Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1284: : Every time you cross the line

Alpacas run much faster than horses, and their endurance is even better. If the alpaca is not loaded, it can run for three days and three nights in a row, even with full load, its speed can reach more than 2,000 miles a day. You can easily reach a speed of 1,500 miles a day.

The ratio of alpaca to horse is like the ratio of a priest to a mortal. In any case, horses are much smaller than horses.

The alpaca galloped down, and the roadside scene became blurred. Lieutenant Li was already sitting in the car, but the voice was still clear in everyone's ears.

The driver is the old camel husband. Don't use the deputy captain Li Zhangkou. In fact, he already knows when to go fast and when to slow.

The camel that Lu Yang was sitting on was arranged by Huang Junxing himself. There was only one Lu Yang in the entire camel. In addition to the caravan leader Huang Wanli, the camel's camel husband was also chosen by Huang Junxing himself, which can be said to be considerate.

Every camel has a simple ban, not to protect the people in the car, but to prevent foreign objects from flying into the car.

Although the magical domain of Tiannan Island can be considered safe, there are countless kinds of spiritual insects and foreign objects, and strange things are endless. With this ban, you can save a lot of trouble.

Currently, there are hundreds of alpacas working together in the entire caravan. The speed is as fast as the wind. The purpose of acceleration is to stay at the edge of the two boundaries as little as possible, so as not to be hurt by boundary forces.

So Mercedes-Benz drove for nearly two hours, and the speed of the team gradually slowed down. From the surrounding mental pressure, Lu Yang knew that he should enter the realm of fantasy. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lieutenant Li's voice to come: "All parking lots, count the losses."

Soon there were reports: "An alpaca has died, a mortal has died, and the goods are intact." Deputy Captain Li said: "Bury the corpse, kill the camel for meat, and continue on the road one hour later."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked his camel husband: "Every time you cross the boundary, do you lose anything?"

The camel husband said casually: "This is good. Three or four alpacas have never died, two or three mortals."

"Why is this the reason why force can harm the human body?"

"The boundary force is only one aspect. The most important thing is the alien insects at the entrance of the magic domain. This loss, 10 you* are also injured by the alien insects, and the alpacas are also just. It is not a big deal to be bitten by a few bites. The mortal almost died. ."

"If that's the case, why bring so many mortals?"

The answer of the camel husband alarmed Lu Yang, because he said, "If there were no such mortals, wouldn't those strange bugs take me as a target?" These strange insects are also deceptive, soft and afraid of hard. , And the blood of a mortal can bear the stomach, why do you find a monk? "

Lu Yang sighed. He didn't expect that mortals would stand in the caravan's position. They were just dead lambs. But why should those mortals go out with the caravan?

Vice Captain Li's voice came again: "The cattle are catching up, everyone must be careful."

Then there was a scream, Lu Yang was strange, this group of strange insects have not arrived yet, why is anyone injured? Lu Yang and Camel’s husband chatted casually. On the other hand, they gave way in spirit. Since Lu Yang absorbed Xue Daoxuan's soul, his spirit has become stronger. Huang Wanli, the highest-level leader of the caravan, is the true practitioner of the third layer, and Lu Yang's wisdom should far exceed him. ..


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