Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 939: : Remove suspicion

Lu Yang frowned. The light work of this ghost-faced man seemed a little different from what he had seen before. Is it another trap?

Lu Yang now thinks of the bamboo array formation method at that time, but he still has lingering fears. If the enemy repeated the same tricks, it would be difficult for Lu Yang to keep Ye Kai and Fu Hongxue alone.

Lu Yang hesitated, before he could tell the doubt in his heart, Fu Hongxue and Ye Kai already followed.

Judging from the direction in which this ghost-faced man rushed, he was heading for the Xia Ke Shanzhuang, not the forest, so and so, it also let Lu Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

The three followed all the way, only to see the man in black entering Xiang Yingtian's room.

"Wow, look at how Xiang Yingtian is so quibble now! It turns out that it is him who has been pretending to be fools!" Ye Kai couldn't help but said with excitement.

It's just that when he had just finished speaking, there was a fighting sound in the room. Judging from the shadow, one of them is naturally Xiang Yingtian, and the other is bound to be the ghost face man. In this way, Xiang Yingtian would not be a ghost-faced person.

Lu Yang frowned, and then rushed into Xiang Yingtian's room with the other two.

At the moment when he was rushing in, Xiang Yingtian seemed to be slapped, and rushed towards the three of them, but it happened to stop them.

However, Lu Yang and the others also saw it very clearly. It was the ghost face man in Xiang Yingtian's room. The ghost-faced man seemed to see someone, turned around and jumped out of the window to escape.

Lu Yang could have been able to catch up, but if he was stopped by Xiang Yingtian, he might not be able to catch up with 100% certainty.

"Uncle Xiang, are you okay!" Fu Hongxue helped Xiang Wentian and asked with concern.

"I...I'm okay, Hong Xue, Lu Shaoxia, Ye Kai, you are back, cough cough cough..." Although Xiang Yingtian said that it was okay, looking at this posture, he had already suffered internal injuries.

Ye Kai folded his arms and said, "If I didn't see you fighting with the ghost-faced man, I would really think you were the ghost-faced man!"

Lu Yang saw that his ghost-faced man's steps and body shape were completely different from the previous ones. Although he was not sure whether Xiang Yingtian was a ghost-faced man, Lu Yang could be sure that he was a fake who had just escaped.

"Hongxue, how about it? Did you find the ninth level of the Extinction Cross Sword Art from your mother?" Xiang Yingtian frowned.

"I said to the leader, it's no wonder Ye Kai doubted you, your interest in Extinction Cross Sword is too great!" Lu Yang couldn't help but asked.

Xiang Ying Tianji has a city mansion. Even if Lu Yang said that, he still didn't change his face and heartbeat, and said, "Lu Shaoxia, this extinction cross knife is Hongxue's only hope for revenge. As his uncle, I naturally care about it. of."

Fu Hongxue said slightly sadly, "My mother just said that when this extinction cross knife book was passed from my father, it was like this, and there was nothing missing."

"Ah... how could this be?" Xiang Yingtian felt a little lost on his face, and then said, "Ah, you guys will be very tired all the way back, so it's better to rest early, Hongxue, I will continue tomorrow. Practice knife."

auzw.comXiang Yingtian's reaction is also a bit peculiar, which is still somewhat unpredictable.

When Lu Yang came out of Xiang Yingtian's room, he naturally turned back to his room, but met Zhou Ting at the door.

Zhou Ting stared at Lu Yang with an expression of resentment, and snorted, "Lu Yang, where have you been? Why didn't you bring me!"

"Well, I'm going to Hell, you know, the woman Hua Baifeng is vicious and irritable. She is even more irritable when she sees a girl who is prettier than her. Isn't it dangerous to go if you are so beautiful? I won't let you go. , That's for your good!" Lu Yang said with a serious expression.

After hearing Lu Yang's exaggeration, Zhou Ting couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Hey, Brother Fu's mother, be careful to let him hear that, and you will be troubled!"

"Hey, what's the matter? I'm all beaten? Are you still worried about being heard by him?" Lu Yang couldn't help but said.

This aroused the interest of the girl Zhou Ting, and hurriedly said, "What? You beat Brother Fu's mother? What happened? Tell me quickly!"

The curiosity of this little girl is also extremely strong.

Lu Yang smiled lightly and said, "It's inconvenient to stand at the door and talk, why don't we go in and talk?"

Zhou Ting was taken aback for a while, and then a pink color flashed on her cheeks. After a short pause, she grinned and said, "Wow!"

In the room, Lu Yang leisurely recounted what happened in Infinite Hell. After listening to this girl, Zhou Ting naturally sympathized with Fu Hongxue, and had great opinions on Hua Baifeng. Lu Yang's behavior was considered justified.

That night, Zhou Ting stayed in Lu Yang's room. Although tossing all night, this little girl was worried that the previous thing would happen again. Before it dawned, she sneaked out of Lu Yang's room.

Lu Yang was also helpless. Most of this kind of things couldn't contain the fire in paper. Sooner or later, people would know what this little girl was worth hiding. This is not a third party's involvement, nothing shameful.

Lu Yang was about to take a nap, but he slept until midday.

Lu Yang was awakened, and there was a lot of noise in the courtyard outside. Lu Yang got up and heard clearly the voice of the little girl Zhou Ting, and said, "Hey, I am Lu Yang's fiancee. If you have anything to do, just tell me directly. Why do you need Lu Yang? "

This little girl dared to say that, but she didn't dare to admit the fact, it was a bit of a whisper. Lu Yang couldn't help being funny.

But always have to go and see what happened.

Lu Yang dressed neatly, pushed the door out, and went to the courtyard. Through the cracks in the heads of the servants of the knight villa, what he saw was Mingyuexin!

Lu Yang can also be regarded as having not seen her for a long time, and she is still beautiful and unbelievable. Just looking at the back is like a fairy.

No wonder the girl Zhou Ting said that. She felt a powerful threat, and she came to the first to act first. ..


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