Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 944: ; Half-Step Saint

"Give me your powerful power to defend your family dignity in the form of family gods and wild beasts. They become a kind of variant in the dark world and under the guidance of family blood." As the spell changes, he Suddenly, his chest was covered with blood, **** energy came out, and it instantly surrounded his body.

When the energy of the blood disappeared, there was a monster standing two meters away. He had a human form, but he had four arms and his big head was bleeding with only three eyes. The most striking thing is. Behind him are two huge wings, five meters wide, and the black iron feathers on them are very strong and contain huge energy.

Seeing this scene, he lost his voice: "What is this, change?" You. Are you still talking? "

Hearing this question, he laughed behind him with a pale look in his mouth: "Of course, you can die today in my form. I have to say, this is your honor, but before you kill you, I still have to admit that you are a unique genius in this world. If I am right, you, like me, have not only a nucleus, but also a soul with five elements and bipolar elements. I used to think I was the only one in the world, but I I didn't expect to see you today. If I don't take this rare opportunity to get rid of you, I can't put my heart on it!"

Hearing what the other party said, the turning point was gradually put aside, and he said: "Seize this opportunity?" Looking at your previous hesitation, your transformation seems to have many limitations. "

Karen's blood, as if he was not in a hurry to do so, just because he was full of confidence, since he came out, he believed that no one in the world could beat him in the same period.

Even if he has the same unique constitution in the world, after he can maintain this transformation, he will die in front of him without exception.

So he was very calm. He stared at him, just wanting to put pressure on his heart, just want to appreciate his expression before death: "Yes, I have not fully mastered this transformation now. But even so, I now have Half a step of strength, so you are going to die today!"

"Half-step saint!" After listening to his words, his heart suddenly sank. This is not equivalent to the level that the four forces they forcibly integrate can reach. This transformation should be able to raise their own strength to one level. Level, this is simple.

It seems that the four forces he has been forced to reorganize now can't kill him. He has forced the two forces to integrate, and now he can integrate these four forces, he is not at all sure.

"Damn, spell it out!" He stood up, took a look, gritted his teeth, crossed his heart, and said, "Four powers...". Up close! "With the high-profile drinks, the whole person's momentum suddenly rises.

Looking at this sudden energy, he took a look before he got out, with a dignified look on his face. He didn't expect such an unusual change in front of this person, which surprised him.

His eyes, his whole body, and a dumbfounded person rushed towards him. At the same time, his right hand lit up, and the huge energy sword went from top to bottom.

Akron's eyes, through a piece of hard work and a strong drink, the wings behind him, on the top of his head, "beautiful", and the blood-colored iron feathers scattered in a split air flight. applaud

The wounded, angry, exhaled a mouthful of blood, turned into a blood gun, and met people coming and going, shut him and the blood gun together, amid a loud noise, the space was distorted and the two people disappeared . ..


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