Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 746: :your present

Looking at the huge sword energy cutting across, Cheng Yuan drank angrily, and immediately urged his angry Honglian to meet the powerful sword energy Mo Xiaocong! Suddenly, two people were in the same place, the center of a kind of terrifying destruction and duel. The powerful sword aura wiped away most of the lotus energy and finally collapsed! And Mo Xiaocong, also in the shape of floating back, threw the water out of the sword in his hand and attacked the source!

At this time, Cheng Yuan's **** had a big change, and there was no time to think about it, so he tried his best to use the fire lotus flower to keep the water sword. Unfortunately, due to a lot of waste, the fire lotus was only slightly locked by the water sword for a while and was completely cut off. Then the water sword, like a sickle of death, pierced Cheng Yuan's room!

Not seeing such a violent blow coming, Cheng Yuan was startled, and immediately urged the Yuan army to defend within his own body. He screamed hysterically. Facing this blow, Cheng Yuan had no time to resist, so he had to wait for him. Only the end of failure!

After watching this scene, they finally smiled understanding, but only Wu Fei, his face was very heavy, after secretly gritting his teeth, he finally couldn't help but float up and appeared directly beside Cheng Yuan. Join hands with Cheng Yuan!

For a long time, after Wu Fei helped Cheng Yuan to block the sword for the last time, two people walked out of this energy storm with a gray face. At present, their faces are very heavy and they are all in chaos. Cheng Yuan only glanced at Mo Xiaocong. They will reluctantly throw their symbols to the latter, then stop talking to people, desolate and leave, and never want to stay here again!

The audience burst into cheers when they saw this scene. Suddenly, all the audience were moved! Although today is the unveiling of Juyuan Building, the public did not expect this-in the confrontation between the masters, they also witnessed the changes of the two top ten. This scene is enough to make everyone feel relaxed and happy, but also makes people admire Lu Yang more, and immediately put the heavy object on the edge of the heart of the building! can beat the top ten people, is also a spiritual master to help the people, is it simple? At this moment, whether I know Lu Yang or not, I deeply remember this person in my heart! Lu Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, watching Cheng Yuan and Wu Fei disappear at the end of the street. With a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, he turned his gaze to Mo Xiaozong and others, and said with a smile: "Everyone is late!"

Zhu Yanlin smiled and immediately said angrily: "Don't blame Brother Tianqi, I'm waiting for you to buy gifts, it's a bit late now!" After finishing, Zhu Yanlin waved to the crowd, and then two students took a red cloth and covered the plaque. Go up! Come up!

Lu Yang was a little surprised, and then asked with interest, "Brother Zhu, is this your gift?"

"Hey, that's right. This plaque is just a birthday present for me and Brother Tianqi, can I see it?" Gui Yu smiled.

Lu Yang nodded, then walked to the plaque, expecting in people's eyes, and immediately opened the red cloth cover, and seven golden figures of "-Heng No. 1 Food Building" appeared in front of the public. Its dazzling light pierced everyone's eyes-!

"This" Lu Yang looked at the seven domineering figures in front of him, and immediately showed a bitter smile, and said: "You are too flattering, I can't afford it." Balance number one "This title!"..


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