“You….. Who are you? I’m telling you.. My Li family has great power in this city, if you dare to move me, my Li family will not let you go!” Li Jierong was startled by Chen Xi’s tone, and he noticed that Chen Xi had a long sword hanging from his waist, and he immediately knew that he had encountered a warrior in the rivers and lakes, and his heart was stunned

But after all, he was used to being domineering, and he learned to be proficient in the style of those young men

When you encounter something, declare your family name! This trick, he practiced perfectly, and when he said his identity, his face was not red and his heart did not beat, it seems that he should have used it many times!

“The Li family? Isn’t it awesome? Sorry, I don’t care! Chen Xi said lightly

“You…!” What else does Li Jerong want to say. Chen Xi threw out a stone, he couldn’t say anything at once, and he couldn’t move!

“Want revenge? I’ll give you this chance and kill him! Chen Xi smiled lightly at the somewhat daze on the side

“Gongzi, you…”

“Boy, this is the most inconspicuous part of the creation I gave you, I only give you five seconds to think about it, whether to take revenge or escape, you choose!” Chen Xi did not answer, and said lightly

Liufeng did not speak, silent in place, looking at Li Jerong, who had a terrified and pleading in his eyes, he was stunned in place

“Originally: Old Master and Young Master: That’s how they looked… But you still won’t let them go! The old master and young master are so amiable, just because you fancy the young master’s fiancée, the young master will kill the old master’s family without you! You scum…..,” Liufeng remained motionless in place, mumbling to himself

Suddenly, he raised his head sharply, looked at Li Jerong with hatred, and the whole person quickly swung his knife and rushed forward

“You scum, you don’t deserve to live in the world, go and die!”



The knife stabbed fiercely at Li Jierong’s heart, instantly killing him. At this time, the flowing wind suddenly seemed to be relieved, and the whole person sat limply on the ground, gasping for breath, but there was an excited smile on his face!

“Master, young master, the wind has given you revenge!” Liufeng thought excitedly in his heart

“My son!!!!” For a moment, I only heard a harsh shout in the distance, and I saw a middle-aged fat man dressed in luxurious clothes hurried over with several family members and people from the official office, including the county grandfather

The fat man ran to Li Jerong’s side miserably, held his body, and began to cry bitterly

The county master glanced at Li Jerong’s body, sighed, and looked at Chen Xi and Liufeng, his eyes full of indifference

“It’s really daring, let the only son of the great benevolent man Li Zhaobin who dares to kill the county, everyone is stolen, the two of you, you two are still captured?”

“Hands up?” Chen Xi smiled disdainfully

“Dog officer, you won’t be blind, will you? You say that we kill people, do you know, if this garbage is not going to kill us, how can he die? We can only say that it is a self-defense counterattack, right? ”

“Fart! My son’s words and deeds are extremely Sven on weekdays, and he has read the books of the sages, how can he think of murder? You are slander! Lord Cui, quick, help me kill them!” Don’t interrogate either, just kill! How much money you want, I will give you all! Li Zhaobin roared angrily, and then said to Lord Cui on the side

Lord Cui’s face turned dark, and he secretly scolded Li Zhaobin in his heart for being an idiot!

How can bribery be said in front of so many people? Isn’t this embarrassing yourself?

“Hmph! We all know Li Gongzi’s character, so don’t quibble with the two of you!” In view of your stubborn resistance, come on, give me these two people to kill on the spot!” One does not stay” Lord Cui sneered, although Li Zhaobin is an idiot, but no one will dislike money, for the sake of money, you can only sacrifice these two people in front of you!

“You people, shameless! You guys are turning black and white upside down! Liufeng scolded angrily

“Okay, save your strength, they’re just a raccoon!” Chen Xi smiled lightly, but his eyes became more and more cold

“But he is right about one thing, after today, none of them will exist in this world!”

Chen Xi stuffed all the jewelry into his arms, and the Longquan sword on his waist slowly came out of its sheath, stroked the cold sword body, and said with a faint smile

“Originally, killing these garbage would not have cost you an old friend, but I still feel troublesome, so please ask you!”


The Longquan sword shook gently, as if it was psychic

Signed, thirst for blood…

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