Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1298: : Just opened my eyes

After hearing these words, Lu Yang's heart was now a little excited, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

When Mori Luyang couldn't resist the excitement in his heart, he immediately shook his palm on the handle of the dark hammer.

"Okay." With a trembling arm, an unusually heavy feeling came from Mori Luyang's arm. At this time Mori Luyang's face changed dramatically.

I am a real monk now, and their physical strength must be at least a thousand catties. Can't even shake this one dime?

"Yeah" took a deep breath, Lu Yang's pupils tightened, then his arms rushed over, his muscles expanded violently at this moment, and the strength of his whole body was excited at this moment.

"stand up!"

A cold drink rang, and then I saw that it was too slow to climb from the ground.

Finally, the emperor raised his hand, but his hands were too big. It can be said that Lu Yang was very hard and his whole body began to tremble.

"It stands to reason that even if he has tens of thousands of catties, since he recognizes me as God, I should pick it up as I want." A surprise flashed across Mori Luyang.

"I put a seal on this thing. Its weight will increase with your strength and level. This will increase your physical strength. As an alchemist, your body is extremely important." And you want to enter the Great Luoyuan Yang Pagoda, the test is your physical fitness and mood."

"Understood" Lu Yang Shuhao not only did not complain, but when he heard it, his eyes flashed with excitement. No matter what method is used, what kind of pain he suffers, as long as he can make himself strong, Lu Yang is willing to do it! Due to lack of power and unforgettable shame, Lu Yang Shuhao did not want to experience the second time in his life.

Seeing a happy smile on this old Luo's face, white light flashed with his wrist trembling, and now Lu Yang felt that a lot of information was pouring in again. "Passing by"

These two big roles were suddenly reflected in Shuhao Lu's heart, and the rest are a series of introductions about this article. When Shuhao Lu Yang digested it, he realized that this was a hammer method, a method that matched the emperor's hammer!

This is too big, both the name and the feeling are so overbearing, but with such a hammer of artistic conception, Lu Yang Shuhao burst into tears and laughed. However, the magic power of this hammer method deeply attracted Lu Yang, and he let Lu Yang sit on the ground for a long time before opening his eyes.

"From now on you have to practice hammering in the tower for at least two hours every day, okay?" the old man said softly.

"Understood!" Lu Yang immediately nodded firmly.

Then, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and without hesitation, a hammer slammed out at that moment.


The huge hammer hit the ground, and now there is a loud sound, but there is a boundary below, otherwise, the hammer will be enough to hit a pit on the ground!

When the emperor fell to the ground, Lu Yang immediately put his arm on the ground and raised the emperor again!

Seeing this action, Old Luo smiled and said, "This kid is very anxious."

"I don't have much time to waste and waste." Lu Yangning said, obviously because the emperor's face became fat and purple, but it was a determined face.

From "God's Five Suns Prompt" to "Passing By", every metaphysical work or martial art of Luo Lao is a mystery that Lu Yang Shuhao saw from the so-called "mystery", but Lu Yang knew that as a martial arts man , This cannot be lazy capital. ..


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