Ye Yuzi talking to her. He became more and more happy. He squatted aside, smiled and said, "Do you want something to eat?" How about the porridge? And soup? Do you want some juice? The doctor said that papaya juice is no problem! "

Ye stared at the child and watched Song Zhe answer a very unsatisfactory question. He frowned and asked, "Where is it now?"

"Oh? First ask where it is now? Lu Yangs are on the plane. Lu Yangs are going back to the only place!"

"What? Back to the only place for Lu Yang?"

Ye Yanzi sat up excitedly, desperately looking at Song Zhe with the **** smell in his throat!

Song Zhe just looked at the glazed children naturally and said: "This is natural, why?"

Ye stared at Song Zhe, then smiled suddenly, then looked at Song Zhe and said, "You big liar!"

Ye Guangyao didn't plan to talk to Song Zhe, but he heard Song Zhe sitting next to him and smiled and said, "You said Lu Yang was a liar, didn't you?" Don't you think it was because of the day you cut your wrist, you want to commit suicide ? Really, to hide the fact that the left pupil is here? "

Song Zhe had no direct signs that day. Ye Baili looked at Song Zhe, then coldly did not speak, waiting for Song Zhe to continue speaking!

Song Zhe smiled and continued and said, "Don't you think that Lu Yang really doesn't know?" After all, Lu Yang has walked more bridges than you. There are obvious handprints on the ground. Why do you think Lu Yang has left? Lu Yang only knows about Lu Yang's Zuo student wants to see your attitude, who knows you can really see it. This child can forgive this person for miscarriage and leave with him! "

Ye Yan'er looked at Song Zhe and couldn't believe that he was looking at him, so he knew it was really in his hands?

Ah, I want to feel even more terrible. Ye stared at his son and looked at Song Zhe. His pale face was a little scared. She was really scared, afraid that all this was done by a man in front of her!

She believes he can do it. She believes he can!

But the more this happened, the more frightened and angry she became, and she didn't know what happened to them!

"You, you are such a bastard!"

"Lu Yang’s illegitimate child? And, you think too much. Lu Yang is a bastard, how could Lu Yang be a bastard? Ye Yan’s children are obviously the first to break the agreement between Lu Yang, you mean you Do you hate that person? Lu Yang is just a small test for you. Obviously you still love that person. How can you do this!"..


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