Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1123: :this era

The period when the demon nation really developed to its peak was the prehistoric period.

Because in the era of floods and famines, there were ten great saints in Greece.

They are "Mencius", Yingzhao, Feilian, Nine Babies, Shangyang, Qin Yuan, Tinhide, Ghost Car, Baize, Flying Man's birthday.

These ten great saints are so powerful that they can be said to be invincible in the world of heaven and earth.

Ten great saints created an ancient and unimaginable power-Amada.

Heaven is the supreme power of the fairy, even in many great ages, it is also the supreme power of the kingdom of heaven.

Heaven has ruled all the world three hundred times.

A century is 3,000 times, and the demon family ruled 300 times of great times, completely occupying 1/10. You can imagine how powerful this heaven is.

This is a kind of immortal power. Since ancient times, the most powerful people have been sitting in the evil court in every era.

For example, the older princess Yaoji "Chaos"-the ancient emperor once served as the leader of the demon court.

However, this terrifying force finally disappeared suddenly, as if disappearing into this world for no reason.

The old monk yelled: "The Heavenly Palace is this power. It was at its peak at first, and it still rules the world, and then suddenly disappeared. It is too strange. If it weren't for the sudden disappearance of this power, the rest of the power There is no chance of'sex' at all."

Lu Yang's heart was shocked. This heavenly court was too terrifying and too powerful.

One force rules over 300 great eras in the world.

Too shocked, how strong will the demon be at that time? said the old monk: "At the peak of the devil's court, strong men like Qi Tiancheng didn't even have the position of the king of heaven."

"Really? Qi Tiansheng, ah, the ancient combat power is the existence of heaven, it is difficult to rise to the position of the heavenly king?" Lu Yang's tone was deeply shocked by the "color".

The old monk said: "In the era of Qi Dasheng, there was a taboo among monsters."

"What? Do evil races have taboo strongmen?" Lu Yang was shocked.

"Yes, it is said that the pulse of the undead king is very strong, do you know how powerful it is?" Since the last era, it can be traced back to 18 eras. All world leaders are the blood of the undead and the evil king. They are the supreme masters. The old monk said: "Before this era, the leaders of the world are no longer immortal kings. They shoulder the responsibility of leading the world to fight the end of the world."

"This" Lu Yang was shocked. The old monk knows too much, doesn't he? I saw those pictures, as if I knew more than the old monk.

The old monk went on to say: "In this era, the rise of an unimaginable strong man is called the loneliness of failure."

"The first taboo is that God alone seeks to fail?" Avril Lavigne cried.

Seeking failure alone has always been a legend, but no one knows what he did.

"Yes, that's him, the great man in the world. He had a pet when he was young. That pet is the ninth taboo of this era."

The old monk said.

"Puff" heard the lines of the old monk, and Lu Yang and the others almost spewed three liters of blood.

This Nima. What a shame, isn't it?

The first taboo is that it is a taboo for the great God to seek lost pets?

It sounds incredible. ..


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