Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1101: : Some ups and downs

In a densely packed place, sitting on the knees of many people, these are the disciples of ancient metaphysics, and there are deacons in them. Every look is extremely calm, but the eyes contain terrible sharp intentions. -

In addition, more than twenty practitioners have found a posture where they can kneel and look at this densely packed place. Unlike the disciples and deacons of ancient metaphysics, these practitioners are filled with excitement on their faces because this is in the beginning of the divine grain.

"Lv Yang, let's go over." Mr. pointed to a place.

"Yeah!" Lu Yang nodded.

"you again"

The voice of an arrogant woman came, and among the people sitting on her knees, a beautiful girl stood up, but her lips were thin, and her long, narrow face had a sharp and painful feeling. That is, this girl is not someone else. It's Ning Yu.

Lu Yang frowned, Xino's face sank immediately, glanced at him, and was about to look away.

"I don't know how you came in, but you are here." Ning Yu did not follow Rao Tao, raising his head high, wearing a brand new ancient Xuanzong disciple costume.

"Ugly, don't you think it's enough?" Mr. stared at him.

"What are you talking about? You said I'm ugly, but you." Ning Yu was furious, she was about to whip her whip, and suddenly many eyes fell, feeling her pressure immediately stopped her hand, her eyes were dumb. Staring at Sen Luo, "You wait, today's revenge, I am sure Ning Yu will pay...!" You better pray, don't leave it to me. "

Lu Yang's eyebrows became deeper. Although he had misunderstood before, it was just a small matter, and it was very lazy to deal with. On the contrary, this jade will not stick to it, and Senoro, in a word, has already reached the level of this kind of hatred.

"What's the matter?" A low voice came over, and saw the three inner Xuanzong disciples coming.

"Why is Sister Ning so angry?" But in the mid-level sky of God's Domain, even the bottom is not counted, and accidents are easy to happen.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m about to see the supreme God, or because of the safety of my grandfather and other people. Lu Yang’s mood is a bit ups and downs, and there are always some inexplicable bad things hidden, but he didn’t think too much, he would This feeling was suppressed.

After flying for nearly an hour, a huge palace surfaced in the distance. It was majestic and magnificent. After that, there were many palaces, but they were broken. The whole palace was full of tranquility in the distant place, without a trace of life.

For the temple, Lu Yang checked it before.

One hundred thousand years ago, the Temple of Heaven was one of the greatest forces in the world. Although it is not as good as the current dry Temple of Heaven, it is no different, but due to an accident, everyone on the Temple of Heaven was wiped out.

According to legend, after the enemy obtained the throne of God, he went to destroy the temple of God. Some people said that the temple triggered some special prohibitions and was destroyed by the hidden strong, but some people said that the temple was not extinct. It was just an accidental split.

No one knows how the Temple of Heaven became a mystery.


Some troops have entered, but they have repeatedly suffered inexplicable misfortunes, either being plundered by the enemy, or accidentally encountered outside accidents. In the end, the main forces retreated one after another, and this place became a small refuge with many strange beasts. ..


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