Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1023: :What a pity

This knife is like a small river of blood flowing, hidden in the dark guards and black brake shoes.

The blood knife is rolling, and the gas is strong.

The world was silent, and even Wang Zhitao's fierce battle seemed to suddenly become white-hot in front of such a fierce bloodwing knife.

Going crazy!

Li Yunlong's gun finally transformed, and the loud voice spread across the earth and the earth.

With the shadow of the blood knife and the light of the gun, the seven stood tall and stopped. The devil was holding the blood wing knife in his hand, and blood flowed from the blood wing knife. He smiled and said, "Lv Yang has fun. Come on!" I wish you a good time! "

"How happy life is, what is the fear of death! Go, go! The other six people are smiling proudly, their chests are covered with blood, they don't know if it is theirs or the enemy's."

The gun returned to Li Yunlong's hand, and Hei and others finally returned to Li Yunlong's side, seeing the extremely powerful magic and other people one by one, obviously it was just the war, which made them still like to look back.

Looking at two black but beautiful hands, there are ten to seven or eight hands, and the pain is extremely painful. Li Yunlong's heart is angry, his eyes are cold and rich, and he holds a gun at the sky, like a finger of the devil and other people. Drinking angrily: "Lu Yang is going to kill you!"

At this time, it changed again. The black and oppressive people flew up from the sky, fierce on each side, they were the concentration of the nine powers of Nanxian County, and the remaining hundred were fierce.

Just when everyone was shocked by the nature of God and other people, and even the Li family suffered a big loss, Wang Zhenghua and the others' faces once again became worse and worse.

Wang Zhenghua was indeed full of looks. He immediately decided that it turned into a bright light* when he arrived at Li Yunlong's side. Lu Yang didn't know when he had already held a snake-shaped sword, like a letter from the son of a poisonous snake. It was creepy.

"Lord of God, you lord, today this old man will definitely take your life!" Wang Zhenghua whispered coldly.

The sudden rise of Wang Zhitao by secret magic and other people, the failure and return of the Li family, created a state of mind. He lost his Gujing state without fluctuating, and did not know how to do it well. Wang Zhenghua made a quick decision in his heart. Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In terms of thinking, as long as Wang Zhenghua and Li Yunlong unite, they can bring down the magic, and when it is not a problem with other people.

At first glance, Wang Zhitao was very irritable. Now that he has experienced such a fierce confrontation, he has already shown fatigue and will no longer appear weak. And if he continues to show weakness, the lofty will of him and others will be hit hard.

It was too late to say, that time was almost there, and when Wang Zhitao was almost there, there was already a strong time and it finally started suddenly.

Now the nine babies are the first peak of the kingdom. If it is not for the assembly at the initial stage, after the robbery of the war, a large amount of real power can be used to break through to the middle fit.

Nine Thousand Baby is the same at the same time, just like this, its depth and power has always been no less than the mid-term disaster.

Crimson, the red flame of the Crimson Sword was helped by the powerful fairy yuan, and the intense red light was like flame burning in the void.

Scorching heat and cold killing, two very different opposing destructive powers burst out sharp swords at the same moment.

Wang Zhitao, who was already emotionally unstable, was a great master after all. He immediately realized the situation, but it was too late.

Where does the master go to tolerate the smallest mistakes, not to mention facing a terrifying opponent whose strength is even higher than his one step.

Going crazy! Going crazy! Going crazy!

The voices of Jin and Tie are loud, tight voices, loud voices, high voices. They launched another sudden offensive, even this time more violently than before.

thump! thump!

The fierce power of the mountains burst out all over Wang Zhitao with the sword chasing the soul. Suddenly he was caught off guard. Wang Zhitao's body was struck by lightning. Yuan Shen was violent. Qi and blood surged, and blood flowed out of his mouth like spring water. The whole person is like a kite with a broken wire going backwards, and the body is even caused by pain.

The bright red rain of blood scattered from the sky, attracting everyone's attention and shocking everyone's hearts.

Even Li Yunlong forgot to rate his people, and the blacks and others flashed past, forgetting the terrible scene that happened just now.

To some extent, Wang Zhitao was once a creepy dog. A person with only defensive power is like a devil, holding the red sword in his hand, frightened mad.

Thousands of swords danced in the air, rolling up the shocking murderous intent, and the sharp sword sprayed out a little cold light, covering the sky and the earth, and every point needed human life.

Everyone knows that they will never forget such a terrible scene in their lifetime.

Wang Zhitao's strong will and strutting fighting spirit finally began to collapse, his eyes showed panic, and the secret love in his eyes had completely turned into an unpredictable devil.


The blood in Wang Zhitao's mouth came out again, and the soul sword suddenly fell down in a flash of light, and he was no longer transformed fiercely.

With a pair of black eyes, walking out of the cold and unsentimental eyes, Wang Zhitao was completely blank, and he finally felt the steps of the imminent death.

The little red light kept shining in Wang Zhitao's pupils, hot and cold blended, and the most uncomfortable sword locked the key to his body.

Wang Zhitao's hair was standing up, and he held the soul sword in his hand, welcoming Lu Yang who was deadly sword.

There was a sword in his mouth. Even if he could stop the sword, in order to survive, the next sword could still take his life.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and his back became coldly to extremes.

What a pity. ! Knowing in his heart, he turned the sword to a thorn in his back.

Going crazy!

The red flame sword is exactly the snake-shaped sword that stabbed Wang Zhenghua.

A fierce force pierced the body along the snake-shaped sword and severely stabbed Wang Zhenghua's soul, making him angry, blood flowing into a river, and painful.

Wang Zhenghua finally understood what a terrible enemy his nephew faced.

Fortunately, it finally arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be uncontrollable! Wang Zhenghua continued to retreat, intoxicated from Lu Yang.

He did his best to bear the heavy blow from Wang Zhenghua, which was also a very difficult thing. The whole person seized the opportunity, flew over a few hundred meters in the sky, suddenly stopped, raised the sword, pointed at the six kings gathered together, with an expression in his mouth. But secretly regretted missing the best opportunity to kill Wang Zhitao.

What a pity. Ge also secretly said that he knew that the master's actions should pay attention to blows. Just now, Hong, Wang Zhitao and others were not only seriously injured, but also frightened. That was the best time to kill him. ..


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