Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1280: : Begging for mercy

Lu Yang stared at Maude blankly and said, "Once again, please be merciful. If I am satisfied, I can consider letting you go."

"No way! I am the king of heaven, I will never beg for mercy!"

Don't yell.

Shuhao Lu Yang calmed down, and his right hand trembled again, interrupting Maude's right leg and arm. In this process, he did very slowly, and Maude's pain increased dozens of times in one second.

In such a scene, many people who observe the scalp are numb.

"Don't go too far, sir, if you do this again, I will kill you."

Eva's cold way.

"Do as you said, and now let go of Maude, we can give you face instead of killing you."

Linglongxue also opened.

The woman's face is delicate but very cold. This is a kind of pride from bones.

"If you stop me from killing my enemy, you will give me face. If you don't listen to me, you will kill me. You are too bossy, and you can stand up in two days." Lu Yang looked indifferent. Said: "Women, it's better to have a little face."

"what are you saying?"

The snow completely changed her.

She is a woman, beautiful, and a monk in heaven. She has always been surrounded by others, but now, Lu Yang even said this to her, let her face it!

"There is no doubt that you will die, and no one can save you."

Eva's cold way.

In this old Wuli, the killing time is full, which is terrible.

Lu Yang scanned two people, his eyes fell on Maude again, and smiled secretly: "Last chance, please forgive me, I can consider letting you go, remember, this is the last time."

The smell on his body became cold, making Maude tremble all over.

At this moment, Maude was scared, really scared. He knew that Lu Yang would not give Yi You and Ling Long a face. If he did not beg for mercy, he would really die.

He doesn't want to die. He really didn't want to die. When he moved his lips, he finally opened his mouth, shaking and saying, "Please." Please stay away from me. "

"Not sincere"

Lu Yangdan-Tao.

Maude's spirit was trembling, his cheeks flushed, and he felt ashamed and angry.

However, in order to survive, he can only succumb: "I was wrong, it is all my fault, I should not frame you in the city, should not kill Wu Cheng, please forgive me, I swear, never again I will bother you."

For a while, the entire space was quiet and dead.

Everywhere, everyone moved.

Yiyou and the exquisite snow-covered iron green, just like the monk above, Maude went to the next monk like this, and they felt that there was no light on their faces.

"This one"

"Master of heaven, God, beg for mercy."

Many observers were shocked by this.

The monks in the sky are arrogant, but for many people, this is a dream. The pattern from the heavens and the seven divine peaks of the Taoist kingdom all beg for mercy from the next monk in the sky.

Lu Yang stared at Maude and smiled.


In the right hand, the killing of light appeared, intertwined with a mysterious rune, together with his palm, spreading towards the spirit of Maude.

Maude immediately changed the color and screamed directly.

"You. What are you going to do? I ask for your forgiveness! You promised to leave me alone! Ah!"

Maude shouted.

His eyes gleamed with anger and fear.

Lu Yang sneered, his eyes full of cruelty: "I just said I would think about it, but I didn't say I would agree."



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