Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 750: : Green Spring

Looking at the empty corridor, Lu Yang sighed, but he was thinking about it, thousands of turns! Have you really changed? Perhaps, after meeting Lu Zi, Lu Yang also found that he and the migrants were very friendly and sincere! Although this kind of life has made me know a lot of friends and get a lot of happiness, Lu Yang knows that all these things are just the mirror of Shuiyue. If there is a conflict of interest one day, how many people can still stand on their own ground? But even so, this short-term joy is also precious to Lu Yang!

Lu Yang recalled the life of the Yu family, the process of death and the earthly repairs when he was young, and suddenly found that his previous life was so barren and rough, even though Lu Yang asked himself that he always adhered to his principles. But in the long run, Lu Yang did not have the confidence to persist. I am afraid that if I continue to grow as before, maybe my heart will become cruel and bloodthirsty, and will be blinded by hatred.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang gradually realized Luo Yuan's kindness, as if he wanted to understand Luo Yuan's original intention to come here! Maybe he really doesn't want to see himself falling into hatred, nor does he want to be a bloodthirsty killing machine! Although these joys are short and illusory at this time, they can make up for an emotion that is missing in Lu Yang's heart, and it is this emotion that can truly help Lu Yang to completely transform!

It was this Lu Yang who knew the old man’s kindness well. He ran away from home and was surrounded by blood feuds. The hero made up his mind to live up to Luo Yuan’s expectations in this life!

"In that case, enjoy your life in Heng's study career! When I leave, this is the beginning of my road to revenge!" Lu Yang murmured in his heart, his eyes flowing firmly, and then He whispered to the empty aisle: "I am lucky to have a friend like you!"

After speaking, Lu Yang smiled. Although Xi Lufei only told his personal feelings, it made Lu Yang realize his own way!

In this way, in its cheerful atmosphere, the Yuanyuan Building in Hengcheng finally officially opened, and the world-famous Juyuan Building was spread for the first time. Every corner of Hengcheng, almost overnight, everyone will know The name of the source building!

The next morning, almost all the guests were sent away, Xie Lufei and others finally rested in peace, Lu Yang also breathed a sigh of relief. It is difficult to do business, but Lu Yang really realized this. My heart is also very unreasonably determined, this is not the second time to participate in this life!

After seeing off the last group of guests, Lu Yang finally pulled Cang Qingquan to his side and handed him the souvenir of the ninth strong man who was caught last night, saying: "Green Spring, this brand is for you. "You can use him to practice in the advanced practice room of the Black Castle in the future.

Looking at the mark Lu Yang gave him, Cang Qingquan flashed hot, and hesitated: "Apocalypse, this is your hard-earned money. If you give it to me, how can you go to the advanced practice room in the future?"

"Haha, don't worry, I already have another way to get in!" Lu Yang patted Cang Qingquan on the shoulder and comforted him: "In fact, I have been with you for a long time, now this The mark is also my compensation. If someone troubles you in the future, I believe you can let it come to me." "No one can take this brand away!" Lu Yang said that he would forcibly give the mark to Cang Qingquan. ! ..


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