Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 990: : One enemy two

The Ghost Mianren paused in place, and apparently he didn't expect that Lu Yang would be unparalleled in his hand.

"Lv Yang, are you okay!" Fu Hongxue asked concerned when he approached.

"It's okay, this ghost-faced man can't hurt me!" Lu Yang dealt with this ghost-faced man with confidence.

This ghost-faced man's martial arts is extremely weird. Although it can't hurt Lu Yang, it is a bit difficult for Lu Yang to kill him directly with domineering martial arts. If the fighting between the two was the most intense, Fu Hongxue would not be able to help much.

At this moment, another person came not far away.

Lu Yang looked at it from a distance, and from this figure he could recognize who this person was. I couldn't help but yelled, "Miss Ming, are you here?"

Mingyuexin had already taken off Fu Hongxue's coat at this moment. When she landed, she looked at the ghost-faced man with a smile and said, "You brought this ghost-faced man out again?"

Although Mingyuexin was calm, there was a faint bead of sweat on his forehead. Lu Yang saw it, and couldn't help asking worriedly, "Why, what happened?"

"There is a wicked person who has been following me!" Mingyuexin still said calmly.

As soon as she finished speaking, she chased someone after her body. This person was wearing armor and a helmet on his head, showing his eyes and mouth. He landed, and the heavy armor plus his weight caused a cloud of dust on the ground.

"Beauty, why don't you run away, obediently follow me!" The armored man said without shame.

Lu Yang's anger came up all at once, and he shouted, "Hey, what are you! Don't you plan to die?"

The armor man looked at Lu Yang up and down, snorted, and said, "It's up to you if I catch my beauty!"

"She's my person, you said it doesn't matter to me?" Lu Yang said this, and even Mingyuexin, who had always been calm, was surprised. This is also an alternative confession.

After Lu Yang said, he suddenly shot, the long sword came first, and it pierced the armored man's exposed eyes. Stabbing him in one eye is a small punishment and a big admonition!

Unexpectedly, even though this armored man was in a heavy armor, his speed was not slow at all. He raised his hand fiercely, grabbed Lu Yang's long sword, and then pushed out a palm, rushing towards Lu Yang's chest.

Lu Yang also wanted to try the skill of the armored man, so the sword technique did not change, but he also released a palm.

The two held hands against each other, Lu Yang suddenly felt his arms numb, but the armored man took a few steps back.

It seems that the skills of the armored man and the ghost face man are almost the same. Tonight is really lively, the master counts it all together! Lu Yang couldn't help but sneered.

"Boy, your skill is really superb, but if you want to grab a woman from me, it's still a bit! Look at it!" The armored man seemed to be a little unconvinced.

What this armored man is proficient in is a set of palms, his palms are mainly sturdy, coupled with his armor, only a lot of power.

His armor was not made of ordinary fine iron, and it was extremely rigid. Lu Yang's Evergreen Sword could be regarded as an inexhaustible sword, but he could not split his armor.

With his armor's innate defense, he can naturally attack without scruples. The power of palm manipulation can naturally increase a lot.

Lu Yang fought with the armored man here, but the ghost face man over there also shot at the same time to deal with Fu Hongxue.

Nima, these two guys belong together! Lu Yang couldn't help cursing in his heart, gnashing his teeth, putting away the Evergreen Sword, and immediately facing each other.

In front of this armor, the power of the sword can't be used. Lu Yang only relied on his arrogant inner strength to confront the armored man.

Although the Evergreen Sword could not split the armor of the servant, the inner strength of the whole body could penetrate the armor and directly into the body of the servant. In this way, the two of them took hundreds of moves, and the armored man gradually began to feel strenuous.

And here Fu Hongxue had already hit the kick of the ghost face on his chest. The sword technique became more and more messy, and it was not the opponent of the ghost face man.

Lu Yang's internal force surged, pushing the armored man in front of him a few steps back, and then the Evergreen Sword shot, rushed to the Guimian Ren, and another trick with the Guimian Ren to temporarily solve Fu Hongxue's distress.

But after the armored man stepped back a few steps, he immediately counterattacked. When even formed a two-to-one situation.

If these two people were engrossed in dealing with Lu Yang, then Lu Yang would not necessarily be afraid of these two guys. It's just that this ghost-faced man always looks for opportunities to sneak attack Fu Hongxue.

Naturally, Lu Yang couldn't let Fu Hongxue die. He had to take time to protect Fu Hongxue, which was quite difficult.

The armored man seemed to want to show the majesty of his man in front of the beauties, and almost exhausted his whole body's inner strength.

However, in the competition of internal strength, there is still a lot of gap between him and Lu Yang. Lu Yang just made an understatement and resolved the mighty inner strength of this armored man.

At this time, the ghost face man suddenly shot to Mingyuexin.

Lu Yang was shocked, and when he turned to save, the armored man behind him pushed his palms again. Lu Yang had to turn around and slap the armor man again.

Just in this empty space, the Ghost-faced Man pressed a palm on Mingyuexin's shoulder, Mingyuexin's body fell out, and Lu Yang jumped, but before Lu Yang received Mingyuexin, the Ghost-faced Man issued three more at the same time. The hidden weapon, the hidden weapon directed at the heart of the moon.

Lu Yang was shocked again, and threw the Evergreen Sword in his hand, but the Evergreen Sword had only opened two hidden weapons, one of which was still submerged in Mingyue's heart.

When Lu Yang leaped over and hugged the landing Mingyue, Mingyue's heart had already fainted.

"Mingyuexin! Mingyuexin!" Lu Yang called twice, but Mingyuexin was still silent.

The ghost face man is coming to attack again now. Lu Yang was holding Mingyue Xin in his arms at this moment, this ghost-faced man was also extremely despicable, and all his moves attacked Mingyue Xin in Lu Yang's arms.

Lu Yang was very angry. At this moment, the armored man suddenly attacked the ghost face man. The two men were evenly matched. In this fight, they exchanged hundreds of moves.

"Lv Yang, Miss Ming, is she okay?" At this moment, Fu Hongxue stroked her chest and walked to Lu Yang and asked. ..


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