Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1079: : I'll go over immediately


Suddenly, a strange suction force came from the open air, and five foreign practitioners staying in the air were immediately sucked in. In the panic, they tried their best to mobilize their strength and exert their powerful strength to fight in the void, but to no avail. Because they were still sucked into the past, their bodies seemed to have been cut by countless sharp blades and suddenly turned into fragments.

Look at the void, nothing exists.

The foreign practitioners who followed saw this strange sign, their faces turned pale, and they soon came back and ran, but when they were about to leave, they were frozen on the spot and could not move at all. Then they heard their bones burst into pieces.


The born practitioners fell apart again and again.

One of the aliens was at the end. When he saw the person on his side collapsed, he panicked and shouted: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die." I finally got the thing, use it, I Can get treasure, I have a chance to break through, I don't want to die. "

but! Things were not as good as he had hoped, his body split, and the bracelet was twisted into pieces, as well as the contents and stored bracelets.

just now!

But a foreign body came out of it.

Lu Yang felt it right away. He looked at the ejected object in surprise. He could only see its vague shape. He couldn't see exactly what it was. Even the bracelet and all the treasures were hung up. This thing could still be shot out.


The **** of death was only 10,000 feet away from Lu Yang, and the suffocating silence was enough to shock any living soul. Even the unparalleled and firm Lu Yang in his heart was now affected, watching the foreign objects sweep towards the **** of death. He hesitated for a while. is definitely a treasure. It is also an opportunity. It is also accompanied by a terrible crisis. The two coexist.

Why did you come to the battle of the gods?

Keep improving yourself!

If there is time, Lu Yang will never be so adventurous, but he does not have much time, because he cannot predict when the real **** will come to the wilderness, once they retaliate against the wilderness, their own family, and all the Harbin Saints only.

The foreign object was about a thousand feet away from the **** of death. This is a very dangerous area. Just when the alien practitioners were photographed in the past, even if they did not have the ability to resist, they were killed by the **** of death. These dead gods, invisible and nihility, cannot cause any harm to them.

"You go first, I'll go right there." Lu Yang released the Pluto Swallow.

"You" I was stunned by Hades.


Lu Yang tried his best to speed up and fired at the **** of death. Once separated by a million feet, he was greatly affected. Now, the closer he is to the **** of death, the more blurred his consciousness, the more his soul trembles, the closer he is to the **** of death. A strong warning is issued.

Bite your teeth.

Lu Yang insisted, because he was very close to the foreign object, and now he clearly saw the shape of the object, a black gold stone, like a finger, with a wonderful charm.

"Minjin Stone"

Lu Yang's eyes lit up. He didn't expect it to be this treasure. Now he is only 3,000 feet away from the **** of death. The smell of death came out from his nostrils, poured into his body, desperately devouring his vitality, and his speed began to plummet. . ..


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