Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1117: : Buddha Book

That is the real Wuzhi Mountain in Wuzhi Mountain.

Even before Lu Yang saw that the golden monkey was not the main body, he used a great avatar to represent a Lu person, so that he could survive in a short period of time, and not much time would automatically disappear.

"Is this Wuzhishan?" Everyone looked at this deep mountain with startling eyes.

This mountain is filled with heavy oppressive power, and the whole body is shining with golden light, and the power of Buddhism surrounds the whole mountain.

The sound of ancient Zen Buddhism singing in the sky seems to be heard near here.

Just like the words of heaven.

"It is the immortal forest and the book of the Buddha" Suddenly, Lu Yang's eyes suddenly clung to each other.

I saw an ancient tree, about ten meters high, with extremely lush branches, and its torso as strong as Qiulong's.

The branches of the old tree seemed to penetrate deep into the void, constantly absorbing the spirit of the void.

On the cliff under the old tree, a golden ‘color’ tapestry is attached to the cliff.

The countless sacred lights of the brocade silk fabrics and the sacred ancient ethereal spirits, just like the Supreme Buddha of Buddhism, exude endless Buddhist sacred lights.

A feeling of inviolability.

The brocade is written in the ancient Buddhist language, with the word "cross" written on it.

Lu Yang knew that it was the ancient book of the Buddha.

Legend has it that every ancestor Buddha would make a "cross" in the palm of his hand.

The exact reason is not yet clear, but there are rumors that there is an ancient and powerful Buddhist existence before and even outside the Seventh Patriarch Buddha.

The ancestor Buddha is the incarnation of the "Holy Buddha", with a "cross" on his palm.

Later, the ancestral Buddha fell, but Buddhist allusions are said to be able to resurrect the ancestral Buddha. When monks are trained to the ancestral Buddha kingdom, their palms will appear highest, which represents the great success of the term "cross" of the Buddha.

Very mysterious, but also very strange, unbelievable. In Buddhism, this "cross" is inviolable.

Don't blaspheme.

Shenxianmu, Buddha's book, really nodded in this "day of victory, Gujing Wu's "lang" face also appeared a hint of joyous "color".

"Empty mirror, come out," seeing his right hand waving, a magical mirror appeared.

This is a bronze gem. This is a hollow mirror.

Lu Yang knew that the hollow mirror was not a real hollow mirror, it was a copy, perhaps a failure.

The Pangu gods were about to succeed, but they failed.

Even if it fails, it is very powerful, and it is said that it can rely on the power of a real hollow mirror.

There is even the secret of Pan Gu fairy.

Pangu’s "cave" is hidden in a hollow mirror. Once it is fully realized on the day of victory, it will be able to find the "cave" of Pangu Daming.

Then find the real hollow mirror.

The hollow mirror is an ancient creature, said to be able to detect the sky, powerful and unimaginable.

Victory can be grasped in a day, and this will be an earth-shaking war.


Lu Yang held a bone wand and pointed forward.

The eternal light shines, tearing through the world, breaking the void, breaking the mountains and rivers, setting the sun and the moon.

The eternal brilliance illuminates the entire world, colliding mercilessly with the giant bone claw.


The sound of the bones cracked, and the huge claws of the bones cracked at the instant of the bombardment. ..


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