Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 992: : Help again

Lu Yang had to leave the room holding Mingyue's heart and found the carriage. Fu Hongxue drove, while Lu Yang and Mingyuexin were in the carriage and went straight to the ghost doctor's cabin.

The ghost doctor's wooden house, Lu Yang is considered to be familiar with it.

When Lu Yang went straight to the back room, there was no one. There is no doubt that the ghost doctor is not there again.

This ghost doctor is not there, Lu Yang can also rely on the system mall to deal with this small pain. He said to Fu Hongxue next to him, "Brother Fu, you go out to protect me first, and I will try to exercise treatment for Miss Ming."

"Qi Yixin said that what Miss Ming is doing is a strange poison, and that is not a toxin that can be forced out by her true Qi!" Fu Hongxue persuaded Lu Yang.

You know an eggplant, I have an antidote! Lu Yang stared, but this time when it wasn't about arguing with Fu Hongxue, he said, "The ghost doctor is not there now, I have to be a dead horse doctor, I can't wait like this!"

"Who said I was not here?" Lu Yang's voice just fell, and the old man's voice rang.

Lu Yang turned his head, seeing the ghost doctor stepping in through the door, he said with a dull expression, "This is my ghost doctor's house, you two boys, you have broken in again and again, but you are really not polite. what!"

"Dr. Ghost, Miss Ming..." Fu Hongxue said first.

The ghost doctor waved his hand and said, "Ah, you don't need to talk about it. You want me to save people again, right? Someone has already begged me. Hey, my old man just didn't have Ontario time!"

Lu Yang was speechless, it seemed that the girl Zhou Ting had begged the old ghost. However, Lu Yang had originally intended to beg this old man, but was forced to come with Mingyue's heart by these guys who were in a hurry to go to the doctor.

This time, when Mingyue is convinced that the system mall is antidote, there should be no conflict with the mission!

Lu Yang didn't even start to say anything, but the old man got impatient and yelled, "Get out, get out quickly. If it delays my treatment of this girl, you will have to bear the consequences!"

Now that this is the case, Lu Yang couldn't take Mingyuexin away, so he had to put her on the bed steadily. Before leaving, he did not forget to ask the old man ghost, "Doctor Ghost, where is Zhou Ting?"

"She, it's outside, get out, get out!" The old man Gui showed that he was rather impatient.

Lu Yang had no choice but to go out, as expected, he was outside and saw Zhou Ting sitting on the ground leaning on the railing and sleeping. There was still a trace of tears on her cheek, which was obviously extremely worried about Mingyuexin. Maybe she is really too tired, and it must be because she has asked the old man to promise to save people so that she can fall asleep here with peace of mind.

It's just that the weather turned cold these few days, and when she fell asleep, she couldn't help shivering. Lu Yang took off his coat and draped it on Zhou Ting. When he pressed his palm on her shoulder, his inner strength calmly entered, making her warmer.

It's getting late, and it seems that the old man's detoxification will not be easy, and until this moment, he has not come out.

Lu Yang also sat down by the railing, his body just blocked Zhou Ting's slender body, so that the wind could not attack her. Before he knew it, Lu Yang also fell asleep deeply.

It was a certain kind of hot gaze that awakened Lu Yang. Lu Yang opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, but at this moment Zhou Ting's eyes fell on his cheeks with scorching heat.

Zhou Ting's direct stare was caught by Lu Yang, she couldn't help being a little cramped, she hurriedly retracted her gaze, and said, "Grandpa Ghost, he must have promised to save my sister!"

Lu Yang was slightly stunned, "Isn't it you who begged him? Only you can tell his stubborn old man to put down his stubbornness and save people."

Zhou Ting's mouth was slightly long, but she hadn't spoken yet, but the door of the old man ghost opened. The old man walked out slowly, his face looked a little tired, too, this old man was too old to save people all night, naturally exhausted.

Lu Yang stopped talking with Zhou Ting, and along the way, Lu Yang first asked, "Ghost doctor, is she okay with Miss Ming?"

The old man ghost shifted his eyes between Lu Yang and Zhou Ting, and said, "Old man I am willing to take action, there is no time for a dead person. If I can't save her, I will not take action easily."

When he said this, he naturally cured Mingyue Xin.

Zhou Ting couldn't help but slapped her palms and said, "Great, I know that Grandpa Ghost can definitely heal my sister's injuries! Grandpa Ghost, you have worked hard!"

"Thank you Ghost Doctor!" Lu Yang also thanked him.

"Hey hey, you don't have to thank me. Now, you can go in and see Mingyuexin, maybe she will wake up in a while! My old man has to go to rest and rest, this old bone, I don't know How many years can I support!" The old man said as he left the wooden house with his waist beating, not knowing where to rest.

Lu Yang glanced at Zhou Ting, the girl was embarrassed. Lu Yang said, "Let's go in together!"

"No, I think my sister opened her eyes, the first person I want to see must be you! I won't go in." Zhou Ting said bitterly.

Lu Yang stretched his hand to hold Zhou Ting's palm and said, "Zhou Ting, you..."

The girl Zhou Ting suddenly retracted her hand, pursing her lips and said, "Lu Yang, please bring me something to my sister. What I said before was unintentional. Also, I wish you and my sister."

This girl is really stubborn. For this kind of stubborn girl, you must not rush to persuade, it can only be counterproductive, you have to slow down first. So Lu Yang exhaled without saying a word.

"You...hurry in!" Lu Yang's silence made Zhou Ting feel disappointed.

Zhou Ting's loss, Lu Yang, was completely in his eyes. Since there was a loss, there is still a good chance, but for now, Mingyuexin's girl is safe.

"I'll explain this to you later." Lu Yang put aside a bit of joke, turned around and entered the house.

The smell of herbal medicine was everywhere in the room. Under the scent of the medicine, Lu Yang saw Mingyuexin lying gently on the bed, her profile still beautiful.

Lu Yang Shen took a sigh of relief, approached Mingyuexin, and when he was sitting on the side of the bed, he stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, and when the real qi surged in, Mingyuexin slowly recovered. ..


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