Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1229: : A piece of jade

The man said: "Years ago, the swordsman Su Qing from Wuyi Mountain chose my father-in-law and thought she was a disciple with the door closed, but now she should still be in the teacher because she is a friend of her son, she can join us first Go to Yangzhou." Then I will send that girl to Wuyi Mountain to see him. "

Yuerqi said, "Han Lun, he hasn't returned to Yangzhou recently?" The man shook his head and said, "The prince hasn't returned to Yangzhou for three years." Yue'er felt sad when she heard these words. I originally thought that Han Lun would be in Yangzhou, and the person who met the Han could also see him naturally, but it didn't seem to be the case.

"Han Lun must still be in Wuyi Mountain. I'll go there to find him." She owed two people a gift and said, "Thank you, big brother." By the way, did you just say that something was robbed? "

The bearded man waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, my aunt has never heard of it." Stop mentioning it. "

Jade said: "The Hanlun family's business is mine. Anyone who dares to bully you, I will teach them to get things back." They glanced at her and smiled helplessly. Jed saw their faces and said, "You're afraid I don't have power." The two of them couldn't laugh, and Yu also smiled slightly. Suddenly, the power of his hands gently pushed out. Suddenly, I saw a bowl of thick trees. Her empty hand interrupted.

She smiled and said, "You are not afraid this time."

The smiles on the two people's faces have stopped, staring at her for a while, and each other for a while. Suddenly, there was a burst of ecstasy and said: "Now there is hope!" The two people saw that Yushu was broken. With such great strength, it was really shocking. The Han family is a large company, and it is natural to deal with martial arts in the arena, but because she can easily break rocks and shake trees, two people really saw it for the first time. These two men almost gave up. At this time, a great savior, they couldn't help but rejoice.

Under Jade's inquiry, the two people have nothing to do with each other, and they all have common ideas. The original eight-character Hu Ren was named Xu Dongzhi, and the other was Xu Xizhi, a branch of the Han Dynasty jade carving merchant. Because both of them are very good and more cautious, they are trusted by the owner. This time let them go to 16 countries in the West to sell goods, collect the money and get some jade raw materials. After the business came back, these two people not only brought a lot of money. Moreover, one of the items brought back this time is very precious. The two men once got a precious piece of jade in the western region. It is said that the value of this jade stone can make the jade carving business of the Han family a giant in the entire city.

The matter was too serious, and the two closed their mouths. And be very careful. However, the news was leaked, and the two began to be hunted down from near the Gaochang site on Longyou Road. These two people must avoid the main road, all the way from Tu Guhuan through the party, then to Jiannan Road, from Sichuan to Shannan Road. There were several times on the road, but they escaped unscathed.

Huainan Road is under the jurisdiction of Yangzhou, where there are Han people, so after entering Huainan Road, two people will fly to the pigeons to pass and seek help from the Han people. However, this biography was intercepted by the Lu Jia family in Qizhou. When the Lu family heard about the precious piece of jade, they lay on the road where the two people had walked and took the jade away. The two men wandered around the city for several days, but the Lu family's house was heavily guarded, so it was difficult for them to sneak in and get close to them. In desperation, the two had to give up and prepare to return to Yangzhou to clear their minds. I didn't want to go out of town, but I ran into Jed.

She felt angry after hearing this sentence, but she didn't quite understand what happened. All I know is that this is a major event for the Han Lun family. He is now about half of the Han people. Of course, their own affairs cannot be left aside. Then Yueer sent the two people back to the city and easily found a new inn. That night, she went to her home in the north of the city.

Until then, he did not know that the Lu family seemed to be deliberately protecting this new jade, almost three steps and one pillar, fully armed. She went around Lu's house, and even found the breath of some late metaphysical masters in Lu's house. From the perspective of the situation, it is also difficult to enter.

When entering the night, the jade will slip in quietly from the corner, using your own space to move for a while, and at the same time worry about the great movement of the master in the Zhuang nationality. She jumped onto the roof and walked away on the tiles. If ordinary thieves come out from the roof, they will make a sound, and the owner will notice it in the room, but the unique body style of jade has no traces of foot on the water. Walking on this roof is like a breeze passing by. , No trace.

After a while, she felt under the tower of the manor, taking advantage of the gap between the guards. She flew into the second floor of the tower window. There are still some guards in the tower, she can also hide, if she really can't escape, she will find a way to knock them down, so from the second floor to the eighth floor, no one noticed. Finally, in a locked room on the eighth floor, she found a piece of jade stolen by the Lu family.

One shot, she was about to leave, but seeing a lot of precious jewels around her, she seemed to say in her heart: "These guys see other people's things easy to handle, and everything here is afraid of being clean." In this case She did not violate her conscience, "so she did not hesitate to put a few large boxes of jewels in the soul of the eighth floor." This is very satisfying. Go downstairs. Going through the lower floors, I saw that the eyes put it together, and thousands of pieces of silver, ready to help the poor in the city.

But as soon as she reached the second floor, she knocked everyone out and almost woke up. The bell rang in the tower and a large number of guards rushed in. At this time, he didn't need to take things anymore. He quietly jumped out of the window, leaning on the eaves of the tower to slide to the dark corner, seizing the opportunity to escape again.

The butler in the house was still messy, but she won and came back. She unfolded the jade and looked, only to see the night, the jade body was bright, the green light was faint and cold, as if the world around it had become the sea. Jade was also surprised by the magic of jade. But only after a while, she wrapped up again, put on a cover herself, and soon left the place near Lu Jia's house.

That night, Yu returned Yu to Brother Xu. They are grateful, and their words never end. Jed let them out of the city at night, so that there will not be too many dreams at night. That night, two men responded and drove away from Qizhou.

Stay in the city for another day. With each passing day, she became more and more worried about Han Lun, and her thoughts lingered in her heart like a tide. ..


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