Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1094: : Give me quickly

In other words, if they meet these disciples of ancient metaphysics, they can only see the shadow in their hands.

And looking at these disciples, it is obvious that Xuanzong was not the top in ancient times. Otherwise, they would not be sent to the top of the epee peak of the ancients, nor would the top disciples be so terrible. If you reach the top of the mountain, the speed should be So amazing.

Except for surprise, the practitioners quickly followed. Just as they stepped into the area of ​​thousands of miles, the swordsmanship in front of them completely changed. All of us's speed suddenly dropped to extreme speed, and the high speed can reach double. speed. The low one can't even reach half the speed.

"what is this?"

"No, get out."

"Damn it, this is sword poison gas"

Countless swords rose from the ground, and each sword contained terrifying power. Many practitioners hurriedly released their defenses and defenses, but the next thing that frightened them was the defense power that could withstand attacks and killings. It's like an imaginary power. It is easily permeated by the spirit of the sword.

Two practitioners had no time to escape and were pierced by two swords. Fortunately, when they were in danger, they avoided the key points. Even so, the chest and shoulders were pierced, blood exploded, and a lot of sword energy came out. The faces of both practitioners turned pale with fright.

"bring it on!"

"Stand and die" Two ancient Xuanzong disciples grabbed one, and then moved left and right with countless sword spirits.

Thousands of miles are not far away, but for many practitioners, this is definitely a nightmare that will never be erased. The never-ending sword spirit keeps pouring in from all directions. Although the speed is not fast, the density is too high. A little carelessness can penetrate ten thousand swords and kill you.

What's even more suffocating for them is that everyone seems to be bound in an invisible chain, and the difference in speed is guided together. As long as someone slows down, the speed of others will slow down. So many swords used to make people tremble. Now they are so limited. The slow ones are okay. The original ones are a little bit slower, a bit slower or so, but those fast ones are not in a hurry.

"Hurry up! Give it to me." The first disciples of ancient Xuanzong drank wine again and again, and they were also one of them, which is naturally implicated. In addition, they also have the responsibility to protect these practitioners. If accidents happen to these practitioners, it will affect the reputation of ancient Xuanzong. By then, they must be held accountable.

"Brother, someone is at the end." a practitioner called.


The first ancient Xuanzong disciple turned his head. When he saw his back, he slowly moved Lu Yang's steps, his face was almost green.

"Lu Yang"

When Moro's face changed, he rushed to the front, thinking that Lu Yang was behind, but he didn't expect him to be behind. He walked slowly. He immediately left and swept away Lu Yang. At this time, he felt that Lu Yang was too. Follow him. But at that time, he did not expect it to be behind. Two ancient Xuanzong disciples stopped in front of him.

"Back" Gu Xuanzong disciple shouted.

"Step aside!"

Senoro gritted his teeth and slammed out the power of the supreme saint, but at the moment of this punch, there was a special power in the sword, and his power was repelled.


The two ancient Xuanzong disciples immediately grabbed Sinoe and rushed from left to right towards the entrance of Jianguan.

"Let go of me, get out."



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