Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1159: : Quite miserable

Wow, wow.

The unscrupulous Taoist sprayed three blood in a row.

He wiped the blood from his mouth and shouted loudly, "Damn, it's usually Doug. Others vomit three liters of blood. Feng Shui cycle. I'm unlucky today. I'm going to be killed."

"Yes, you are going to die." The emperor took a step forward again, and Lan moved his wand, which again bombarded the unscrupulous Taoist school.


This unscrupulous Taoist was shot down for the second time, although the devil's tripod resisted most of the attacks, and the shield removed most of the attacks.

However, this was an attack launched by the emperor with a sacred tool. Even a small part of the power was enough to make this unscrupulous Taoist drink a pot. He was blown out again, and all seven mouths were trembling with blood. .

this is too scary.

"Master Dao, I am dying, my blood is almost running out, I am your ancestor."

Cried the unscrupulous Taoist priest.

"I dare to scold this seat and look for death." The emperor looked around and took a step towards the unscrupulous Taoist school.

"not good". The Rafitti’s face changed a lot, and he wanted to rescue him.

But the dragon fairy and the skeleton fairy united to resist the crow.

"Your opponent is the two of us."


These two gods launched a crazy attack, and the crow's plan to save the pollution-free Taoism failed.

In this battle, Lu Yang's face was also bleak.

Although this guy has a dark personality, even teammates sometimes have a pit.

But in essence, this unscrupulous Taoist is quite good.

In addition, Lu Yang got along well with unscrupulous Taoists.

Now the Taoist priest will be killed by the emperor, but he can't save it.


The **** of the invincible body family smiled and said, "Lu Yang, you little beast, the resistance of the aboriginal people of Kyushu, that Taoist is the end, you will die, and you will be like Taoism."

Indeed, a group of humble creatures in Kyushu tried to do the wrong thing to all of us without knowing how to survive or die.

Killed all the indigenous people in Kyushu. "Everyone, in a big battle, Lu Yang, this little animal will be caught, and the power of Kyushu will be directly disintegrated."

The six heavenly fairies howled and launched a more violent attack.


There are many wars.

There is a lot of pressure on Lu Yang.

Those noisy people were also stopped.

The next army is fighting. The blood here has stained the earth red.

Except for blood.

There were corpses all over the floor.

These corpses are like mountains.

With a magic wand in his hand, the emperor was surrounded by the light of God, and he was like a mansion, stepping towards the unscrupulous Taoist priest.

"The end of resistance to all races is death."

He moved his wand and smashed it again.


The noise swayed the sky, and the unscrupulous Taoist priest was blasted out again.

Quite tragic.

And this time, the fortifications built by the earth-shattering magic tripod have been broken.


The unscrupulous Taoist yelled in horror.

The defense system was destroyed. Then, facing the attack of a powerful fairy, there was only one dead end.


Emperor Shi Tian held a magic wand in his hand with a cold expression on his face. The wand in his hand was raised, walked towards the unscrupulous Taoist priest, and fell to his death.

"In the next life, Master, I will kill you."

The unscrupulous Taoist yelled before his death.

I don't know what to live and die. The eyes of the emperor released the cold of the sky, and under the fierce bombardment of the magic wand, the kind Taoist priest was about to be released to death by the emperor. ..


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