Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1227: : Old man

He shook his head, scattered the fragments in his hands, waved his hands, and said, "Forget it, I lost."

Qingyang Chess wise man laughed and said, "Do it again." Lu Yang waved his hand and said, "This is the eighth or ninth round. You are very good. Neither Sister Yu nor Master Han can beat you. I am a layman without inferiority. "Let me rest, old man. "

The beard of the Qingyang chess saint crooked, and he reprimanded: "Nothing fun." There is no long-term ambition to destroy his prestige. "

Lu Yang stood up, looked around, and said, "We are almost near, and the moon will come out." Wait a minute, you will take a good look with your eyes. "

Qingyang chess king Seqi stroked his beard and said, "Don't you want to hit me again?" Lu Yang said, "Old man, don't be kidding. Playing chess with you is to pass the time, but not to honor your promise." We are all trapped here. But to leave here. "After thinking about this, he smiled and said:" Old man, you are now slipping out of our boat, afraid that there is something important to do. "Be careful to drag things too long."

The sage Qingyang Chess smiled and said: "You guy is also very good at drilling people in the air." Forget it, if you are satisfied with your old husband's chess addiction, the old man will help you for a while. But the old gentleman cannot guarantee that you can see, and the use of mysterious contact lenses will make my body lose a lot of strength and make me unable to move within half a month, so you can take care of my old man. Play chess with me every day. "

"Didn't you just say that everything thousands of miles away can't escape your fangs? Why can't you see it now?" Lu Yang was questioned. Qingyang Chess said: "There are so many things in a thousand miles, how do I know that it is an organ hub? The old man can't be a manipulator." What if that thing is thousands of miles away? "

He said the same when he heard it. Full of confidence, he was immediately halved, and he was frustrated for a while, and said: "In any case, there is no other way, at least try." At this time, he just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and accept any proposal he made. He said, "As long as you don't think I'm rude, it's my fault." After hearing this, King Qingyang closed his eyes and nodded, and said, "It's like a word."

Lu Yang counted the time and said, "It's almost three hours. I'm going to make a raft and I won't drown in the future." As he said, his footsteps became lighter and he was swept out in the blink of an eye. After a while, there was only a loud noise, like the sound of a tree that had just been cut to the ground.

Soon, the voice grew louder and louder. Qingyang Chess King heard the sound of going up the mountain. Suddenly, he saw a big tree trunk embraced by two people throwing at him like a huge cannonball. applaud-. His hand was frightened, the knife in his hand came out of its sheath, the blue light flashed at night, and the wood was broken by the spirit of the knife.

However, just after one time, another time immediately followed, Qingyang Chess City stepped back half a step, the Green Sun Sword in his hand burst out again and again, a total of five swords were drawn out, the sword was not empty, five yuan The big wood blocks are half-sided. The incision is flat and smooth, like a mirror.

Lu Yang smiled, jumped down from the top of the mountain, and said: "Old man, you are a good sword." Qingyang chess piece was angry and said indignantly: "You still laugh!" You almost killed the old man! "

Lu Yang said disapprovingly: "I have been playing chess with you for so long, and I feel pain in my back. The elderly should exercise more bones and muscles." You have a beautiful sword. You can saw wood for me, can't you? "

Qingyang Qizi said angrily: "Son, this sword is one of the ancient swords. You can only chop wood with small firewood. I really can't stand it!" Lu Yang smiled and said, "The saws are all sawed, it's too late. "As he said, he held ten and a half pieces of broken logs and sat in rows. Although the logs were half broken, they were still heavy. Luo Xiao held the wood in his hand around his waist, as if it were a whole body. Such power was as secretly surprised as Qingyang's chessboard.

He made a hole in the wood and collected some thick vines in the depression. Although he had no hands, he replaced it with his mouth for a short time and managed to tie up the raft.

At this time, time was about, a faint moon gradually rose from the east, and the moon suddenly dispersed the darkness. The neighbors gradually became clear. From far away, the mountains in the distance can also see the outlines, like the backbone of wild animals. All the darkness is shrinking rapidly, retreating to the dark side of the mountain, lurking like countless ghosts. It's terrible.

Lu Yang looked at the moon and said, "Old man, if you didn't lie, there should be ground movement now."

These words were not finished yet, but I felt another rumbling vibration of the earth, followed by the sound of a huge wave rolling in. Qingyang Qisheng walked on the raft with a long sword and said: "It seems that this old man really didn't lie to you." No, it's here. "It was a dark night. The faint crescent moon in the sky was obscured by clouds. Looking at it, it is almost impossible to see people everywhere except the faint outline of the mountain. The lights in Qizhou City have been extinguished. All fell asleep.

Only the high wall of the Lujia compound in the north of the city was still on. A large group of people ran around in the compound, the sound of footsteps mixed together, and sometimes there were some messy and angry reprimands, completely disrupting the quiet night.

Located at the junction of Huainan Road and Jiangnan Road, Qizhou is a small town. The Lujia family in the north of the city is the largest gate of wealth in Qizhou. The Lujia area occupies almost one-sixth of the Qizhou city of this song, with high walls, scattered houses, densely packed tall pavilions and towers, with its own prosperous scene.

In this luxurious manor, there is a tall tower to the west, which is almost the tallest building in Qizhou City. At this time, a large number of Lu Jiading gathered in the tower below. A team of three or five people are looking carefully in the surrounding eaves, drains, and bushes, as if looking for something everywhere.

After a long period of exploration, a housekeeper turned to a man in a green suit and said, "Manager, there seems to be nothing here." He said to a man in a green suit. "There is nothing here," he said to a man in a green suit. The supervisor kicked him angrily, hit him in the chest, and kicked him to a height of four feet. He said: "Look at me, if you dig three feet, you will catch the thief." If this batch is lost, I hope your head will be sent away by the owner of the house! "

The man hurriedly got up from the ground, hugged both heads, and quickly slid to the other side of the search. The manager had a fierce face, standing on his waist, with a soft whip in his hand angrily hitting the two stone lions in front of the tower, but in any case, it seemed very difficult to unlock his hatred. ..


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