Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1034: : One breath

Good morning. He stood up suddenly and stretched. Yesterday's war, although fighting with soft hands, now gives him a carefree exercise, especially when he sleeps full of spiritual comfort. He felt a terrible burst of muscle.

The hard battle of life and death is undoubtedly the best way to exercise.

In the building of Yanhuang Palace, there are only real people, the black moon, the red moon, the white moon, and magic. The rest of the people have already dispersed. Some people continue to practice education, some go to education, and some have to deal with daily affairs in the clan gate.

The famous Ziguang worships Japan, the Yip family, outside the mountain gate, no one is in his heart. If it is spread, it will definitely make the whole world more unpopular. If Ye had no way to know, he would be very angry and bleed to death on the spot. Although Mr. Ye hadn't been angry and bleeding yet, he was already exhausted by the five elements of Yin and Yang. After a whole night of turning around, the number of Ye Dao was reduced by four. The others showed a panic color in their eyes, and their bodies were even closer.

"You have the ability to fight with your husband!" There is no way.

In the empty land, they feel uncomfortable, but it makes them feel guilty and panic, as if they are alone, and wild ghosts are floating on the endless dark land.

Aye, standing on the peak of the Five Elements, smiled and said: "The spirit of the old ghost is good, but Lu Yang still has the power to shout at it." The priest standing on the peak of the Five Elements said: "The spirit of the old ghost is still Not bad."

Two small eyes came out of cold light and said, "My lord, since he has fought a war, then do as he wants."

"That is, Black Moon Lu Yang, the pair of purple golden hammers, hasn't come out for a long time. The old man's strength is not good. Every time Lu Yang fights him, Lu Yang has to endure it a little. It's not fun at all!"

The real people smelled the peculiar smell and were so angry that they almost took out a heavy purple golden hammer and hit the black moon.

He smiled and said: "No hurry, no hurry."

Speaking of it, the coldness on his face, his hands have a magic formula.

Ye couldn't help crying for a long time, no one answered, but he didn't dare to fight anymore. He really wanted to cry instead of crying. Suddenly I saw the strong wind between the sky and the earth, and the scattered sand and stones left the stones.

A black mountain, when viewed from a distance, when the leaves can't go down the mountain, the leaves can't face slight changes. Raise your hands, and in the colorful air, one eye becomes bigger and firmly holds the mountain. .

This huge mountain is an appendage to the huge array of earth, because there is no way to leave it, in one eye, it will disappear without a trace.

Ye Wudao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly faced with the big change, suddenly turned his head and saw 13 people around him, without any trace.

Outside the yin and yang five-line array, the black moon knocked the Zijin hammer into an earthquake, then shouted and went straight into the array.

Real people, looking at the red moon and the white moon, are also bruised and bruised, making a big decision.

"You fight for them, you don't have to die or die." He waved to stop the devil who was going to follow him, and said lightly.

"Yes, my lord." The devil's eyes were dim, obviously some fingers, the command should have been received, also enter the array.

Watching these five people disappear in front of them, the corners of their mouths smiled slightly. The four of them more inherited Hongwu Gong. Life and death fighting is their best practice method. Now enemies are sent to the door. Don't go out to practice hands, right? ..


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