Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1242: : King of the Palace


He didn't move, but at this moment, the sharp sword roared.


The fourth king of gold and black discoloration.

But, after all, it was a bit late. Suddenly, the thicker black and white sword plough of this world suddenly fell like raindrops, dressed as a bush, full of Lu Yanglang.




The blood mist bloomed, just amidst the noise of the Jinwu people. At this moment, it was like tofu, torn to pieces with the help of a black and white knife, and exploded into a blood mist, dazzling. At that moment, the Jinwu people trembled all over, the arrogance on their faces collectively disappeared, once again replaced by fear.

"Damn it! Stop it!"

The king's fourth king roared.

He roared like a wild lion, his whole body lit up.

"If you say stop, stop talking? Who do you think you are!"

Lu Yang satirized.

Naturally, he did not stop. On the contrary, the swords around him howled more harshly, and more and more cracks came out of the sword. He liked to cut down the world and walked down frantically, reaping golden and black lives wantonly.


At the same time, he gently waved his right hand, returning the black tremor of Old Kim.


The gap was full of panic and wailing, and in the blink of an eye, the ground was almost red with blood.

Lao Jin's dark eyes split open: "You." You are so kind, what do you do! "

Lu Yang's face was full of mockery, looking down at the surviving kimono: "They are just going to hunt down creatures of a great world from a distance, because I think these creatures are not good at fighting," he said. You have a lot of work done by Jinwu people on weekdays. Now you say I am cruel? What should I do? "


Old Jinwu's face suddenly changed to iron and blue.

Lu Yang turned a deaf ear to this, looked back at the surviving Jin Wu, and said, "Can't I kill you?" Or should I not kill you? "

He said that the word "kill" was very flat, which made a black man with gold shiver and fear. At this time, their faces were pale, and almost everyone was trembling and frightened to death.

"Ugly" Lvyang Leng Road.

He looked up at the fourth king of the king, turned around, and said to the lightning bird and the dragon: "Kill them all."

These Jinwu men are cruel and merciless. They have built so many sacred laboratories. I don't know how many innocent creatures have been killed. Naturally, he will not pity them. If he was kind to them, it would be blasphemy against innocent dead creatures.



Two broken sounds sounded, and Lightning Bird and Little Pluto dived straight down.


For a time, the **** of terror can wave and move, shaking the earth and the earth.




The blood splashed again, and the sky was splashing.


"Wang! Help us!"

Putting his right hand on his back, he quietly made a pair of scissors.

"Why do I think you are happy? There is nothing to be happy about."

Bing frowned.

"You do not understand"

Mori Royo pretended to be deep.

Hmph, what a great sense of accomplishment it is to kidnap such an invincible wife home!

Bing Xin glanced at him, said nothing, and walked over.


The two people lived quickly and soon returned to the desolate fairy palace.

"The King of the Palace!"

A group of women appeared, and a few old women in front of them.

"Sister Tian is back"..


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