Martial Arts Evil God

Chapter 301: Self-created four-stroke imperial sword technique!

Dongfang Han stood quietly in front of the Endless Sword Technique carving.

It is actually easier to fuse sword techniques than to create one's own sword techniques, because the fused sword techniques have a core, such as the Wuji Baibian Sword Technique, whose core is the Wuji Sword Technique and the Baibian Sword Technique.

Like the Zhantian Tulong Sword Technique, its core is also the Zhantian Sword Technique and the Tulong Sword Technique.

In addition to the core, the other parts are basic martial arts. Now I have mastered hundreds of millions of basic martial arts, so I have no shortage of this.

"How to create it myself?" Dongfang Han frowned slightly.

Fusion of sword techniques is just equivalent to transforming the efforts of predecessors into your own.

And creating a sword technique yourself is almost creating something out of nothing!

Therefore, even if the power of the fused sword technique is stronger, it is far less difficult than creating a slightly less powerful one.

"It will take another 58 years, I will definitely be able to create an emperor-level martial arts!" Dongfang Han clenched his fists, his heart full of fighting spirit.

All the difficult hurdles before have been crossed. The test of this stage is not life-threatening. It just depends on one's own understanding. Dongfang Han never believes that his understanding is worse than others!

Year after year.

In the blink of an eye, another 12 years have passed. In these 12 years, Dongfang Han has created a lot of martial arts, but the highest-rated ones are only at the emperor level, and there is still a long way to go from the emperor level.

"It's been 70 years, and there are still 30 years to reach a hundred years!" Dongfang Han lay on the grass in front of the mountain, holding grass in his mouth and looking at the sky.

In the past 70 years, he was like a tireless machine, constantly running. Now he wants to be quiet, because if he continues like this, let alone thirty years, even if there are another three hundred years, he will never be able to create an emperor-level martial arts.

It is extremely difficult for a Xuan Emperor-level strongman to create an emperor-level martial arts. Some Xuan Emperors may find it difficult to create an emperor-level martial arts in ten thousand years!

He was only a hegemon, and although he was comparable to the Xuanhuang, there was still a huge gap between him and the Xuandi cultivators. Now it was not so easy to create an emperor-level martial arts that even the Xuandi strongmen could hardly create.

So this matter could not be rushed!

Sometimes an epiphany, a flash of inspiration at a certain moment, was much more useful than thinking and practicing for thousands of years.

Now Dongfang Han had endless knowledge and swordsmanship martial arts. What he needed was to relax and empty his mind. In that case, perhaps a good idea would suddenly pop up in his mind.

Dongfang Han relaxed himself, sometimes refining a few furnaces of pills, sometimes practicing the Concentration Technique, which had now been practiced by Dongfang Han to a very high level, sometimes practicing a few simple but interesting swordsmanship, sometimes watching the ants on the ground moving things for a few days, and sometimes fighting crickets

Day after day, year after year.

Dongfang Han seemed to have forgotten that he needed to pass the test of this stage and create his own martial arts.

He had a lot of fun.

It seemed that he was interested in playing with things.

In the eighty-eighth year, there were still twelve years to go before the hundred-year deadline.

On this day, he was sleeping soundly. He was really sleeping, not just taking a nap. At this moment, he was emptying himself and not thinking about anything, just like an ordinary person who had not practiced martial arts.

In his dream, he dreamed that he became a seed, fell on the soil, and was buried by the soil. At this time, it rained, and then the seed he turned into began to slowly take root and sprout in the soil. The breeze gently caressed, and the tender buds swayed gently, very happy. Day after day, the seed gradually grew and turned into a sapling. The sapling began to grow strong, half a meter high, one meter high. One day, he turned into a towering tree. Boom, at this time, the wind blew, and the wind whistled, making the tree he turned into sway constantly. At this time, dark clouds covered the sky, and a thunder suddenly hit, and the loud rumble woke Dongfang Han from his sleep.

"It turned out to be a dream! I thought it was real?" Dongfang Han shook his head and felt funny. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and endless thoughts in his mind began to collide, many of which were related to this dream!

"Seeds, trees, wood? Soil, earth, soil? Rain, water? Breeze, gale, wind? Thunder, thunder?" These fragments in Dongfang Han's mind began to intertwine and merge with Dongfang Han's many thoughts unconsciously.

Dongfang Han closed his eyes, and scenes, like a movie, passed through Dongfang Han's mind.

There were scenes of dreams that seemed real, and there were also many sword techniques and martial arts fragments that he had practiced and mastered.

One day, one month, one year, three years, five years.

In the tenth year, Dongfang Han did not know when a dragon-slaying sword appeared in his hand, and he began to dance.

"Wood is tenacious. A seed can grow into a towering tree."

"Soil contains the influences needed by various plants and provides nutrients for their growth."

"Water is not constant, but it always nourishes the growth of all things and protects life."

"Wind walks between heaven and earth, has no fixed shape, comes and goes without a trace."


Dongfang Han's dream mainly contains five elements of heaven and earth: wood, earth, water, wind and thunder. The most profound perception is wood, earth, water and wind, while thunder is not so profound.

Wood, earth, water and wind are also the most common in life. Even in childhood, they are often seen and seen all the time.

At this time, the four elements collided violently with many related sword techniques in Dongfang Han's mind. After ten years of collision, perception and fusion, finally, the first move was formed!

Dongfang Han slashed with his sword, and a vine appeared, winding forward, which contained terrible power.

"Wrapped vines!" At the same time, Dongfang Han's voice sounded.



Then the sword technique changed, and the sword light flashed like a rain curtain, sweeping out all over the sky.

"Rain curtains!"

Then the sword technique changed again, and the light was bright, and then quickly condensed into one thing, and the endless sword light turned into a solid shield of light.

"Thick earth sword and shield!"

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The sword danced, without sound or shape, but in the distance, it was as if a terrifying sharp blade had crossed the earth, and a huge crack appeared.

"Invisible wind blade!"

In a very short time, Dongfang Han performed four different sword techniques in succession.

"The three major offensive sword techniques, entangled vines, rain curtains, and invisible wind blades, each of which is extremely terrifying and has reached the emperor level. The three major techniques have their own characteristics, and the absolute offensive power of the three techniques is increasing! Thick Earth Sword Shield is a defensive sword technique. Although it is not offensive, it has brought my defensive ability to a new level. Moreover, this sword technique is also at the emperor level!" Dongfang Han whispered to himself.

After decades of hard work, a dream, and another ten years, I finally created an emperor-level sword technique, and also created four styles!

At this time, there are still two years before the 100-year deadline!

It was a buzzer-beating success!

"Congratulations, you have successfully created three emperor-level sword techniques with increasing offensive power. Because you have exceeded the target, I will give you some rewards!" The voice rang out.

"Reward?" Dongfang Han was stunned.

Then, a ray of light shot into Dongfang Han's body.

This ray of light contained terrible energy.

This energy actually has the effect of baptism, because Dongfang Han felt that some of the subtle hidden injuries in his body were completely removed.

Not only that, he could feel that his physical strength, soul strength, etc., all became more solid under the baptism of this energy.

Although his cultivation did not increase, this benefit made Dongfang Han feel happier than doubling his strength.

"Now, the damage to my body caused by using taboos and other techniques has completely disappeared!" Dongfang Han was secretly happy in his heart. This was really a pleasant surprise!

He didn't expect that he would get such a benefit.

"There are still two years before the hundred-year deadline. In the next two years, you can take a look at the 100 millionth stone carving, which is also the last stone carving. There are insights on the swordsmanship left by the master on that stone carving." The voice sounded again.

"The 100 millionth stone carving? The insights on the swordsmanship left by the master?" Dongfang Han was stunned. This sentence has two messages. One is that the stone carving is very important, and the second message is that the person who speaks is most likely a weapon spirit!

And it is a weapon spirit of a Taoist weapon.

Because only Dao weapons have weapon spirits, of course not every Dao weapon has a weapon spirit, like the Hundred Changes Ghost Face that Dongfang Han got, which has no weapon spirit.

"Where is it?" Dongfang Han asked with anticipation.

He had already seen this area and was sure that it was one hundred million short of one.

"Look!" The voice sounded, and then, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone carvings disappeared in an instant. After all the stone carvings disappeared, a huge stone carving came into Dongfang Han's sight.

"This is the swordsmanship insights of Tian Dao Zun!" Dongfang Han's eyes lit up.

The swordsmanship insights described above are extremely easy to understand.

"Different schools have their own characteristics in sword techniques, but they also have some common points: 1. "Sword techniques are heavy and fierce". Compared with sword techniques, sword techniques are open and closed, with fewer changes but no less power."

"2. "Single sword techniques depend on the hand, double sword techniques depend on the movement". In sword techniques, the hand holding the sword and the footwork are extremely important."



"Eight sword techniques: sweep, chop, flick, cut, swipe, hold, chop, and thrust."

"The secret of sweeping."


Just tens of thousands of words, but Dongfang Han felt like he was hit on the head, and his horizons were broadened countless times in an instant. It is better to say that this is an explanation of the insights of sword techniques than to say that it is the perception of the way of sword.

Sword is also the way!

It is called - the way of sword!

The way of sword is the great way!

But it is extremely rare to be able to reach the extreme.

This speech is even more precious than giving Dongfang Han a Taoist weapon.

"It is true that listening to your words is better than reading for ten years!" Dongfang Han was quite emotional. In the next two years, he recited these insights over and over again. He gained something every time he read them. Two years was too short for Dongfang Han!

"This is written in the Dao of the Sword, so every time you read it, you will naturally gain more! I didn't expect that you would read it over and over again tirelessly!" The voice said in surprise: "Okay, you have passed this stage. There is only one last stage left. If you can pass it, you will become my master's direct disciple!"

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