Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1153: : Must I give up

Even if you can escape, it is unrealistic to want to take others away.

This is the largest gathering place for monks in Kyushu. Lu Yang has more than one million troops, including monks, elderly, sick and disabled people in Kyushu. There are at least seven or eight million people in total.

However, as long as the war fails, these seven or eight million people may be slaughtered by the powerful of all ethnic groups.

Lu Yang naturally knew this, so he desperately even burned Shouyuan to urge this movement.

Regrettably, compared to the power of the strong, Lu Yang's power is too weak.

Although he was burned to death for three thousand years, Shou Yuan urged him.

But the powerful force is still unable to resist the attack of the Six Fairies.

The offensive of the two great gods in the outer world was also very fierce. After the devil manipulated the Yi bow, the ancestor fought the two fairies.

But these two fairies also hold heavy treasures.

Instead, he suppressed the devil.

"Ah, it's useless, your resistance to me, for me, is the behavior of the mantis arm in the car."

The skull of the heavenly fairy said contemptuously.

"Swallow demon, I heard that the gods will treat you as a slave, but you didn't agree to it. Now if you promise to serve my dragon family, you can spare your life."

Said the strong of the Shenlong family.

"Serve your mother"!

Yan Devil directly rebuked loudly, and bombarded away with various powerful attacks.


These forces are very powerful.

The fiery demon once again fought the dragon and the skeleton beast.

In this battle, six fairies came one step at a time.

The little moons of Lu Yang and Zhuge Liang looked very dignified, and they already felt a little powerless.

After all, it was the two of them who attacked the six fairies, and some of them were indeed very difficult.

"Lu Yang, your big battle is wonderful, but you can't stop us, you will be captured by us, and you will surely spit out all your secrets."

The magical and strong man giggled.

"After telling all the secrets, this boy will be brought back to the invincible family, because this boy is bleeding immortal blood, our family will study him carefully." The voice of the immortal strong man, the voice of the invincible family, Came out coldly.


A more violent attack was launched.

Lu Yang's nine-fold old-fashioned method is like a lonely boat in the wind and rain, and it will soon be unable to support it.

"broken". The six powerful men roared, and their power exploded into a fierce attack.


Kunou Taikoo has begun to split.

"It's over" Lu Yang's face turned pale, and this battle is about to start.

"Lu Yang, we are going to evacuate" Little Moon said solemnly.

The **** monk was in Lu Yangluo's eyes.

These are powerful people, they claim to be, they are willing to follow themselves.

I have done a lot to myself.

Will all the efforts over the years be wasted?

Do these people have to give up too?

At this time, Lu Yang felt a desire to look up at the sky and cry.

Can all efforts fail to reverse Kyushu's failure?

This time I failed and basically declared that Kyushu would fall completely.

no no


The camp is still splitting.

time to go. Yan Demon also shouted: "Stay on the green hill, not afraid that there is no firewood, if you don't go, you will die here."

"go with". Lu Yang gritted his teeth, his eyes turned black.

Just when they were about to evacuate.

Nine days later, there was an ancient gate leading to the kingdom.

The smell of fear comes from the gate of the kingdom. ..


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