Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 708: :competition

Compared with a few days ago, the six songs at this time have been completely restored, the rosy, calm breath is like the abyss of the sea eye, completely restored to the past glory, there is no sign of scars. For his kingdom, as long as the body's wanton destruction of two different powers, recovery can only be achieved in the blink of an eye. At night, runes illuminate the entire back garden. Green grass, green trees. This song is dressed in a simple and extremely rough cloth robe, the sleeves are rolled up at random, the gray head is on the cotton rope, and the feet are on the awns. It looks like a leisurely flower farmer, breathing in a calm and calm atmosphere. There is no trace of the army killing logs.

On the other side at night in the back garden, Ning Congjun was doing a strange exercise. On his upper body, the hardcover muscles are red, as if they were scorched by boiling water. His movements and movements have a strange beauty, as if they can make every muscle around him flow, and the visible muscles are like mice. His skin throbbed. He was sweating soon. White envelops the whole body, sweat transpires, expelling a lot of heat. "Well, stop for a while." After watering the flowers, Liu Chaoge put the flowers aside and waved to Ning from the clouds.

"Yes, Master." You gathered strength from the clouds, breathed, put on cotton clothes, walked respectfully and stood with your hands out. It has been five days to pray under the door of God of War. The officer still felt that everything was a dream, and some were not true. He woke up from the dream several times in the middle of the night, suffocating again and again, trying to prove that all of this was true, lest it was just a fool's dream. The turning point in fate seems to be that God is taking care of himself. In the past few days, Song of the Six Dynasties taught him a book called "Nine Trainings".

Because there are six purebred blood songs to transform, Ning Zongyun's training level is almost to the extreme. In the words of six Korean songs, this delicate drop of blood contains the most powerful force, giving Ning a new life from the cloud. The current state is like being in the mother's womb. With the innate spirit, you can practice the fastest and can run a thousand miles. Facts also proved the law of the six Korean songs.

In five days, the officer reached the summit of Fan Wu. One foot has stepped into the realm of the spiritual fountain, planting a primitive spiritual fountain seed in his body. This song looks up and down, showing a little head. For this disciple, he became more and more satisfied. Especially after these few days of communication, due to Ning Congyun’s mental willpower, this song reached its limit. Ning Kangjun had a kind of peace and tranquility when he was young, as if he was a wise old man who had experienced countless old people. , This made Bing Shen vaguely see the rise of the undefeated star in the future. What needs to be learned is not only martial arts, but also the way he uses the army. "What does the master want to say?"

Ning Kangjun respects the tunnel. The morning song was about to say that a clear force came from the direction of Ziwei's house, and he smiled. But at a later moment, a beam of light from the nebula came down from the sky, illuminated one side of the sky, and saw it in the night sky. It's like a silver sword piercing the night sky. "There are many talented people in the door, but this is a regrettable thing." The song sighed.

Of course, at his level, he will no longer be shocked by one or two offspring who have just entered the sea of ​​misery. Because of this, Fang Zong passed through a bright golden age at the beginning of the dynasty, which is in sharp contrast with the status quo of the left door, which has been full of talents over the years. It seems that these years have no longer come from any dazzling genius, making the six songs in my heart sad. "Do you know why I accepted you as an apprentice?"

The song turned around with a smile and asked implicitly. Ning thought about it from the cloud and said, "Master has lived before, first because of my heart, and second because Ninghou helped me put that drop of blood together, if it fits your martial arts tradition."

"No, nor is it." This song picked up the scissors, trimmed the trees in the garden, and said with a smile: "As the commander-in-chief of the flower army, the Emperor of the Northwest Frontier has always guarded me. For many years, I have no father, no Son, no wife, no concubine, no one."

What I practice is ungratefulness, my thoughts and ideas, not based on my personal preferences. Every decision I make must be considered from the perspective of the interests of the empire. Even if there are things I don't want to do, I have already done them.

"Ning Kangjun is very serious and honest: "The great saint has no relatives, he is selfless. "The English translation of the song looked back at his disciple and laughed. "Haha, what a great saint, without relatives, the most selfless," he said obviously happily, but shook his head again and said, "Great The saint is in the human realm, like the way of heaven. "I don't think I have reached this point yet, so I have more important considerations to accept you as a disciple." "Teacher, please express." Ning Kangjun's face was calm.

"The most important reason is a person." 6 songs dexterously pruned the flowers and trees, without the slightest smell of fireworks. "Is it because of Ninghou?" Ning thought of a different color on his face. The head of the song said: "What do you think of Lu Yang?"

"The kindness created is not rewarded." Ning Kangjun did not conceal anything, and said: "Ning Houning is my benefactor, and..." What Hou Ye did in the city these days has made people feel The thing was shot and attacked this festival.

The disciples admired Ninghou's anger and resentment, and the decisive means to kill him. ""Oh, you can see you adore him. "6 Chenge wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "Strong means, reminds me of that person back then. "It's not necessarily a good way to be in the military, but his talent is more evil than in the past year, and he should be able to grow up to see that Lu Yang is very important to you."

"The prince is fine, no one is by his side." Ning Kangjun said excitedly. Zhao Tou: "Yes, after all, this is the birth of a commoner, without the impetuous pride of those noble children, nor the inheritance of the sect, nor the warlike hostility of disciples who were not as good as his sect at the time, but Lu Yang Against you."

Unlike ordinary people, he is a very kind person, because your brother, you have a special place in front of him. "A color flashed in Ning Congyun's eyes. He suddenly understood why Master Zun was saying these things, and said in surprise, "Is Master Zun opening his mouth to accept his disciple because of Ninghou? "

At the beginning of the song, he said: "Lu Yang is too strange, he is not a mortal at all. I can't see through him. He healed his wound that day, the first near-sacred power in his body, the king." Lin. Yes, things in the celestial dynasty, once they encounter wind and clouds, they will change the dragon. Sooner or later, it will fly to the sky, even if I am afraid I will look up from a distance.

Such characters are not restricted by the army or the empire. Although immortal characters appear in my family, they are a blessing to mankind. But his strategy is ferocious and deadly, and he fears that if someone irritates him in the future, he will also do some heinous karma. After all, bleeding and paddling with anger and blood is not a good strategy. "Ning was shocked by the color of the cloud.

He was stunned. Because he had never thought that the God of the army would have such a high evaluation of Ninghou. Even if he was sealed in the cold fingers for so many days, Lu Yang's body still had this hot venom. God punishes Tian Lei, it hurts the road, even the medical **** Ouyang is helpless, it can be seen how terrifying. Yujun bit his finger coldly. A drop of blood dripped on the character's hot body.

When I saw the blood dripping, the burnt black gradually dissipated, and in the dimness, I saw a layer of bright red flesh exposed on... Tick ​​has a continuous crystal-like blood jade bead, cold from the fingertips of Yujun, fell on Lu Yang. And the main coke was also peeled off bit by bit in this bloodbath.

You can see the layers of blood and flesh. The blood drips between the flesh and blood, and it seeps in very quickly, as if it were one. In this body, the original hazy breath of life seemed to have absorbed the power of that drop of blood, and it was suddenly filled with boiling. This process is very magical.

For a while, the whole temple was full of blood and vitality, just like Wang Yang. It only takes a few minutes and a few seconds. I don't know how many drops of blood, Han Jun, who came down from his fingertips, merged into Lu Yang's body. Under the effect of the **** vitality like Wang Yang's, Lu Yang's body seemed to have survived and began to repair automatically. But half an hour later, new meat and bones grew again, and even new visceral bone marrow began to appear.

Yujun is cold, how deep. A drop of her blood, the energy contained in her spirit, is equivalent to the power of many powerful men who have ascended to the sky. It is a force of hard labor. So much fine blood dripped into Lu Yang's body, creating a new body, which was not difficult.

Finally, Lu Yang's body was completely repaired. This body is no different from Lu Yang's body in the past. Flesh remodeling was originally the healing power of Lu Yang's body with vitality. The whole process is like the recovery of the upper middle section. And because of the body, more Yujun cold-blooded energetic, this body contains more powerful potential. Han Yujun is Lu Yang's mother. Her blood, like the amniotic fluid of the mother's fetus, made Lu Yang experience a rare opportunity in the world, the benefits of which are mysterious and indescribable. But even so, there are some problems.

It is difficult to repair the body, but it is very difficult to repair the mental consciousness and spirit. For the strong, the body is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the spirit of God, which is to restore one's consciousness. The self-consciousness of one person, three souls and seven souls is the most important. If the soul is broken, it will never be returned. Yu Junhan recovered Lu Yang's body, and eventually his face was pale due to excessive blood loss.

"Don't be afraid, son. Get a good night's sleep. You will wake up soon. This time, Mom will not leave you again. She will always be with you." The body with Yu Junhan as the main body is covered with a strip. Thin quilt. The formation of the temple was left by the unparalleled God of War, the most suitable for cultivating the gods, as long as there is enough time, Lu Yang will wake up completely.

For this, Han Jun’s fish is beyond doubt. She did it all, and she was relieved. She stood up slowly and saw the little silver dragon lying lazily beside her. She shook her head and said, "It's a pity that the spirit of the Temple of Light was swallowed by your little guy.

Otherwise, you should be able to heal the feathers faster, but you are alone," she said. It is also a kind of conscience. At critical moments, the original source of strength is used to seal Xiaoyu’s body and leave him with life. This is also a kind of Divine Will. "Obviously, Xiao Yinlong understood. It was very tired, but its tail swayed slightly, and its eyes flashed with flattery. Yujun immediately got cold, cried, and laughed.

"A good sacred silver dragon is not for learning, but for learning the dog of the leper." The sleeping dog, nine years old, hummed softly and moved. Han Jun stared at the little stupid dog for a while, and finally a strange expression flashed in his eyes, taking a breath of cold air... In the end, she said nothing. ……time flies. In an instant, a month passed.

In this month, some huge changes have taken place, which can be said to be earth-shaking. The first to bear the brunt is the white mountain and black water barbarians, the hurricane storm and the desert barbarians retreated again and retracted to their original territories. A month ago, these major aliens also survived for a long time in the Snow Country and gained the upper hand. A wolf devouring a tiger in the air suddenly defeated the snowman. But a month later, when the main battle group of the human race became stronger, the alien army was surprised to find that the power of the human race was much stronger than they initially estimated.

If it weren't for the Terran army to drive them back to their original territory and no further counterattack on the border of the garrison, the three main dissidents, even their own king's room, might have moved and retreated. Recovery of garbage in Snow Country. The sects in the heavy snow across the country are also facing sudden gusts and showers of shuffle strikes. In the early years, due to the power of the empire, some ordinary sects were basically unable to set off any huge waves, but the three teachings still had a lot of energy in the people's martial arts forest.

Back then, in the three schools of Ziwei School, Zifu Seven Star School, and Dragon Tiger School, the disciples of the school dared to be so arrogant and with such a big background, they could not do without the three schools of Ziwei School, Seven Star School, and Dragon Tiger School. , Dare to be so arrogant and have such a big background. But in this battle of the City of Light, the power of the three factions, and even the power of the entire empire, was calculated. It was the foundation of a century-old cannibalism and was uprooted. In the end, except for a few left-door strongmen who were loyal to the leftist and the old marshal Li Guangbi, they had not entered the deep fire spring sword pit, avoiding the following killing. The other sect lost a lot of money.

From the door to the previous generation, some disciples did not stay. More than a hundred years ago, due to the rise of the Snow Country, it experienced a big catastrophe, and through this calculation, it was a huge damage to a complete force. At this point, Zomon no longer has the power to compete with the Snow Kingdom. In the past month, the Emperor Daxue was still working behind closed doors. Under the direction of Yu Junhan, the old marshal Li Guangbi led the elites. Most of the doors were clearly cleared by hard work. For those who do not accept control, go directly through the gate and completely wipe out. In this regard, Li Guangbi did not leave any soft hands. Because he knows the cold will of fish. The door to the central border is about to open. We don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse. Before the real influx of extraterritorial forces, we must completely eliminate the unstable factors in the territory of Snow Country, lest these religious gates that are unwilling to give up their past glory are abandoned at that time. Collusion with foreign forces is even more disastrous. For Zongmen, this process is also tragic.

The "Seven Star Sect" was directly destroyed by the gate, and the Zongmen's armory was broken and moved to an empty place. The four elders of Taichang were directly hacked and killed, the master was arrested, the disciples in the city gate and the spiritual fountain on the border were directly dispersed into the army, and the disciples under the spiritual fountain were directly dispersed. Demobilize all. Inheriting the Purple Seven Stars for hundreds of years will completely cut off heredity. Violet is much better.

Due to the timely defect, the son was not overwhelmed, but the main master of the sect also called up. Some former trusted elders have been replaced and the master was temporarily detained. One of the five great gods in the Temple of Light will be one of the great gods in the palace, and he will sit in his place. The great events of Zomon of the Violet Sect are all determined by the imperial army, including those who are about to accept new attacks, and so on.

Except for these two gates, the other gates did not escape. The Dragon Tribe of the Dragon and Tiger faction chose to defect, and the Tiger faction chose to flee. The main strongman and the owner of the Tiger faction branch escaped overnight. Only a few people stayed and accepted the takeover of the imperial army. However, those who escaped from the tiger faction branch did not really escape the pursuit of the military. Ten days later, Zhao Jin was killed in the hinterland of the Baishan and Heishui barbarians, claiming that the tiger faction branch was completely destroyed. Among these three schools of thought, only cities without dual swords are respected by the imperial army. Li Guangbi took the double swords to the sword temple in the city, gathered with Qin Zhishui, who had just become the ruler of the city, and directly announced to the outside world that the city had no double swords and obeyed the empire. Become a special military department of the Empire.

Li Guangbi kept repairing the gates of the court, completely rewriting the chaotic martial arts pattern for nearly a century. Some ancient sects and forces hidden behind the Three Religions and Three Sects have also been affected. At the same time, the right is a man who speaks with fish, and the left is equal, which set off a great purge in the emperor's capital. In the center of the Temple of Light, all the imperial subjects within a hundred miles were evacuated, including nobles and commoners, and no delay was allowed. There was a low-status nobleman who had some history with the former and rightists, and was also the comfort and arrogance of King Du. He wounded several royal officials who came to urge the relocation and threatened not to move. See who can do what he does. ..


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