Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 913: : Extreme footsteps

The most unique bamboo building, facing the pond, is located at the top of the bamboo tower. Not only can you see all kinds of beautiful scenery in the pond, you can also see the sunlight from the pool water reflected on the bamboo tower, so that the bamboo tower can add endlessly beauty of.

Along the way, the guards they met stared at them curiously, but when they saw a lady led by a middle-aged woman, she wore a dress they had never seen before, because she Knowing that you are an insignificant person. So there is no positive intervention by the guards.

Lu Yang is not a person who has never seen the world, but the design of the main building, such as the hall, is very deep, accompanied by various entrances and corridors, and at the same time enhances human vision and light perception.

The entire bamboo building, under the support of the bamboo forest, gives people a bright and peaceful feeling.

They went through the door and through a balcony. Finally, the middle-aged woman led Lu Yang into a small hall, put the tea on the table, and whispered: "If you sit here for a while, I will notify this lady. ."

After the middle-aged woman left, she picked up one and had a drink. Then she looked around and saw the bamboo building outside the west window. There was a bamboo building by the window, which turned out to be a practice room.

The interior layout is very simple. There is a Zen mat in the middle, and the cabinets on all sides are filled with various cold weapons. In the sun, there is a hint of cold light.

On the top of the bamboo building, there is still a pair of calligraphy and painting, a book with "Tao" written on it, but there is no one.

He picked up the teacup again and drank all the tea in the teacup, but spit all the tea on the ground, sat on the bottom and said, "This lady must be a tough guy too, Master, she just watched without asking. Look." If you beat Fat Liu to death, you will understand that this young lady is afraid of moody emotions.

However, because of this, Miss Liu's thoughts are relatively simple. Although her bones have a good taste, as long as she finds her cartilage, it should be easy to get along with her cartilage. "

At this time, a very subtle foot sound appeared. If it weren't for Lu Yang to hear people's voices, he was afraid to hear such subtle to extreme footsteps seriously.

Lu Yang was surprised at his heart.

I don't think there is such a master here.

However, this is not a surprising reason. What really surprised him was the sound of his feet, not far from him, in the corridor of the corridor, not far from him.

In other words, it was only ten feet away from him.

On this basis, it can be concluded that this person must be a destiny, even if he has not reached the level of heaven, he is not far away from the other party. Then, the car suddenly lights up.

Only seeing a kind of grace, black beautiful hair pouring down like a waterfall on her seductive fragrance shoulders, with a veil on her face, but just looking at the incomparable eyes, you will find this is an extraordinary beautiful woman .

She walked slowly into the hall with a rude expression on her face, as if she was used to it.

This woman is well-dressed and has a more outstanding figure, touching her delicate skin. Such a woman does not need to look at it, even if she uses her nose to smell, she can smell her burning youth and suffocating beauty.

A pair of beautiful eyes, deep and unpredictable, her thick eyes add a touch of mystery to her plump Phoenix.

Lu Yang was stunned. He didn't expect that this little Liujiazhuang would have such an evil water-level beauty. ..


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