Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1142: : Don't agree

"Lu Yang, why do you want to deceive yourself, you still love me, this is an unchanging fact, Lu Yang, in fact, I have not forgotten you, in countless nights, I will think of you!" The moon said softly.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Lu Yang said coldly.

For Yuewu, I can't talk about what it feels like, really, maybe it can only be described by complex?

At the beginning of the retirement event, it was a kind of hatred.

At the gate of wonderland, it is hate and hate.

As their power gradually increased, in addition to hatred, it seemed that they had an additional understanding.

In this world that respects power, abandoning the weak and choosing the strong seems to be a choice many people will make.

As for the so-called feelings, there is no way to stand the test.

Just like Lu Yang's feelings and the moon's dance.

Pinched off.

Yue Wu’s face was full of sad expressions, and said: “Lv Yang, I know that once I bring you so much harm, you won’t believe me, but I really regret it now. Want to come back to you, will you accept me?"

Moon Dance's expression is very sincere, she is naturally beautiful, and her expression is sincere now, with the pitiful breath of Chu, she looks very sympathetic, and can't hate her for holding her in her arms, so comfort and pity.

I don't know why, at this moment, Lu Yang was a little excited.

Why are you excited?

Can't you forget that the moon dance in your heart is real?

Lu Yang really didn't want to admit it.

long time no see.

many things.

Everything has changed.

How can I not forget the moon dance myself? definitely not. Absolutely not.

Yue Wu went on to say: "Lu Yang, I still remember that we walked in the bamboo forest hand in hand, and we ran happily in the mountain forest together. That was the happiest moment in my life. I once imagined that we would grow old hand in hand with you. Isn't it?"

"I don't want to?" Lu Yang was confused.

A long time ago, I really wanted to.

This is the dream of young Lu Yang, the moon jumps all the way, accompanied by life.

It's just that the dream is finally shattered.

"Lv Yang, I know, you will never forget me. We can really be together again and give me a chance to love you, okay? I just want to stay by your side. I can see you every day, yes A kind of happiness..." Yuewu whispered softly, looking at Lu Yang with expectant eyes.

At this time, Lu Yang's heart was struggling violently.

A voice told him not to agree.

Moon Dance and I have always been strangers.

But a voice told him to agree to the moon's request so that you two can be together forever.

These two voices are fighting, you are fighting, and each voice wants to dominate.

But in the end, it was re-accepting the moon to prevail.

Dance the moon dance again, let her return to her arms.

In this way, you can dance with the moon and have childhood dreams.

"I" when Lu Yang spoke, wanted to say that Moon Dance could be accepted again.

The voice against the moon dance finally screamed.

Lu Yang, after so many years, you have experienced so much, can't you let a woman go? Moreover, it is still a woman who gave up your own initiative, you have your own life, and your future road is still very long. You must let go of the righteous thoughts in your heart, and you can go further...

The sound finally disappeared and was overwhelmed by the sound of Moon Dance.



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