Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1083: : No gamblers

"So valuable? What's the use?" Hadesyan was stunned.

"For what? Improve the ability of the refinery."

Lu Yang did not continue to explain, because only refiners can understand what it means to improve alchemy. Of course, the nature of monochromatic beasts is not infinite. Can only be upgraded to refineries below the medium level.

Don’t underestimate that intermediate refineries in Asia, and even primary refineries, such as primary Mohr, can have terrible effects.

Lu Yang stared at the nature of the unicorn. Through the legacy of barrenness and division, after experiencing more than a thousand basic barren land, he discovered the primitive barren land. Each one has many changes. Of course, their The roles are also different.

Auxiliary primary barren lines are the most abundant, but there are also barren lines with offensive power, including several extremely strong barren lines.

Although Lu Yang’s power is now at the top of the sacred battlefield, he immediately realized that the sacred battlefield was much more complicated than he imagined, so before he arrived, he realized that the existence of God was less than Tengxi knew, and he immediately Realizing that the sacred battlefield is more complicated than he thought, so before he came, I made a lot of preparations.

But this is not enough!

Lu Yang lacks the strongest killer.

Although anti-skills and anonymous magic are powerful, they are not powerful enough. Although Aurora is powerful enough, its flaws are also great. If it is not durable enough, it will immediately exhaust all its power. Once it is released, if you If you cannot kill or destroy your opponent on the spot, you will lose its power.

Now, with the nature of the unicorn, Lu Yang's spirit immediately increased a lot, because it allowed him to cross his boundaries and extract the primitive wasteland.

According to the inheritance of the barbarians, to refine the primary mill, the worst power is to reach the second level of respect and even become a god. It is also possible to refine primitive and barren food, because the general practitioners control it too complicated. And it is difficult to maintain this terrible consumption. There are a total of 100,000 outstanding gods, and Lu Yang is included in the precepts of the heavenly palace. Regarding Lu Yang’s approach, Pluto’s face is confused. She really doesn’t understand that Lu Yang has spent so many excellent resources to buy God’s materials to do it, is she going to refine the wasteland? ? It is impossible to spend so much money, even if you are improving the moiré.

What made her even more puzzling was that with 100,000 excellent gods, Lu Yang stepped onto the third floor again and went straight to the battle of gods to kill the court.

just now!

There are no gamblers in the battle, only a few strong people gather to kill the fighting God.

Lu Yang came to the battle god’s killing field, held his hand, and threw a hundred excellent gods at the top of the battle god’s killing field, then recited a few mysterious and complicated archaic syllables, and then killed the battle **** A lot of lines appeared in the field. These lines are interlaced and interwoven to form a more complex pattern.

She frowned and found that in the battle with the gods, those lines had never appeared on the battlefield.

Take a bath.

The **** of battle appeared in the killing field.

John Daoy! Lu Yang's heart is moving.


Fighting gods punched and kicked, thousands of gods’ craftsmanship emerged, all gathered in their fists, three basic magic skills were derived, and this punch hit the fighting **** to kill the court ruthlessly, making a slight noise and fighting God then disappeared.

Without saying much, Lu Yang was thrown into the top 100 gods. ..


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