Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1091: : Standing at the door

"Big Brother Xin, that's him."

"It's the boy who made me angry."

"Don't let him run away"

These three voices came from behind, and only three disciples of Tian Zhanzong swept through the clouds outside the hall and pointed directly at the two Lu Yang.


An incomparable shrill sound came from the hall, as if the **** of death who had been hidden underground for tens of thousands of years was born, and the sound instantly penetrated all the momentum.

Suddenly, Pluto's battle armor appeared, and Pluto's battle armor changed slightly. Only when it is extremely dangerous, Pluto's battle armor will spontaneously appear to protect the body. You can imagine how terrible the sound is, forcing Pluto to take the initiative to protect it. God.


Lu Yang's body was full of rich bronze light, which directly blocked the sharp sound of the stabbing. Under the impact of these two forces, a violent impact broke out, shaking the entrance of the hall, and the power of the ancient devil's sacred body was enough to withstand this violent impact.

"Sure enough, I saw you wrong that day."

A handsome and elegant man in a golden robe stood at the entrance of the hall, with blue hair scattered behind him, a little bohemian, with his hands tied behind, looking at the entrance of the hall with a pair of complicated eyes. Lu Yang.

"Big Brother Xin, that's him."

The three disciples immediately swept over and stood at the door, pointing one finger at Lu Yang. Of course, this was more sad and angry than anything else. "Did I read it wrong that day? Have you seen me?" Lu Yang frowned. The person in front of him seemed strange, invisible in his memory.

"I once had a relationship. I didn't expect that you didn't die in the hands of Nangong's collateral. It seems that Nangong Luo should have been killed by you?" The shape of that person was cold.

Nangong Luo.

Lu Yang suddenly remembered that when he went to Taiyu to participate in the invitation of the "Tian Zhan Grand Master", he felt two special eyes on the top of the tower. At the time, he didn't care. Looking back now, one of them was exactly the same as the previous surname.

"Nangongluo ambushed me, did you arrange it?" Lu Yang asked silently. In a word, the giant wave was suddenly alarmed, and the current practitioners couldn't help being surprised.


"No, as long as you go to the mountain gate, you can see the grain at the beginning?"

"What I said before is false, isn't it?"

Some practitioners showed an unpleasant color. They worked hard to pass the entrance examination, just to see the original gods, and were told not to look. Will they be satisfied?

"Don't make noise." The first ancient Xuanzong disciple glared at everyone, and the latter immediately closed his mouth, but was still full of dissatisfaction.

He said: "The key is that you must have enough ability to see the signs of the beginning." "The key is that you must have enough ability to see the signs of the beginning. Too early, God's Food is the treasure of our town's Zongzhi. From ancient times to the present, there has been a shocking world god, not to mention you, even if we go to see it, it may die on the spot."


"There was amazing power at the beginning. This is not something I can bear, so to see it, you have to pass the test. If you can pass the test before you, you have the right to do so." The road is getting wider and wider. As it deepened, the surrounding trees gradually disappeared, and only a wide avenue stretched into the distance, although the insight and wisdom of the practitioners present could not tell how far this road was. ..


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