Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1235: : Heart and lungs

There was a fist on the other side, and he said: "Do as you tell me, no one else knows, please!" With a wave of his hand, the dragon guard under the court immediately picked up his spear and opened a main road. Letting run back to take away the door, with a cold snort, Ji led him out of the West Palace.

The hall is on the seventh floor, so you must first walk to the edge of the sixth floor of the portal and go around in a circle. Jean-Ji walks slowly, as if watching the night view of Dragon City. Although Long Wei was very dissatisfied, they were not prisoners after all. After all, the patriarch just said that they must be invited, and his words were not sharp. If they are all offended for this reason, if the leader of the clan asks, he might suffer a great loss. In addition, Ji’s attitude was very tough just now. If she rushes, she will not lose her temper, but she will be more troublesome. So he dared not yell. We can only walk with them in our free time, so that we can walk two rows of time to reach the Dragon Hall, so that we can walk with them to the Dragon Hall.

At this time, a lot of people gathered in the hall, there were many old dragons, such as the young Situ Di, Situ Menglang and others. And some armed men in golden armor, majestic. More of them are heavily armed guards standing in the temple.

Since the two of them entered the temple, the eyes of the entire hall have been focused on them. Until the two of them reached the center of the hall, Situ Yuelang smiled and said: "You are late, this shelf is really big."

Qian Ji said disapprovingly: "The night view of the Dragon Man is really absolute. I can't help but look at it a few more times and walk slowly." Why, are you all anxious? If this is the case, you have not heard the sergeant who sent us to urge us, and we should not be blamed. "

The leader of the dragon clan, Zhuguang, smiled and said, "That's because I didn't explain clearly, don't blame them."

After speaking, Mrs. Han and Luo Xiaocheng also walked into the temple. Candlelight smiled and said, "These people are here." Turning to the seat and turning around, King Situ took a look, and King Situ nodded slightly. As soon as Luo Xiaocheng stood up, he moved, and the sword stabbed his right shoulder. The Dragon Ball was stolen, and everyone knew that the Dragon Man would not easily let go of the most suspicious of them, but what was unexpected was that Emperor Situ would attack suddenly. The two men stood close together, and it was almost impossible to avoid them at this time. Luo Xiao turned the axe out and chopped it down with the axe. On the axe, the lifting road weighed a thousand teams, immediately cut off the water flow, making it a blank, and then a powerful energy dissipated, three or four people immediately drank with a sip. The sound of the knife, the piano playing, and the chaotic and violent energy quickly converged in one place.

They hurriedly held hands, leaving no penny, as if they did not expect to attack suddenly, and Situ did not expect their movements to be so fast and so violent. It is too late to shut down this sword. It is only possible to force us all to unite. After a while, Jin and Tie's voices were like a bolt from the blue. King Situ was not surprised by the heavy flight. Fortunately, the Candle Clan was eager to breathe the breath of the dragon and turned into a huge palm, keeping him in good shape. But even so, the emperor suffered severe internal injuries during this operation, and his chest gasped.

"Candlestick, what are you doing?" Jean-Ji exclaimed. There was a cold temperament in her body. Now her eyes were as cold as a knife and ice, and all the dragons in her vision were shaking.

The dragon leader smiled and said: "Don't be angry, your master and I are old friends. We don't have to hurt anything for kindness." His attitude was very humble, but he didn't stop it when what just happened. This attitude seems to be deliberate, but it is an unpleasant attitude that makes him turn his face immediately after the incident.

"Well, don't you want to explain?" But Ji Ji didn't seem to want to let go.

King Situ bowed and said: "It has nothing to do with the patriarch. I saw Brother Luo. Although he has only one arm, he is very strong and wants to learn from him once or twice." If you don't take it seriously, you Can't blame it. "

Let Fox Yue'er smile coldly and say: "Don't lie, don't tell it, you must cover it up." I heard people say that dragons were one of the greatest nations in the human world long ago. Now, in this auditorium, in front of his own leader, the dragon can quietly hurt people. The rules and rules of dragon etiquette have been lost. "

"This girl is very eloquent. Dragon is one of the most powerful martial arts. She has a pure temperament and has seen a few stunts, so try it. If a few people feel wrong, they can go to war with us one by one, I I will definitely accompany them to make atonement for this crime." Situ Yuelang also took a step forward and said absently.

"West Dragon Palace is really harmonious," let Ji said with a smile. "The result is just a group of deceptive, surging, and infamous people." Regardless of whether this place should be treated or not, nun, we will leave here immediately to save our own unreasonable spirit. "

Before she came here, she wanted to know if they had a better reason to leave Dragon City. If they leave, Long will definitely not let them go, which may cause serious suspicion. If you want to think about it, the best way is to pick the dragon. However, to her surprise, as soon as a few people entered the door, Situ tried to explore the wound on his right shoulder preemptively. This provided them with a good reason. She couldn't help but rejoice in her heart.

Yue'er also nodded. She was natural in nature and had no city government, so she was really angry. "Yes, I really don't want to stay in this place for a while," he said angrily. "It's disappointing to see this place, but it's just a city. We have to look at our heart and lungs."

Several people were about to turn their heads, when Situ Yuelang suddenly shouted: "You have to stay, there are a few words to say."

"I have nothing to talk about with you!" Jed followed her out of the hall, but just turned around and walked three or four steps. Suddenly, like a tide, a large number of dragon guards poured into the hall, blocking the outside of the hall. All the dragon families sitting in the hall stood up, and all the men in the hall took out their golden knives.

The situation is like gunpowder, imminent.

"Chief Candlesing, do you seem to be forced to stay today?" She sneered: "Of course, it is almost impossible for the five of us to escape from your heavily guarded Dragon City, but if you really want it, you have to do it well. Look at the price you should pay." Jean-Jean said with a murderous tone. Especially the last few words were as sharp as a blade. Her white long skirt moved, a burst of energy gushed out of her body, and the water waves around her immediately became dark waves. ..


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