Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1125: : Rushed to the sky

This is a middle-aged monk, the power of war will be his horror, the six holes of the soul, is the right monk.

"Master, the road ahead is unknown. It is dangerous. You should be more careful," Lu Yang shouted.

"The Buddha was nailed to death here, how can a poor monk see that the bones of his ancestors are not cold?" said the middle-aged monk.

The tattooed old monk said, "I'm afraid you can't save the body of your ancestor."

Hearing the words of the old monk, the middle-aged monk shook his face and skin, unable to say anything good.

He folded his hands and said, "The Buddha said, I will not go to hell, who will go to hell?"

The monk walked towards the temple, all eyes were on him.

"Stupid" Lu Yang shook his head.

Far away, the son seeks defeat, Yu Wen is bossy, Phoenix Fairy and others are all watching here, God's "color" is cold, Lu Yang also sees them, and the "color" on his face is also very dark.

"Those people almost killed us" Avril said through gritted teeth.

Before these three people fell into the trap, they were almost eaten by intensive admirers. Lu Yang of this story did not forget.

Of course, now is not the time to disturb them, but now is the time to take a look at this strange old house.

The old monk was surrounded by the light and spiritual brilliance of the Buddha, accompanied by a series of Taoist voices. The practice of this old monk is very bad, and his fighting power is also reversible. Now Zen sings the sound of Buddhism, and the sound of Buddhism echoes between heaven and earth, and he stepped closer to the ancient temple. At 100 meters, finally changed.


The emptiness trembled suddenly, and a strong "wave" movement came from the old monk's sword, nailing the "swing" from above, "trembling" the fire in all directions.

In the empty "swing", there is a terrible "wave" movement that sweeps, collapses and destroys all directions.

This is surprising and touching. Those invisible attacks on the middle-aged monks were wiped out, "eager for" beheading.

The middle-aged man’s "Buddha light is full of light" is terrible. After a long time howl, the endless Buddha light comes out of the body’s "shock" and "shooting", and the sword is suppressed. This middle-aged monk seems to be ten thousand The law does not add to the whole body, all the way forward, unimpeded.

Lu Yang, who was "so strong", was surprised that the power of this middle-aged monk was much stronger than he thought.

Now the middle-aged monk continued to move forward, and all attacks were ineffective against him. Finally, he came to the crucified monk ten meters away, and his body rushed into the sky.


At this time, the sword "waves" began to move again, and a terrifying wave surged out of the pressure.

Do not

The middle-aged monks seem to have a gap, their bodies have exploded, but this is already a step too late. A sword aura broke through the void and immediately killed the middle-aged monk. The sword spirit "stimulated" the middle-aged man's body, made a gasping sound, and chopped off the middle-aged man's head.

The bloodshed and the middle-aged monk died on the spot.

"It's so dead," everyone was surprised. It was terrible. It was just incredible that an ancient sword killed the middle-aged monk.

The old monk said: "This ancient temple is terrible. It has a strange power. It may be buried in a treasure, but I am afraid there is no chance to come out."

He nodded and agreed with the old monk's opinion that the degree of horror in the place far exceeded his imagination.

Many people are terrified, and finally choose to leave here. ..


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