Eight more finished, everyone, how about the tipping point? There really isn’t, how about dropping flowers? Please, everyone, okay?


The long sword was unsheathed, and a silver light flashed, and the speed of the sword was simply fast and surprised everyone present!

“Let you know how big the gap is, it is super first-class!” Lin Pingzhi sneered and galloped towards the direction of the four, the long sword in his hand quickly swinging.

“The 15th way of the Evil Sword Law!”

The sword qi came out horizontally, like a sharp blade, and instantly slashed through the nearest jade yinzi.

In an instant, Yuyinzi didn’t have time to resist, let alone dodge, the whole person was suddenly split in two by the sword qi, the blood mist in the sky scattered, and the minced meat fell to the ground!

“Senior Brother! (Junior Brother)! The other three were all cracked, their eyes were red, and they roared, and they rushed towards Lin Pingzhi fiercely

“Tarzan Sword Technique!”

“Tarzan Palm Method!”

“Seven stars fall into the sky!”

The three stunts suddenly burst out with a strong aura under the urging of the three people, and attacked towards Lin Pingzhi fiercely.

“Taishan martial arts? Litter! Lin Pingzhi sneered, the long sword in his hand swept reflexively, and the Dao Dao sword qi came out horizontally, and a huge tearing aura followed.

“The 30th way of the Evil Sword Law!”


In an instant, three heads soared into the sky, and the rain of blood poured down, making everyone present terrified, and even some timid people couldn’t help but take two steps back

“Who else is coming to die?” Lin Pingzhi snorted coldly and said coldly to the decent people in front of him.

Blood spilled on Lin Pingzhi’s face, making him look very hideous and terrifying, facing such a killing god, everyone present was shocked in their hearts.

“Sect Master Lin is really a master, but he probably doesn’t take the heroes present too seriously! If my guess is correct, Sect Master Lin’s strength has reached the middle stage of super-first-class, right? Let the old way come and learn Your Excellency’s tricks! Chong Void Dao Chang snorted coldly, and the seven-star sword in his hand was instantly pulled out, and said coldly to this Lin Pingzhi.

“Hmph! If you want to send it to death, I am not scared, young master! Lin Pingzhi smiled disdainfully and rushed towards Chong Void, waving the long sword in his hand

“The 48th way of the Evil Sword Law!”

The sword light shone, a trace of sword qi resounded in the sky, and a domineering aura pressed towards Chong Void with Lin Pingzhi.

The people beside Chong Wan’s side all stepped back sharply and gave up the place, while Chong Wan’s standing quietly in place, not moving at all.

“Go and die!” Lin Pingzhi drank coldly, and the long sword in his hand stabbed sharply towards Chong Void’s chest.

At this moment, the impulse moved!

The long sword of the void moved, but it moved very slowly, the long sword slowly drew circles in his hand, and black and white sword qi appeared at the tip of his sword.

Tai Chi Sword Technique!

Lin Pingzhi was suddenly shocked, this seemingly bland sword technique actually removed all his sword moves, and at that moment, he seemed to be led by the old Taoist priest in front of him, which surprised him very much.

“Go!” After a circle, the long sword in Chong Wan’s hand shook violently, and Lin Pingzhi also retreated to Dongfang Bai’s side.

“Near and far contract freely, gather the qi of the two poles of yin and yang, round and wishful, four or two thousand catties, a good move Taiji sword technique!” Chong Void, you have good strength! Dongfang Bai, who had not spoken on the side, said aloud.

“The Eastern Sect Leader is falsely praised, the strength of the old Dao cannot enter the eyes of the Eastern Sect Leader!” Chong Void Dao snorted coldly and looked at Lin Pingzhi

“Vice Sect Master Lin’s sword technique is weird and tricky, and he is domineering and reveals a trace of evil, compared to this, this is your Lin family’s absolute learning of the evil sword technique, right? The power is really weird and extraordinary! However, this sword technique is too yin, so don’t practice it well! ”

For this Lin Pingzhi, who has a transcendent sword technique, Chong Huang also has a heart of love, and the feeling of a senior has come up again, and he can’t help but want to exhort a little!

“Huh…. Yes, it is the sword method to ward off evil! However, Xiaoye, I don’t bother with my sword skills, if you can survive today, say these words to me again!” Lin Pingzhi said with a cold snort of disdain

“You !!!” Chong Qi’s eyebrows shook, and then he also sighed secretly and stopped talking.

“Why, didn’t anyone continue to come forward to die? Then my grandfather, I can take it away! Lin Pingzhi said with a sneer

“Lin Pingzhi, you are a dog thief, Hugh is rampant, I will make the fox rush to receive and learn your evil sword technique!” As soon as the words fell, there was an angry shout from within the crowd, and Ling Hu Chong walked out holding his long sword.

“Chong’er, come back!” Seeing that Ling Hu Chong actually went to challenge Lin Pingzhi, Yue Buqun shouted anxiously

Ling Hu Chong was an important pawn for him, and it would be good if he died in Lin Pingzhi’s hands

“Master, I, Huashan is upright, how can I allow this thief to be so rampant here, waiting for the disciple to kill this person to win glory for my Huashan!” Ling Hu Chong said to Yue Buqun angrily, and then looked at Lin Pingzhi coldly

“Lin Pingzhi, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, and I will double the shame you gave me!”

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