Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1042: : Total trust

"Do you still need to discuss this issue?" Mr. Tang looked at the crowd and laughed.

Li Shutong said: "What does the second master mean?"

"At the bottom line, this matter can't be delayed any longer. Shuhao Lu's patience is limited, and Tan will continue to put pressure on him. Now that we have prepared so much, this time it is expected to have a direct impact on Shuhao Lu Yang . I don’t believe that Mr. Tan can give more than we want?" Mr. Tang said proudly.

Downing is. "Uncle, will he support us?"

"He has no reason not to support it," Tang Yunhe said.

Tangning found that his uncle was too mean, so he didn't say much. In fact, he was worried.

"At night, I will call Lu Yang personally, and you will be ready to follow up, and you will take responsibility no matter how big or small," Mr. Tang ordered.

Li Shutong heard these words and looked at Nan, increasingly dissatisfied.

When he saw Lu Yang for the last time, he knew Lu Yang's choice, not the Tang family. Originally to discuss this matter, Tang Jun directly decided that Li Shutong had a different view, but could not speak either. He knew that Tang didn't trust him at all, so this was still a question of insight.

After the arrangements were made, Tang took Li Shutong out. In the evening, he had made an appointment with several leaders for dinner. It is a clubhouse under the mountains of the Tang Dynasty. It is a particularly open place for the Tang family. It is relatively remote and the most important thing is safety. Only guests invited by the Tang family can come in.

The Sichuan official earthquake also involved many Tang families. The Tang family lost many allies. However, compared with the Tang family, the Tang family’s influence on the Tang family is still limited. After all, the Tang family’s influence in eastern Sichuan is comparative. big. The relationship between Chengdu and the province is not significant, which is also the biggest flaw of the Tang family. After Tang's death, this deficiency became more obvious.

After Tang and Li Shutong left the villa, both Tangning and Nan stayed behind. Mr. Nan was very interested in this, or a think tank, not everyone can completely trust the second uncle.

As a younger generation, Tangning naturally respects Mr. Nan, smiling and asking, "Where is Mr. Amin?"

Now, Tang will discuss his big and small things with Mr. Nan. If it wasn't for Nan's face to be ruined, it would be terrible, he would be taken away when he went out to see guests. However, he had a clear understanding of himself and did not put Tang in a difficult position.

After hearing Tang Jian's words, his son was still pregnant, Anan slowly turned his head and lived in Chengdu for a few days. Tangning intends to contact him and hopes to establish a good relationship with him. Nan looked into his eyes with this little trick and set himself free. He may not know what his mother is doing now.

"Almost," Mr. Nan said, especially, he is mine. He knows a man with the left flag, a prominent place, but he has nothing to do with this matter; he comes from a civilian family, but her wife has a complicated relationship with the left flag.

Tangning continued with a smile and said, "I went to Inner Mongolia with my friends during the summer vacation. For the beautiful scenery of blue sky and white clouds, the deepest memory is that people in Inner Mongolia can drink, and every time I drink, I get drunk. The husband had a drink, and I don’t know how much wine he drank. "..


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