Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1206: : Thank you for your accommodation

Dianwei said in surprise: "You have so many people here, do you know that this is an unruly act!"

Ran Qingluo said: "General Dian, we have come to the ghost interface to see the ghost emperor with the **** of Nuwa. Please don't be too embarrassed by the army."

Dian Wei looked at the few people in front of him, not surprised everywhere. Even if he can beat one person now, he may not be able to beat everyone. What's more, there is also the Venerable Qingyou who has spent tens of thousands of years in the ghost world Wangchuan River. Such a strong lineup is simply not something he can contend.

Dian Wei tightly shook the two halberds in the handshake and waved, and two armored ghost soldiers appeared behind him. He said: "Go and report to the ghost emperor, saying that someone broke into the ghost world."

The two ghost soldiers gave a promise, and their figure suddenly disappeared. Dian Wei said: "Until the ghost emperor has been summoned, none of you can go in. Venerable Qingyou, don't be embarrassed."

Jiuyou Broken Soul Jiao said: "That's natural. We are waiting."

Several people were waiting outside the gate of the palace, Dian Wei watched them firmly, preventing them from having a chance to enter. But seeing that they didn't have the idea of ​​rushing in, they relaxed a lot at this time.

Lu Yang looked back at the ghost soldier who had brought him here, but at this time he didn't know where he had gone, presumably he had already slipped away without a trace.

Lu Yang laughed, and suddenly there was illusion behind Na Dianwei, and the two ghost soldiers appeared just now. They said, "Ghost Emperor summoned!"

Dianwei heard the words, looked at the crowd, made a gesture, and shouted: "Open the palace gate!" Dianwei shouted, and the palace gate of the palace behind him opened rumblingly. It's made of heavy obsidian, so it can be called a supernatural skill. Several people sighed, and they prepared to enter. At this moment, Dianwei no longer obstructed, but gave way to the road alone and let a few people pass.

Everyone clasped their fists and said, "General Dian, I am very grateful for your accommodation. I am grateful."

Dianwei said: "There is no right or wrong in the responsibility, and your rewards and punishments have to be decided by the ghost emperor. Go into the palace immediately."

Everyone quit Dianwei, quickly walked into the palace, entered the palace gate, and their sight suddenly widened. It turned out that the place Lu Yang saw before was not just a rock wall, but now it seems that this is an unattainable lone mountain. The huge rock wall that I saw just now is just the tip of the iceberg of this lone mountain.

In front of them were six quietly flowing rivers, which were divided in half by a magnificent bridge in the middle. Three of these rivers detour from the left of Lonely Mountain, and three detour from the right. I don't know if this Forgotten River is integrated into one after this lonely mountain.

The bridge in front of everyone is about one hundred feet long and eighty nine feet wide. The middle is slightly arched, and various cloud patterns are carved on it, and a huge ghost face is carved on the bridge. Looking around, hundreds of ghost soldiers wearing gold armor and masks were stationed on the bridge. He held the all-colored halberd in his hand, motionless, his whole body was full of iron and blood depression.

Everyone walked on the bridge, but the ghost soldiers did not stop them, and they didn't blink their eyes, which made people feel strange, thinking that these ghost soldiers were just statues.

Go to the center of the arch bridge, and you can see the buildings on the solitary mountain through the layers of clouds. What Lu Yang saw at the bottom of the mountain was only a part of it after being blocked by the wall. At this time, it seemed that this ghost world palace was probably more than ten times larger than the human world palace Chang'an City. It’s just that the city of Chang’an was built on a flat piece of land, but the palace is built on the hillside. The entire huge mountain is invisible for half an inch of soil, except for the cascading eaves from bottom to top. It stretches to the top of the mountain. ..


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