Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1203: : Very elegant

Lu Yang nodded behind him, and then strode onto the shore, shuttled among the group of ghosts. The Afterimage Dreambat grabbed the ghost soldier and followed Lu Yang's side, but it always walked above Wangchuan. The ghost soldier did not dare to act rashly, and constantly ordered the surrounding ghosts to make way. Although the surrounding ghosts are extremely coveted. But if he moves a little bit, he will be lashed severely by the surrounding ghost soldiers. For a time, Lu Yang didn't need a little spiritual energy to walk around in this ghost realm, as if entering a man's realm.

After walking for a long time, this Wangchuan still has no end, Lu Yang said: "Hey, let me ask you, what is the name of the place where the ghost emperor lives, and how far is it?"

The ghost soldier promised to answer: "The place where the ghost emperor lives is the Hades, which is at the end of Wangchuan. Now we have reached the evil ghost crossing, at this speed. There are about six hours to travel."

Lu Yang said angrily: "Six hours! You **** said it earlier, you want to exhaust me." After that, with a move, the figure jumped up in the sky, and the afterimage of the dream bat suddenly turned into a remnant. The shadow appeared at Lu Yang's feet in an instant. He said: "Look, little devil, your grandpa will be there in half an hour."

After that, he smiled, the Afterimage Dreambat was carrying a person on his back and a ghost under him. But his body shape was not affected at all, and he swept out like lightning.

The figure of a man, a beast, and a ghost had disappeared suddenly, and only a group of ghosts were left in this place. The loud laughter from Lu Yang, and the terrifying screams from the ghost soldiers. The ghost world is indeed a lot darker than the human world, but this area is not inferior to the human world continent. Lu Yang stood on the back of the afterimage dream bat, passing by like an arrow. The robe on his body swelled up in the airflow, very elegant.

After flying for half an hour in a row, there were many ghost soldiers and generals on the way, but when they reacted, Lu Yang was already out of their sight. For a time the entire ghost world was caught in a rush. The ghosts everywhere roared. When the ghost soldiers ran, the sound of knives and guns grinds into Lu Yang's ears endlessly.

Lu Yang calmly left these big ghosts and little ghosts behind him, making them stare at themselves. Lu Yang thought: "It turns out that it's such a cool thing to occasionally risk the world!" He laughed all the way without restraint. The end of Wangchuan also gradually appeared in his laughter.

The end of this Wangchuan is no longer like other places in the ghost world, it is a scene of solemnity. The water of Wangchuan flows out from a huge mountain in front of Lu Yang. The water flows from the mouths of six huge ghost heads in the mountainside.

Above the waterfall, Lu Yang saw the majestic and majestic buildings. The palace there is like flying, and the tallest building is about a hundred meters long. Looking at it from a distance, I only feel that the entire building is floating on the water, and it seems to be suspended in the air. Right in front of the building complex, there was a black stone statue carved, one man dressed in a golden silk python robe, standing in front of the palace fence with one hand, and one pair of eyes looking out into the wilderness on the horizon. Full of majesty and respect.

The palace's four-dimensional faint blue spirit fire is floating, and the palace's zenith is slowly rotating with a large and exquisite formation. The qiē here seems to be extremely atmospheric. But this atmosphere is full of evil and majesty. This is like the palace of the human world. But it was not the righteousness of the palace, but a heavy and suppressed death. ..


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