Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1275: :terror

"Damn, you're serious"

An indifferent voice sounded.

At this time, in this ancient country of Wu, everyone felt a gloomy chill. They heard the endless roar of souls, all from the **** space, and people couldn't help feeling numb on their scalp.

"You, this is."

Looking at the blood-colored space, the black man was moved, and even the man in the Chinese dress changed the color.

Looking at this space, everyone felt scared.

Lu Yang raised his hand, and in the **** space, a black chain stretched out, passed the black man, and was tightly tied inside.

"You, stop!"

The black man yelled.

Covered with blood, the black man felt a biting chill at this moment.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival,:!

. Heaven, ants.

Lu Yang was very angry. It has been a long time since he was so angry.

Wu Cheng, a monk who went to heaven, once helped him because a trace of justice was absurd in the eyes of the experimenter, and then he was killed.

Wu Cheng, a stranger who had never met, died because of him.

Lu Yang's eyes were cold. At this time, he opened the road to hell. For many years, he has not used taboo power.

"Get down"

He is cold.

The space of **** opened, whispering and roaring, chains creaking.

Hell, which is the place where the circle of reincarnation is enlarged, is the core of the six roads, and the gathering place of reincarnation. Therefore, it is one of the most terrifying forbidden areas.


The sound of the iron wire shaking, creaking, and the rhythm is terrible.

"Damn it, break it!"

The black man yelled.

However, the next moment, what made him even more frightened was that when the umbilical cord passed through his body from the blood space, his soul was sealed, and at this time the power of his body was completely frozen. "Maud, help me!"

He cried.

Seeing that he was pulled into the blood space, he felt fear. In his sense, it seemed to be lurking with a fierce beast and swallowed him a bite.

The people in the closet offered offerings from the Land of Gods to Lu Yangzi.

"My mirror reflects all the attacks. You try your art."

The people in the closet are cool.

The magical flow of light looked like a fantasy in a dream, but in the next moment, the Huahuo person moved, and his mirror failed, and it didn't work at all.

"no way!"

He looked surprised.

At this time, a black iron wire passed through and fell heavily on his mirror. With the crisp sound, a clear crack appeared in the mirror.

At the same time, a pair of young men and women was surprised at Old Wu in the distance, when the young man finally moved.

"Maud's mirror is useless, it doesn't pop up from that person's head. What's the matter?"

The man frowned.

The young woman shook her head, still not clear.

Wu was surrounded by many spectators. At this moment, almost everyone felt that their scalp was numb, and they were shocked by the blood space that Lu Yang had opened at this time.

"what is that?"

"Horrible! Horror!"

"Like death!"

Many people are shaking.

Not to mention these people, even Serena was surprised, shocked by this **** space.

"This is a lot of tricks, kid."

The fat man smiled painfully.

The powerful Gorefiend entangled in this old Wuzhong, the wire creaked, and the black armored man kept walking towards the scarlet space. The black armored man worked hard, but unfortunately it was of no use.

"Damn it, stop! Kill me and you will pay the price!"

He roared fiercely. ..


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