Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1017: : Almost crazy

Hua Kemei, although it was for a closer, deadly knife, she also felt bad, with her arms closer and her chest closer, showing a strong color in Xiu's eyes.

Ouyang Wen looked up at the sky and smiled, but the flowers that were out of reach of the blade were beautiful, with a loud voice: "The flowers are beautiful, Lu Yang heard you look like many people, but this time you have to take good care of this seat."

Hua'er has become extremely ugly. He didn't expect that it was just a moment of effort that would make her side so bad.

However, he has no reason to bloom, but his face is beautiful and ugly. With a wave of his big hand, more than 100 elite figures behind him soared, surrounded by a trend of "super quasi-seven degrees". Obviously, Lu Yang wanted to leave the Li family in Yunshan.

The two people who did not join the snake man and the fairy lineup, such as the beautiful Hua Diwu, flew outside hundreds of elites, and formed a line of defense.

"Do you really want to have a good friend with the Li family?" The dim face is no good, and the eyes shoot out the dim light of a trapped beast.

He laughed to the sky again, with long hair dancing wildly, he couldn't be said to be strong and arrogant, "The Li family went to Luyang South Desert County and destroyed all the cliffs of Lu Yang. You think Lu Yang still needs good wine and meat to entertain you, and then you Did you send you away?"

Liu's face became pale several times, his eyes dimmed through the silver pupils and other people, and his cold voice said, "Are you really willing to pay for yourself?" The voice said, "For this cliff of green pine, Are you really willing to pay for yourself?"

"Liu is not good, don't waste your heart, the matter has reached this point, do you think there is a way out for Lu Yang? As long as Lu Yang is twisted into a thread, what will the Li family do?" Old Yinzi sneered. After seeing the strength of the Seven Unbiased Powers, the Silver Light Master is more certain than ever, and has never been so brave and confident as now!

"Get out!" Liu finally knew that there was no way to go back, and the only way to survive was to rush out.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Nearly a hundred guns flew into the sky and turned into a cold gun walking around.

Yin Zi is always in the green eyes, with long hair flying, drinking coldly and saying, "Kill them!"

Going crazy!

There was another harsh sword strike in the sky.

thump! Wang Zhitao finally couldn't help but quickly withdrew a good blood, bright red blood, red chest, and the whole person with a faint sword chasing by many souls.

But secret love obviously does not mean to stop, the red secret love still follows like a shadow, like turbulent waves, wave after wave to kill Wang Zhitao in the past.

Everyone changed their faces. Unexpectedly, there were only three times. The second master of the royal family was injured while holding a famous artifact in his hand. If the situation continues to develop, Wang Zhitao will die unless he turns around.

"I'm going crazy!" He involuntarily uttered a voice, one of the black top four, empathizing in his cold eyes.

Wang Zhenghua looked very uncertain, his hand was already a fist, and his power was beyond his imagination, but he still did not answer, obviously he could bear it.

The fourth sister saw the situation, but gave up again.

A silver light passed by, and a huge square shield appeared from the thin air, hanging between Wang Zhitao and the Red Devil.

"The best spirit-level defensive weapon!" Of course, there is no lack of justice among those watching this war. They can see the power of this shield at a glance. ..


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