Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1157: : This battle

This is a treasure forged by the head of the first emperor Shitian clan and represents the patriarchal belief of the emperor Shitian clan.

With this scepter, he is considered the leader of the Shiite emperor's family and the leader of the Protoss.

Of course, this scepter is not only as simple as a believer, but also a powerful and ancient divine tool.

"I came here with a stick in my hand."

The emperor put the stick in his hand and raised it up, and the scepter bombarded the crow doodlers and unscrupulous Taoists.

The endless divine light flooded the earth and the earth, this power is indeed terrifying.


The cover of the devil's tripod is also strong, releasing magic light in front of the crow Dodge and shameless Taoist priest.

Ping pong

Accompanied by deafening noise, the two sides of the strait collided fiercely, the force of terror was released, the sky was torn apart, the sun and the moon were dark, the galaxy shattered, and the world collapsed.


The crow doodlers and unscrupulous Taoists were frightened, and they looked very depressed.

This sacred patriarch is one of the most powerful immortals.

In addition, the divination rod is a completely sacred tool.

The devil's tripod is nothing but a relic of the remnants. It is part of the sacred thing, and can't really play the magical power of the earth.

"Yes, this is part of the sacred artifact. You persuade me to resist the power of my magic wand. Who are you, a Taoist priest?" Fear is also a level of my existence. It is incredible that the Kyushu world is in such a decline, and you But such a strong person.

When the emperor of the gods flew into the sky, an incredible expression appeared on his face, which seemed so shocking that he could not believe everything about himself.

"Kyushu is much stronger than you think," the crow said silently.

"Really? I traveled around Kyushu, and I didn't see a few decent and strong people, ah, two people do it with me, know these two Taoists, completely kill!" the emperor said.

"Okay, do it"!

The skull **** and the evil dragon **** nodded, and together with the emperor launched a crazy attack on the crow Taoist and the unscrupulous Taoist.

"Xiaocao, don't you want to lose face? Are the three fairies besieging us?" The unscrupulous Taoist priest began to scold.

"You are the one who is besieged." The three fairy came to kill. It turned out that the emperor released the sky, and one person could control the emperor to release the celestial rod, and he would have the upper hand.

just now.

With the help of two great gods, the crow people and unscrupulous Taoists are in danger.

"Ha! The emperor let the sky fly, and the two people outside are finished. Everyone, if we work hard together, we will decide the outcome and capture Lu Yang alive."

Very good, break this battle and capture Lu Yang alive.

In this battle, six great fairies roared.

They also started a frenzied and violent attack on the nine-fold battle controlled by Lu Yang.

After a fierce bombardment, Lu Yang Zhuge Liang the little moon, and the three burning demons could also be exhausted.

Now, the main role of the battlefield is no longer the key to determining the outcome of the war.

The key lies in the battle between unscrupulous Taoists and the emperor, the evil dragon fairy, and the skeleton fairy.

The war between the two sides darkened, the sun and the moon had no light, and the stars disappeared.

"The emperor releases his wand and surrenders to the sky"!

The emperor released the sky and roared loudly, and the magic wand in his hand bombarded forward mercilessly.


With the deafening loud noise, the emperor released his magic wand and flew the earth-shaking magical tripod out. The fire fighting graffiti and unscrupulous Taoists were frightened and flew out.




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