Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1237: : One by lightning

This ancient scripture is the highest secret treasure of the demon family, and there are only two of them, one is the founder of the demon emperor, and the other is Snow White. Lu Yang could not study the ancient scriptures of the Devil Emperor. From there, he coaxed him with Snow White's tricks, but now he gave it to Xiaolong.

This is definitely a scripture without classicism!

Of course, before leaving Ziwei, he also passed the ancient scriptures of the Demon Emperor to Xiaodian and Baihu, and soon he was preparing to transfer the ancient scriptures to Lightning Bird. These are all people in the sky, very important people, he will naturally not take care of each other, he will be willing to make the people around him strong.

Even after the establishment of Buddhism, he prepared to pull out the "Dao Sutra", "Amada Sword" and "Buddha Sutra", compiled into pamphlets, and selected some of the most talented disciples to regard Buddhism as the highest secret of the Amada court. In this way, the combat effectiveness of Heavenly Court will inevitably increase a thousand times.


The little dragon with a low growl started practicing for the first time.


Lu Yang smiled.

Compared with the starry sky, a person and two beasts do look a bit small, like a grain of sand between the sky and the earth. But later, standing in this vast world, Lu Yang did not feel weak. He raised his hands, his forehead was dancing with the star wind, his eyes were deep, and he was very confident!

Because he believes that one day he will become very strong, become the strongest.

He will be heaven!

Time passed unconsciously, countless stars flew to both sides, the stars circled Mori Luyang, as if worshiping the supreme general of the world.


Suddenly, his eyes gleamed, staring straight ahead.

In a distant place, a flash of flame, like a meteor flying by. But although the speed is very fast, Lu Yang still feels the familiar fluctuations, which are the original flavor unique to Jinwu people.

"Turn northeast to catch up."

He is looking at the flash.

"Lightning Bird" didn't know why Lu Yang wanted him to change direction suddenly, but he didn't ask too much, because Shuhao Lu Yang directly imprinted a spirit in the ocean of his heart. This is a star map with moving tracks, and the target is a firebird like the sun.

Who is Wu Wu?

His heart was surprised.

It is also a rare beast between the heavens and the earth, and naturally knows the existence of "" in Jinwu.

Its degree has become faster, because it is well known, so it is not difficult to catch up with Jinwu in front of it. Of course, the fluctuations in the sacred power it caused were completely concealed by Shuhao Lu's secret art, and the gold and black in front of it were invisible at all.

"Jin Wuren, nine days"

Lu Yang Yutang whispered, looking across the icy lawn.

Like the gods, the Jinwu tribe has changed since ancient times. No, it should be said that before the ancient times, since the disappearance of the Jinwu ancestors, the family has undergone a real change and became a puppet tool on the ninth day. The yin and sacredness of the nine days are also the direct cause of this vein. Now when I see the Golden King of Sanqing, where will he put it?

He didn't have the first shot and followed him quietly.

After Jinwu's first ancestor disappeared, the Jinwu family changed the land of their ancestors and came to an unknown place. Not many people in the world know this new place, even the ancestors of the old liar and the moon pupil.


Lu Yang giggled in his heart. Following the golden black, he is now waiting for the long line to fish. He hopes to seize the land where the Jinwu tribe now lives. If so, I'm sorry, all right!

Ahead, the flaming sun is shining fast, sometimes slowly, very carefully. This is a slightly feminine middle-aged man who looks around from time to time, sometimes even stops and waits quietly, and then starts to travel again. It can be said to be more careful.

"This is very cautious."

Lu Yang satirized.

Jin Wu in front is indeed very cautious, but how can it be cautious, how can it follow Mori Luyang behind it? Lu Yang doesn't control a lot of secret art. His practice alone is enough to look down on one side. If this Jin Wu can follow him now, it would really be upside down.


The star wind is fierce, as if it is going to blow through the sky.

Walking in front of Jin Wu, I stopped, the time was fast, sometimes slow, sometimes it was just vacant, and sometimes it turned things around. It turned out that the 15-hour trip was completely three hours out of it. Soon, a red ancient star finally appeared in front, and the sun's scorching light made it shining.

From a distance, it looks like a huge fireball.

"Is it this one?"

Lu Yang Xiaoyu.

His eyes flickered, silver light flickered outside his eyes, and the flickering of lightning birds made his moments smaller and appeared on his shoulders. If this is really a gathering place for the Jinwu people, he has to sneak in.

In front, Jin Wu in Qing's third grade stopped.

It stayed in place for a long time, and about a day later, under nothing unusual circumstances, it really moved upwards, forming an unpredictable handprint, which led to the appearance of an entrance to a huge fireball. It was almost there, and it just disappeared.

"It's very careful. No wonder I haven't seen it in so many years."

Lu Yang walked out of the darkness.

His eyes flickered due to confusion, his hand moved slowly, the fingerprint was the same as the previous one, even faster than the golden one, and the closed world portal was directly exposed again.... Lu Yangxiu has eyes and eyes, hoping to wear a flag between heaven and earth. He almost saw through the handprints of three ancient Jinwu Emperors at a glance, and then used the same handprints to print out the door of the world.


He whispered.

A screen wrapped in lightning, birds and dragons shot directly into the portal of the world.

After a while, they appeared on a vast land. The world is full of red wood, and the air is full of extremely hot breath, like a huge melting pot, amazing.

"This is where the Jinwu people gather, and get along well with them."

Lu Yang said.

In a distant place, a beam of light flashed to the east end of the world like lightning, like a burning fireball, just like the soft middle-aged man in the starry sky before.

Lu Yang's eyes reflected this person's image, and there was no hasty and slow follow-up.

After a while, a volcano, flowing magma, like a natural pool of inflammation, even the surrounding space became a bit distorted. The middle-aged Jin Wu came here, circled the Huoyan Mountain a few times, a little stagnant, once again walked out of the complicated handprints, and walked into the swimming pool.


As you can see, the air vibrated a little, and then the middle-aged Jin Wu disappeared.

In the distance, Lu Yang hid in nothingness, calmly looking ahead. Seeing this behind the scenes, he rarely mentioned the corner: "Be so careful, this is really the first generation of saints. I also saw that the gods who did not see later generations waited for a while, which has some meaning...


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