Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1108: : How much steam

Wugong wanders on 5,000 stones for seven days, martial arts lingers on 20,000 stones for eight days, and martial arts lingers on 50,000 stones for nine days.

With pure power, there is an irreparable gap between Lu Yang and the monster leader.

More importantly, there is a gap between the use of power and the kingdom.

This blow almost hurt Lu Yang.

Lu Yang hurriedly showed off the melting pot of his flesh, his whole body gleaming golden, swallowing that terrible power.

"Go" he didn't hesitate, a dozen of Qingyang Sect disciples wrapped up with a volume of mana and walked out.

It's about running away. Fighting is impossible.

The others were pale and knew the situation was worrying.

But when he saw Lu Yang running away, he took them to leave, suddenly all of them looked grateful.

Li Yun's several people were ashamed and unacceptable, as if they were annoyed by what happened before.

"Stop them," the monster leader called vaguely.

"Bang!" Lu Yang's iron fist swept through everything, suddenly opening a gap.

He stepped on all sides of the world, as fast as electricity, even the monster leader could not control it.

Seeing that Lu Yang was about to rush out, he sighed with relief in his heart.

But at this moment, the leader of the monster suddenly drank a cup of "Web of Heaven and Earth" out loud.

In the center of the sky, a big blood-colored net shrouded in the sky, covering the sun, and it had a thin meaning of the horizon.

This is a terrible half step. Obviously, Skynet has been hidden in the dark, waiting for the strong to enter and show it at the last minute.

The net is obscured. Let Lu Yang feel that there is nowhere to escape.

His body quickly retreated, but the monster's head had already rushed over, hitting an endless ball of blood.

The monster leader is freed from death like **** and reaps life ruthlessly.

Having a drink, Lu Yang drank a cup loudly. The monster on his head shelled a hand, but was still invincible. He was knocked out by a hand and fell heavily to the ground.

It was so painful that I could hardly stand up.

"Jie, you are all going to die today." The monster leader let out a creepy cry.

He suddenly flew into the sky and was about to jump on the face of the shocking Qingyang Sect disciple.

But at this point, in the distance, there is not much steam.

In the middle of a big river, there is a young man standing, wearing a black long gown, with an extremely cold face on his face, as if he has no feeling and is indifferent to life.

He carried a fairy sword and whispered softly. The young man drank a lot. "What kind of monster is killing innocent people for evil? Today he wants to kill my disciple Qingyangzong. It is difficult for Tiandi to adapt. Today I am an elite disciple of Qingyangzong, Shuitianjun. He wants to kill him today. The harm of the people." Return the world to Lang Kun Gong. "

The upcoming person turned out to be the King of Water Heaven. The Seven Great Heavens in the martial arts world are the core disciples of the Qingyang Sect. There are only more than one hundred people, and everyone's status is respectable, which is not comparable to ordinary disciples.

Everyone is aloof, just like the man among the fairies.

But their status is not as good as that of elite disciples.

Only by achieving the goal of becoming a Buddha in the nine heavens of martial arts masters can one be promoted to an elite disciple.

If you can enter the martial arts field, it is the son, the divine daughter.

It is said that Qingyang Sect has five sons and daughters. ..


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