Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1130: : All used up

For the undefeated throne, the three people, Shemel Mirror, and Jianqiu are too high to wait for the treasure in these days to be evaded.

They managed to catch a living player in the sky. Lu Yang was under a lot of pressure, and the big seal would be suppressed to seal it.

"Isn't it said that these days will be resurrected?" I tried to find out that "Lu Yang invaded the spirit of God, and suddenly found that there was a dark air in his heart, which dominated the activities of life, but it was obviously not a soul." When Lu Yang When you want to peek into the secrets of the black air, the sound of the black air burns directly. When the black gas burns, the days will stop. The only thing that makes people speechless is that the body of heaven has directly rotted. From resurrection to rotting corpse.

This one. It's so strange that I won't live these days, it should be an immortal stone "fuck"!

Lu Yang said: "This immortal stone may contain a secret in the sky. I really want to pry it out and take it away."

The old monk said, "Hey, you boy thinks of beautiful, immortal stones. This thing is not very clean."

Several people continue to attack, but the siege will begin these days, putting them under heavy siege.

"It seems that we can only sacrifice a heavy treasure." The old monk's face was very heavy in'color', and he took out nine'Jade' symbols, Lei Ting'Jiao' weaving.

"This is Thor's'Jade' symbol. I don't know if I can blow up a blood path."

The three rushed out again. The old monk sacrificed the Thor's Jade symbol. The Thor's Jade symbol suddenly exploded, and the terrible thunder'turned over' weaving. They broke up more than ten days ago. 'Sign outwards.

The power of "Nine Thunder Jade" is really amazing. Under the siege these days, it opened up a **** road, and it looked like it was about to rush out. The road will be blocked in the last two days, and Lu Yang, the three gods, was frightened by the "color". Running towards the last two stars, but half of Lu Yang's eyes will be violently beating.

Only at the moment of life and death, the eyes will actively warn.

"No, come on." Lu Yang was a creepy man, drinking loudly.

But it was still a step too late. The bodies of the two generals bulged up, and then there were two loud noises, and a big explosion occurred directly.

The destructive power when it exploded in these two days was quite amazing, and the three of Lu Yang were blown out.

All three people were bathed in blood, their skulls were exploded, and both Lu Yang and the old monk spewed blood.

This time, they were injured and once again surrounded by the sky.

"Do you still have the'Jade' symbol Thor?" Lu Yang asked.

"It's all used up," the old monk's face darkened in ‘color’.

The three had to do their best to defend themselves. Thor's "jades" are really hard to kill a **** path. This is a tragic battle. These days, Lu Yangs have been besieged for two days. If they were not Lu Yang, they would be separated from the corpse, but even so, they almost died several times. On the day of the breakthrough, the old monk's chest was almost pierced by a "hole". And Lu Yang's head was removed for almost a day. This war was really too tragic. Lu Yangs were struggling to support and did not give up their last hope. It was not until the next night that many monks flew in this direction. Try to cross the past.

"He" will naturally disagree these few days. Many monks were killed together. Lu Yangsan survived. Many people will fight against the sky, many people will die in the hands of the sky, and some of them have successfully crossed over. ..


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