Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1191: : Polar World


In the flash of light in Lu Yang's eyes, the original confusion and confusion disappeared, but they were replaced by a sudden consciousness and confidence, only to see him hit twenty lines with one beat.

The beauty of "Break the Tattoo Line" of the Northern Saints is shocking. No wonder she has such an expression. After every Taoist priest has worked **** her own, it is easy to break her own prints, but it is difficult to reappear.

Once the Taoist model is broken, even if it is repaired, it is difficult to be as complete as before, and it is ultimately flawed.

The next scene is a series of astonishments at the beauty of this holy woman from the north.

I saw Lu Yang's chest rise and fall deeply, exhaling a trace of leisurely cloud air, and then a finger was in the air, the fingertip was like a magic pen, round and clear, and one stroke was erased. A line of Taoist lines continued to emerge, and the devil’s holy bones It also appeared endlessly, and the copies of Tao were printed out one by one.

Frost has changed repeatedly!

Three days later, Lu Yang's hand drew the last grain of Taoist lines, and then stopped. The remaining tens of thousands of Taoist traces disappeared. Only the Taoist lines copied in the air, a total of more than 10,000 pieces, interacting with the sacred flesh and blood of Taoism. Confirmed.


Lu Yang let out a soft voice.


Tens of thousands of Taoist teams fell apart and died in the empty sky. At this moment, Shuhao Lu Yang showed a cold smile on his calm face. Even the holy girl not far from the north could not help being shocked, not because of his handsome manners. This is a kind of powerful self-confidence that will suddenly appear in a fleeting moment.

Lu Yang slowly closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

just now!

A strange scene appeared. In the boring stone room, a green flower gradually grew out of every gap, and the buds continued to stick out and then began to bloom.

Suddenly, the whole stone room was filled with the fragrance of flowers and trees, just like spring, but outside the stone room at this moment, it was snow and ice.


The Girl Scouts of the North Country felt the breath of Taoist patterns, took a quick glance, and saw the entire body of Lu Yang, appearing one after another. These Taoist patterns were different from the previous ones, full of vigorous vitality, and no longer the silence of the past. . The mystery and Taoist rhyme are extremely rich.


The beauty of the Northern Saints has completely changed.

Different from sketching Taoist patterns with fingers, only after reaching the realm of Heaven and Dao, after hundreds of years of practice, can we reach the transitional level of Taoist patterns, and the understanding of Taoist patterns and Taoist rhythms has reached a very high level. Each of them is an old monster with one foot on the ground of a big man.

If this was only a short-lived Taoist model, "Mrs. Northland" would not be so shocked, but she realized that the Taoist model created by Shuhao Lu is completely consistent with its own Taoist rhythm, that is, the complete fusion of Taoist form and spirit. Degree, thus forming the Taoist model. Its power is much higher than the lines copied by others.

This has not been plagiarized, but used his own rhythm to go out of the way, belong to his own Taoism, and have the ability to transform his own Taoism, and only the realm of high talent can do it, Lu Yang can reach the peak in spirit.

At the peak of the spiritual saints, the Taoists who belonged to their own Taoism since ancient times were not without them, but these people are often the means created by the gods of the past generations when he was young.

"He has begun to own God's money."

The beauty of the Northland was full of complexity and entanglement, as if Bai Yu's palm was slightly raised, and after hesitating for a while, she lay down again.

She didn't want to shoot at Lu Yang, but she felt that the man in front of her was too mysterious, but no one knew how he grew up, but no one knew how he grew up. Like a mystery, the breakthrough of power is amazing.

This is even though the rapid breakthrough of power has brought about a lack of Daoyun awareness and insufficient shortcomings, but this shortcoming has just been revealed, and it is solved by the people in front, and it is so easy to solve.

What can he do?

The saints in the north cannot see through, even if they are as smart as her, they cannot see them.

"Just let you live longer, until one day I enter heaven, you will be bombed." The eyes of the holy woman in the north were cold, but there was a strange hesitation. She had to kill Lu Yang because her emotions were affected by this man.

As a saint in the northern holy land, her qualifications are beyond doubt, but after so many hardships during this journey, the man in front of her has become the shackles of her future ascension, breaking through this layer of shackles. Either catch up or kill him.

The lines of Taoism appeared one by one, and the speed has not changed. Lu Yangguangyao’s eyes have become hundreds of lines of Taoism, but he has not stopped and continues to solidify, so the speed is compressed, even the northern holy The women were speechless.

too fast!

Just one night, Lu Yang had three hundred rows. What's more frightening was that he showed no signs of stagnation, and he was still freezing.

It was not that Lu Yang Shuhao wanted to stop, but that he seemed to be completely enlightened at the time. The condensed Taoist lines did not feel stagnant at all, as if they were born, but in fact, this is the effect of Taoist metaphysics respecting the rhythm of the king.

The king of metaphysics is the first person in ancient and modern China and abroad to preserve the essence of wood genus. After countless visits to Wuwu to preserve the essence, the rhyme left behind has proved to be extreme, and ordinary saints can hardly compare with it. It is difficult for ordinary saints to compare with them. Perhaps only the supreme monarch can compete. Compared to the Demon King Earth Immortal I met on the demon battlefield in the past, he couldn't restrain a penny, and it may even be above the ban of that generation.

"I don't know who put such a terrible position here to isolate the entire polar world," he said, "I don't know who set such a terrible position in this place."

Lu Yangyan murmured.

He suddenly remembered the existence of these five tribes in the polar regions, enclaves and holy mountains. He learned some of the secret history of the Five Elements, they are descendants of the ancient saints who ruled the semi-barren world.


The supreme clan of the Demon Age ruled half of the wilderness world. For some reason, all people did not fall, but immigrated to the extreme. They were completely closed by the formation of this terrible world. For some reason they did not When they fell, they were emigrated to the extreme and completely closed by this terrible formation.

Lu Yang is curious about the secrets of enclaves, sacred mountains, polar regions and ancient existence. ..


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