Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1006: : Baihushan

Thousands of strong people poured into the south and gathered in the mountains thousands of miles away. And tens of millions of people did not dare to go to Nanxian in person, and chose to gather around the trade fairy city of many people, hoping to learn from the news in the south for the first time.

Without knowing all this, he just lightly polished the red sword in his hand, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow noon.

"Master, Mr. Ge has come to Yanhuang Mountain." The white moon fell behind gently, whispering.

He stood up suddenly and said, "He is here!"

"Yes, four young people came with him. They are now in the lobby of the Yellow Palace." Bai Moon replied.

This heart moved, the red flame sword entered the body, and then turned into light and shadow, heading towards the peak of Yanhuang Mountain, Baiyue was immediately behind.

In the hall of Yanhuang Palace, Mr. Ge dressed in white is sitting on a creepy chair, holding tea in his hand, elegant and free. If he does not understand Ge Hexue, he thinks this is a great Confucian scholar.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

For thousands of years, every day has been carefree, and now sitting firmly in the first main chair, even the gods, demons and other characters like the South are carefully accompanying the song.

Nanfang and other people are still better. After all, the time is still very short. That day is very evil. He really lived under Ge's prestige, such as the master of the world. For thousands of years, Ge has treated him In other words, it is a mountain. An unreachable mountain, a mountain that can be suppressed, crushed into a ball, the fear in my heart is imaginable.

"I came from a very far place and lost his welcome. Forgive Lu Yang!" His feet hadn't walked into the gate of the palace, he had already spoken out loudly from a distance.

Ge Min originally had a calm, slightly joyful look. He walked into the cup, laughed and stood up, and said: "This word depends on the outside, this word depends on the outside." Lu Yang didn't dare to work, brother, you Welcome personally. "

This Ge is a stubborn generation. Although the robbery after the war is very close to his later generations, he still insists on his own point of view, which should be equal to the ordinary generation and the ordinary generation.

This closer person, that is, a random person, once talks about giving up, what each love will do, so Ge ​​has this name and behavior, but he is no stranger and will not stop.

The robbery, which everyone knows, is Ge Chao's life-saving straw. He doesn't call his brother, even if Ge Chao is vice versa, the late ceremony is not too much, so there is nothing to do.

On that day, the extremely accessible sight has now become the only time to start from scratch. The first master Ge saw uninvited guests, even like his son Ge Shi, also known as "senior brother." He has experienced countless dangers and surprises in his life, and he almost shakes his eyes, turning his brain into a mass of mushy, into a bunch of chaos. applaud-.

Lu Yang didn't understand. Lu Yang can't figure it out! How many people can be called brother in this situation? Not to mention the trip to Yanhuang Mountain to call his brother before the trip. Is the master of his family really stronger than him? Does God have any mysterious charm? The monsters and ghosts thought for a thousand, but they couldn't find a reason to come up. The upset devil thought in his heart that these two great masters kept talking about the hands of these two masters, and then the subject and the guest sat down.

"Lu Yang wants to know what he wants to do this time?" he asked.

Mr. Ge smiled and waved his hand and said, "Nothing, nothing." But now that he passed the natural disaster, he didn't want to break the void prematurely and did nothing all day long. Listening to the fragrance of Yan Huangshan bird language, the scenery is very good. I came here to play for a few days. I wonder if my brother is welcome?

Others listened. They didn't know where Ge Tian didn't trust each other, especially when they were sitting, they were afraid of accidents. I'm just afraid of losing face, and I'm afraid that I won't lend my own strength, just for such a good reason.

Like everyone else, with happy eyebrows, they don't worry about their safety, but worry that in case of Wang Zhenyu, Li has to help himself, even if God cannot afford it. Mr. Ge is sitting in Yanhuang Mountain now, but don't worry anymore.

After listening to Murphy's heart with fear, he didn't think that a person as old as Mr. Ge should come to visit the family. He also distracted the scenery of the name. The word spread out, who would believe it!

Secretly grateful, and smiled and said to Ge: "Old Ge such a rare guest is generally not invited, there is no reason to welcome."

Ge Min smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lu Yang will only walk in the mountains and watch the scenery. Lu Yang will not disturb you in quiet practice, nor will you participate in the fun."

The people around you and others will laugh and find that the master of Ge's next generation, who looks elegant and elegant on the surface, is a very interesting old man.

White Tiger Mountain, Imperial Palace, Li Family.

Li's face was cut open like a knife, and both of them had very faces. He was sitting on the head of the house with a high face. The first pen in the lower right corner was sitting on a man. This man looked like a short man with a slender and handsome appearance, dull eyes, tigers on the waist and back, and very beautiful.

This person is Li's son, Li Yunlong.

Mr. Li single-handedly picked Yun Mo Gang and other masters, so he was called Crazy Knife. And this Li Yunlong is a father's style, and also a strong and brave generation. The Devil Gang was killed by his father Li's sword, but by his gun.

On the day when Lee Kuan Yew returned to the status of family master, he was worried that the Demon God Group would return to the county to kill him, but he did not expect that Li Yunlong led the person who personally trained and killed the Demon God Gang in order to give his father the title of family master. But he did not give Li Yunlong as a gift to his father because he is the master of the family. Death is already the blue-faced **** of Sunset Xishan, killing the four elites under his tent and placing his dual gods under his own command, namely black and white, black and white.

In this war, Li Yunlong shared the joys and sorrows, reflecting the name of the gun and the name of his father's crazy knife, so that the county never dared to reverse the meaning of Li family.

On Li's left sits an old white man with very old eyes, not seeing the old state. This person is Li Songshan, Li's cousin. He is the main think tank of the Li family and reached its peak in the middle of the robbery. Because of this ancient town, Li's father and son's personalities are much fierce, not so fierce, and a little more stable.

Li Songshan expressed dissatisfaction with his whiteness and said solemnly: "There is some evil in the south, this time Lu Yang must be careful."..


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