Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1172: :What happened

The guards paled with fright, and turned around subconsciously. This young man was so terrible that even the owners of five psychic mediums were slapped with one hand. Immediately, they did not know how to live or die. Even if they rush forward, they may be killed on the spot, but this is not a matter of justice.

"Who is causing trouble in my fall house?"

Applause came from the sky, like a thunderstorm, and the surrounding area kept ringing. An old man in golden clothes appeared from the sky. His eyes were as big as a bronze bell, giving people a feeling of indignation and self-esteem. The pressure comes and goes. All the guards felt their chests pressed down by the boulders and dull stones.

The master of the kingdom of gods.

Lu Yang squinted at the old man in the brocade.

The old man appeared, looked around, saw a large group of guards lying on the ground, and immediately drank a cold drink: "Little thief, dare to make trouble in my autumn house, dare not be small, and dare to kill Qiujia, no matter who you are, It has to pay the price of life." When he spoke, he grabbed it with one hand.

The whole arm seemed to stretch. The place it passed, the flow of air, the cracks in the road where the space was torn apart, contained the power of terror, even if a hill would be razed to the ground, the master of the spiritual realm, the power is terrible.

Lu Yang smiled faintly, the monsters of the gods and the techniques of the body were used, and the demons in the sky suddenly turned into a faint light and disappeared in the same place.


Within a hundred feet, everything was smashed into pieces, the old man's face was surprised, and his face immediately turned cold. "Search the president, even if you search the entire sacred wooden city, you will find that the old thief is the old man of the governor," he said, "and the old man in Jinzhong looks cold."

The old man of Jin Yi suddenly felt something and took a step into the void. In the second minute, he appeared near the broken body of the leaves flying in autumn. When he saw the blood-stained fragments and the jade clothing representing the young master of the Qiu family, his body trembled violently.

"Leaves" under the anger of the old man Jin Yi, he raised his head and roared, the huge roar spread throughout the autumn house.

A thunderous roar echoed in the sky of the Qiu family.

The guests in the upper, middle, and lower rooms, including those in the Qiu family, heard the bleak roar. The noisy Qiu family fell silent for a moment, and then came up again. The sitting guests stood up one by one, standing one by one. It looks very majestic.

"What happened?"

"This is the wavering of the Soul King."

"That's the voice of the master!"

In the middle hall!

For the devil's man and others, the face changed slightly.

A master of the demonic race looked at each other face to face, has it already begun? But there is still some time before the scheduled time? Has an accident happened? Or something else? For the wizard master, these questions are no longer suitable for their thinking.

Because even the master of the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit has already begun, this represents the beginning of action.


The man in black suddenly yelled, his shirt soon torn, a lot of thick gray scales grew on his body, and even his face became half-human and half-demon. The spirit radiating from his whole body was extremely powerful. At first it was just a spiritual teacher in six places. It suddenly reached the six boundaries of the spiritual master, only one step away from the realm of the spiritual king. ..


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