Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 947: : Bright silver

Along the way, Lu Yang often saw some powerful teams passing through dense forests. Occasionally, different groups will meet and kill each other. The situation is extremely tragic. However, in the face of these, they will not dare to think of their own ideas again. He used his powerful mind to hide in advance.

"There are many ants that can kill elephants, and these people are people who don't spit out bones. Although they are also a strong dragon, they are!" This is a natural beast that tries to attack with a sword, taking its core Put it in his hands and make his head better.

Although they came one by one, they were not afraid or threatened, but if the group came, whether they could escape in the chaos is a question. If this leads to the strong, he may have to hang up phone.

"This time, danger is everywhere. If you want to live to the end, being careful is the right way!" The human heart is cautious.

The anxious person was determined to take a quick step, turned a dim figure, rushed into the mountains, the future life was bearable, and what he encountered was an unbearable hiding.

The turning of the day slowly moved westward and fell on the West Mountain.

The rush of wind swept all around, quickly walked out five or six meters, jumped onto a big tree without hesitation, sat on a branch on the plate, panted, and closed his eyes.

Do not act in the mountains at night, this is my own life-saving experience in recent days. Because this is a time when a large group is fighting, if they are to be the target, they will have to cry.

This tree is more than 30 meters high, has many branches and a large crown, with an area of ​​no less than 8 or 90 meters. The branches under the body are more than one meter in diameter, and the leaves are covered with bright branches. More importantly, there are no birds on the tree, which makes people feel safer.

In this way, I walked carefully to the tree at night to rest, met the lone beast during the day, and then went to find the core of the beast, and met a small group of people who could eat, so I attacked and lived fearlessly in one day. In a blink of an eye, ten days passed. It was over in only three days. Woke up in the morning, stretched out, jumped to the treetops, the cold wind came, it was icy, and the whole body was cold, but there was ghostly weather in his heart, about two or three Ten rays of light.

At this moment, in the shadow of wisdom, there are at least 23 cold lights in three colors: one is green, one is red, and the other is bright silver.

No, he was wrong, because there was another light that was nearly transparent.

Transparency is invisible, which is obviously a whitewash of space elements.

These 24 lights did not directly attack him, but were scattered around him, blocking all his retreat. It seems to know that if he did not do so, he would be able to rely on the proud body law to retreat.

However, it is obvious that people are still looking down on the dark matter. At those moments of condensing light, the seven-star flash has been deployed, and a hole flew out of a gap.

At this moment, the physical changes and speed of the Seven-Star Flash almost exceeded the previous limit, and also exceeded the limit he estimated.

Beyond the limit, accidents will happen, so a person will die anytime and anywhere in the eyes of others, why can't you die? That's it.

The tree standing at the main corner turned into a pile of logs, and dozens of cold lights lit up in the air.

Obviously, this person didn't want this person to leave in this way, so when he landed, he hadn't stabilized yet and delivered a fatal blow. ..


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